Logan Scott Logan Scott

Crossing Realms, Chapter 3: A New Family

Between Realms, a Crossing Worlds, diaper dimension novella by SolaraScott

Ash lay there for some time, ignored by everyone as they let her wallow in self-pity. She eventually wiped her tears away, sitting up, forcibly removing her thumb from her mouth. She would NOT be forgotten; she would not give up. 

Ash noticed her body seemed to be just a bit bigger; perhaps Miss Mercer's words had been confirmed, and she would return to her average body size. She felt her bladder empty itself again; she barely even realized it was happening, just a sense of warmness trickling between her legs. She wanted to throw something, growing angry as she forced herself to her feet. 

Ash didn't even get one step before she fell on her face. She was so surprised that she nearly began crying again. What on Earth had happened? Ash immediately went to stand again, a little more cautiously. As she went to put weight on her legs, she felt them wobble, as if she were trying to balance on a ball, her muscles weak and straining under her weight.

Ash gritted her teeth and found that if she focused all her efforts on standing, she could, but she couldn't walk. Curse that woman! What had they done to her?! Just as she was about to start walking, a worker came by, gasping, “Ohhh! Baby is trying to walk! Here, let me help, hun.” She said, scooping Ash up. 

“Wait! No, I'm fine! I don't need help.” Ash cried as the worker pulled over a bouncer and plopped Ash inside. 

Immediately, the contents of Ash's diaper squished between her legs, making her wince. The bouncer's seat was soft and springy, holding her just so the pads of her feet could reach the floor. Around Ash was a tray with several toys that spun and fluttered as she moved. The entire contraption was on wheels, but the tray would prevent Ash from grabbing anything herself. 

“Nonsense silly! You are just a baby! You haven't learned to walk yet; that's up to your Mommy to decide! Maybe she'll keep you from walking; it helps keep Little ones from trying to escape. I heard many Mommy keep their Littles in their crib till their leg muscles are atrophy and they can't walk!” The Amazon worker reported, patting the walker, “This should help.”

With that, the worker left Ash there. Ash groaned in frustration; her feet barely made contact with the ground, making moving extraordinarily challenging. She started moving anyway, heading towards the play area. Ash didn't have a plan, but she needed to do something. She could earn sympathy from her coworkers and get them to help! 

As she was nearing the play area, one of them, carrying snacks and bottles, saw her and smiled, setting a bottle in the bouncer's cup holder and an array of crackers and cheese on the tray.

“Can you help me, Lee?” She asked, reaching for the woman. 

“That's Miss Lee to you, sweetie, and certainly, I can help you!” She said, pulling Ash from the bouncer. 

Finally! Ash was making progress! “Oh, thank goodness, thank you, I thought I was going to be,” Ash was cut off as the bottle of formula was forced into her mouth. 

The girl smiled down at her, feeding Ash. She gently bounced her, letting Ash nurse. Ash hadn't had formula before but found the flavor sweet, like an unflavored milkshake. She also found it was incredibly thick and did her best not to suckle anymore. 

Her body, however, seemed to have other plans. As soon as the nipple was in her mouth, her body suckled unconsciously, getting mouth full after mouth full of the stuff. It wasn't bad, but she was beyond annoyed that she couldn't stop, even when her tummy was full! She felt a gurgle, and suddenly, some of the pressure was released, a torrent filling the seat of her diaper again. 

Miss Lee chuckled, her hand patting Ash’s rear, “Such a good girl! You are going to make your mommy so proud!”

Did Lee not recognize her?! Granted, she was smaller and had more baby fat, but she still looked like Ash! Right? The bottle ran dry mercifully, and Ash found herself over Lee's shoulder, being burped. Her mind felt hazy, like she had just been fed a massive meal. 

Ash didn't even feel herself being laid on the changing table, changed, and added to a crib before she drifted off to sleep, nursing a pacifier. 

When Ash finally woke once more, her thoughts felt slow and sluggish, her vision hazy and difficult to focus. She realized she was in a crib at the care center, what had happened before she fell asleep? How long had she been out? 

She squirmed, feeling a cold, clammy diaper wrapped around her hips. Excellent… apparently Ash had even less control than she had before. As she was trying to come to terms with her surroundings, her friend, Sarah, popped into view, “Hey! You are awake! Ready to get out of here?” She whispered, glancing around. 

“Storms, yes,” Ash responded, holding out her arms to Sarah who scooped her up. 

Ash was wearing only a diaper, and as much as she wanted something else to wear, she would much rather be free and embarrassed than trapped and dignified. 

“Where are we going?” Ash asked, looking around the relatively empty center, no one paying them attention. 

“Back to my place for a start,” Sarah said, whispering. 

“Excellent! From there, I think I should be back to my normal body before long and back to normal!” Ash said in excitement. 

Sarah nodded, smiling, slinging a pack over her shoulder and carrying Ash from the center into the core of the mall.

Ash immediately began blushing deeply, hiding her face, “Not to be rude or anything, but couldn't have gotten me something to wear before we left?” 

“Hush, all anyone sees is a baby; you're fine,” Sarah responded. 

Ash wanted to grumble and complain, but she found that she couldn't. She was being rescued! That was all that mattered! Sarah carried her out to the taxi stations, got them a ride, strapped Ash into the car seat in the back, and climbed in beside her. 

“That's an adorable little girl you got there, miss.” The cab driver responded, smiling in the mirror at Ash who blushed and ducked her head. 

“Thanks, new adoption, she's still a bit shy,” Sarah said, ruffing Ashes hair. 

Ash grumbled but didn't argue; she knew it was all just a cover story. 

The driver chuckled, “Well, nothing like hauling them around in only a diaper then to break them off that; she'll be grateful for anything you dress her in next time.” He said as they left the mall. 

Ash rolled her eyes as Sarah responded, “Absolutely! There's no hiding what a baby she is. The first thing we did is the commands implant, too.” 

Ash grew continuously uncomfortable with the conversation; it was just a ruse, Sarah! Let it go!

“Really? Does it work well? My wife has been bugging me about getting one in, little Maddie.” The driver asked. 

“Ashley, poopies, now,” Sarah ordered. 

Ash gasped, gaping at her friend, who shrugged apologetically as Ash felt her body push and began filling the seat of her diaper. She groaned, trying to pull away from the car seat's bottom, but the straps held her, and she felt the mess mushing between her cheeks and legs, her face burning with shame. 

The driver chuckled, pulling the cab up to Sarah's building. “Well, damn, I got to give that a shot; you have a great day miss; you behave for your Mommy little one.” 

Ash rolled her eyes as Sarah pulled her from the car, carrying her into the building and towards her apartment. “What the hell, Sarah?” Ash asked as they got out of earshot. 

“Hey, none of that language.” Sarah said sternly, glancing at her, “while you are little.” She added. “What did you expect me to do? Say yes? He wanted me to show him, he expected it. It would have been weird if I didn't.”

Ash wanted desperately to point out that Sarah had been the one to bring up the topic, to begin with, but Ash was more interested in getting to Sarah's place and changing. “Fine, whatever. Are we almost there?”

“Yes, yes, hold your butt, stinky; my place is right here,” Sarah responded, pulling open the door to an apartment. 

The apartment was far more excellent than her own, but it was still a Tweener apartment, clearly more aimed at older Tweeners, borderline Amazon. The landlord smiled warmly as they entered, “Little Miss Sarah! I see you have a Little one of your own, congratulations! Glad to see you passed.”

“With flying colors, Miss Smith, Miss Castor was very accommodating,” Sarah replied. 

The woman, Miss Smith, chuckled, pinching Ashe's cheek, “Well, congratulations, you behave, little missy; your Mommy has stringent rules to adhere to if she's going to have a little of her own. But, judging from the state of that diaper, you are going to do just fine.”

Ash wanted to bite the woman's finger but knew it would only further blow her cover. Ash nearly bit her own tongue off, holding herself back as Sarah carried her past and into her rooms.

The small, three-bedroom apartment felt cozy and lived-in, a space that reflected the needs of both a mother and her baby. The living room and kitchen were part of an open-concept area, blending seamlessly. The living room was modest, with a plush, well-worn couch in the center, draped with soft baby blankets and a few stuffed toys tucked into the corners. A small coffee table sits in front of it, scattered with baby bottles, a pacifier, and a folded burp cloth. In one corner of the room is a simple, colorful playpen filled with baby toys: a soft mobile hanging overhead, blocks, and a couple of rattles. A bouncer chair with a pastel print is positioned near the window, catching the soft light that filters through the thin curtains.

The kitchen was small but functional, with a few baby bottles drying on a rack near the sink and a high chair pushed against the wall. The countertops were clear except for a baby food blender and a box of formula sitting next to it. Cabinets are organized neatly with baby-friendly snacks and supplies within easy reach, while a small fridge magnet with a baby’s weekly feeding schedule was tacked to the refrigerator door.

The bedroom was intimate yet carefully arranged for two. In one corner was Sarah's bed, a simple full-size mattress with soft, neutral-colored bedding. Next to it, taking up the other half of the room, was the baby’s crib—white and adorned with a light pink blanket and a hanging mobile of stars and moons. A changing table sat nearby, stocked with diapers, wipes, and baby lotions, everything within arm's reach for quick changes. The walls are a soft, calming color, with a few framed pictures of Sarah decorating the space. A rocking chair, slightly worn but still sturdy, rests near the crib, where late-night feedings and lullabies happen.

The bathroom is small but well-suited for a single occupant and a baby. The tub had a small baby bath seat ready to go, and on the vanity, there were a few baby shampoos, lotions, and a rubber duck sitting by the sink. There was a small laundry basket by the door, mostly filled with tiny clothes, and a simple potty seat placed over the toilet. Toilets were one-size-fits-all, and Tweeners had difficulty seating themselves; potty seats were standard in their apartments. 

Ash took in the apartment, “Wow, Sarah, nice place! You do babysitting here?” She asked. 

“Well, sort of,” Sarah said slowly, moving towards the rocking chair. “You know how Tweeners can qualify for being a parent to a Little, right?”

“I've heard of it, but that's about it,” Ash said as Sarah stood in the rocker; why wasn't she immediately changing Ash? 

Sarah began fumbling with her jacket, losing it, and relaxing. “Well, you have a live-in period with your landlord as a mentor. You have to meet the criteria set by the adoption agency to be able to hold a license and adopt a Little.” 

Ash shook her head, confused. “I assume you passed. Based on what you were telling that woman out there, are you looking to adopt a Little?” Ash was beyond confused as to why Sarah was telling her all this but pawned it off as the girl being excited to have passed. 

Sarah grinned, nodding, “I did! Just the other day, and the paperwork went through for my adoption as well!”

Ash smiled warmly, “That's wonderful, Sarah, seriously, congratulations. When do you get to bring them home?”

“Today, actually.” She said with a grin and giggles, letting her shirt slip off along with her bra, her bare breasts hanging before Ash, who looked shocked, “I can't believe you didn't piece it together sooner.” She said with a giggle, “I'm no longer Sarah to you, silly; I'm Mommy. A Mommy and baby need to bond as soon as possible; open up, sweetie, it's time for your feeding.” 

Ash felt her face go pale, devoid of color, as Sarah gently forced Ash’s face to her tit. She tried to fight it, pushing back, but the intoxicating allure of breast milk was too much. Along with her new suckling reflexes, Ash latched on and nursed, moaning as her mouth was flooded with the sweet, warm milk. 

Sarah beamed down at her new baby, stroking her hair, “You are going to be such a good baby for Mommy; Mommy loves you, Ashley.”

End of Chapter 3

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