Crossing Worlds

A Diaper Dimension, original story by SolaraScott

Chapter 8: A Nightmare

Hannah’s dreams were plagued with nightmares that night. Her mind flashed back and forth between being beaten by various Amazons and forced into thicker and thicker diapers for their amusement. They continued to mock her, teasing her as they force-fed Hannah a tasteless mush that filled her to the core, forcing its way through her system and into the seat of her diaper, ever swelling outward until she could no longer stand. The Amazon's laughter filled her ears, her tears dripping past the pacifier that fed her, attached to a feeding tube. 

Hannah must have been tossing something fierce, for she felt someone gently waking her. She cried out as she sat up straight, surrounded by the bars of the crib, her pulse beating in her ears, her body covered in a cold sweat, soaking the onesie she wore. She blinked several times, the memories of yesterday flooding her as she recalled where she was. She glanced up at who had woken her to see Daddy, his kind, concerned face looking down at her. He wore simple pajama pants and a shirt, “Hey, sweetheart, are you okay? The monitors were indicating you were in distress.” 

It took Hannah a moment to collect her breath before she sheepishly nodded, “Just a nightmare,” she admitted, leaning back against the crib bars, the lisp from whatever drugs she had been given having faded.

Daddy leaned down and scooped her up, holding her in his arms, “Oh, you poor thing, you soaked through your onesie; let me at least get you into something dry.”

Hannah was too tired to argue as he laid her on the changing table, stripping her of the onesie. He grimaced as he saw the diaper she was wearing, glancing at her face and shaking his head. “I’m sorry, pumpkin. That is a point your Mommy and I disagree on. What was your nightmare about?” he asked, pulling another onesie from the shelves below, similar to Emilies'.

She recounted her nightmare events as Daddy worked the onesie into place, clipping the buttons together. Hannah could see a genuine pain in his face as he sat down in the rocking chair, cradling her, rocking gently. “I’ll talk with her baby, but you need to understand that she is far from the cruelest Amazon out there; she’s rather lenient than most.” 

Hannah felt a stab of fear, her eyes reflecting this. Daddy quickly continued, “But you need to listen to us; we will protect you from them, baby girl. This world is cruel, but you're safe as long as you are with us.” She nodded in understanding but still felt unease. 

Daddy stood, still holding her, and walked to the kitchen, tapping a clock within the wall, its hands glowing softly in the dimness of the hall. “It’s only 2 in the morning, but it’s also been a while since dinner. I will fix you a warm bottle to help relax you, okay?”

It took Hannah a moment to realize something was off with the clock; instead of 12 hours, the topmost hour read 15. If hours were broken up into A.M. and P.M. here as they were back home, that would indicate days here were 30 hours long! She blinked in surprise, trying to comprehend this; she hadn’t even realized this was a possibility. Although this planet was entirely different, she probably shouldn’t have been surprised. She nodded in response to Daddy’s question before realizing something, “It… Will not have anything in it, will it?”

Daddy chuckled, shaking his head, “No pumpkin. Mommy enjoys that stuff, but I prefer the natural approach.” 

He hit a few buttons, and a blue bottle was produced in a moment, a creamy white liquid filling it. Daddy took it and began back towards the nursery, seating himself in the rocking chair. He nestled Hannah in the crook of his arm, her head back in the perfect feeding position as he brought the bottle to her lips. Hannah hesitantly opened her mouth, trusting the man until he proved he couldn’t be trusted. The silicone nipple was big, much like her pacifier, and comfortably filled her mouth; she could feel the warmth of its contents inside and gave a gentle suckle. Instantly, a warm, sweet-tasting liquid filled her. It had a faintly vanilla taste and was thick, almost like a warm vanilla milkshake. She visibly relaxed and began to nurse; she was a bit hungry, she found.

Daddy smiled down at her, kissing her forehead before launching into a story, “Once upon a time…” he started. The story was silly, of a princess in a beautiful town caring for the villagers. Hannah found that her bladder was whole again; it had been many hours since she had fallen asleep. She struggled to, but after a few moments, was able to relax her bladder enough to soak into her diaper. Daddy didn’t indicate if he noticed; he continued rocking and telling her the story. Naomi, however, didn’t miss a beat, instantly filling her head with praise for not holding it and just letting it go. Hannah was too tired to argue with her at the moment. Between his soothing words, the gentle swaying, and the warm formula filling her tummy, Hannah soon found her eyes drifting close and falling asleep in his arms, off to much sweeter dreams this time.

Hannah awoke sometime in the morning, light streaming in through the window. Its gentle warmth caressed and pulled her from her slumber. The light filtered through the bars of the crib, enveloping her. She found Teddy clutched to her chest, Emily beside her still asleep, the pacifier bobbing between her lips contently, Hannah’s own having been removed by Daddy during the early morning hours. Hannah sat up, yawning and stretching as she glanced around the nursery. She still felt uneasy about her situation; her dream turned into a nightmare, but Daddy’s kind words helped ease some of her tension last night. What his words didn’t do, however, was help the sudden cramp that struck Hannah.

Hannah groaned, clutching her tummy and aching bladder. Hannah was on the brink of bursting between whatever she was fed for dinner and the ridiculous amount of drink she had been forced to consume. 

Remember, babies don’t hold it! Letting go and using your diaper is okay; that’s what it's for! Besides, Mommy and Daddy love it when you use your diaper; you want to be their good girl, right?’ Naomi said in her mind. 

Hannah gritted her teeth, ‘Shut up! Get out of my head! I’ll go when I want to!’ she thought back angrily. Naomi, to her credit, stayed quiet this time, perhaps realizing that Hannah was fighting a losing battle. She glanced outside of the crib; the door to the nursery closed. She quickly realized there was no way to get out of the crib, nor the room, herself without help, and so far, help wasn’t arriving. Mommy’s words regarding using her diaper flashed through her mind, and she groaned, realizing even if she did catch someone's attention, she wouldn’t be able to use the restroom.

A tired voice spoke behind her, making Hannah jump for a moment. “Just get on your knees and go. I promise it’ll be less embarrassing than asking one of them to let you use the potty. They will make you regret it,” Emily said. “There is no reason to hurt yourself trying to hold it.”

Hannah flushed, realizing that Emily had noticed what was going on immediately. She gritted her teeth, climbed to her knees, and pulled the blanket over herself for some sense of privacy from Emily as she lost control. A warm, wet muck rushed to fill the seat of her diaper, squishing and filling her diaper. The tight confines of the diaper and the onesie left little space for her mess as it forced itself between her legs and up her bum. Hannah groaned, her face crimson as she pushed, her bladder giving way somewhere in her struggle as well, soaking her mess before being absorbed by the diaper. 

Just as Hannah thought it couldn’t get any worse, Naomi returned. ‘There we go! Such a good girl! Doesn’t that feel so much better? You are nice and empty now. Your Mommy and Daddy will be so proud when they find the present you made them!’ 

 ‘Why are you in my head?’ Hannah demanded angrily, ‘Get out! This is MY head!’ Of course, the girl didn’t answer, and as much as Hannah hated it, the girl's words had some merit. She did feel much better now that she had gone, even with her mess caking her ass. 

Hannah sighed, sitting back on her legs, letting the blanket go, as she felt Emily stir and sit up, patting her back, “If it makes you feel any better, at least you woke up to go; I went sometime during the night apparently.” she said, grimacing.

Hannah felt her face grow red as she realized what Emily meant; she, too, was wet and messy. She couldn’t even smell the girl! Or herself, she realized. These diapers, indeed, were magical in some regards. She was desperate to change the topic to anything else, “Did you sleep okay?” she asked curiously.

Emily nodded, “Of course, always do with whatever she puts on these.” she said, holding the pacifier, “Knocks ya out cold, no dreams, no nothing.”

Hannah started, a shock of realization hitting her, “They were… drugged?” she asked hesitantly, earning her a laugh.

“Did you think you just magically forgot how to speak yesterday? Or were you tired enough to fall asleep so early in the evening? Of course, Mommy uses it to help regulate our sleep; it’s okay, though, it helps prevent the nightmares.” Emily paused, looking at Hannah’s outfit, “That isn’t the same onesie from last night.” 

Hannah shook her head, “No, it’s not nightmares. Daddy noticed I sweated through that onesie, and he changed me before helping me get back to sleep.” 

Emily nodded, “He’s a nice guy. Hopefully, we get him this morning and not Mommy.”

As if in response, Hannah could hear footsteps approaching the nursery before Evan’s face appeared in the doorway, flanked by Daddy. Evan grinned, giggling, shuffling up to them in race car-themed pajamas, “You are awake! Daddy said he thought you both were.”

Emily smiled, “Morning Evan, you sleep well?” she asked.

Evan grinned and nodded, “Like a baby! Well, a toddler, you two slept like babies!” he giggled. He didn’t mean it as an insult but as something he genuinely believed.

Hannah was scooped up as Daddy stepped over to the crib; he smiled at her, kissing her head. “Morning, sweetheart. Are you feeling better?” He placed her in his arms, immediately noticing her squishy bum. “Daddy is very proud of you, pumpkin. I know this is all a lot to get used to, but you are doing so well going potty in your diapers. You are a good girl.”

Hannah felt just the slightest shimmer of pleasure coursing through her at the words, barely even noticeable. Whatever had triggered it yesterday had all but worn off. Realizing she was being praised for using her diaper, she blushed madly, nodding to his question, “Yes, I did, thank you.”

She plopped down next to Evan, who wrapped his arms around her in a hug and giggled, “My baby sister! Good morning!” 

It wasn’t until now that Hannah realized how much bigger Evan was than her. Not by a lot, but he comfortably rested his chin atop her head as she gingerly returned his hug, Daddy working to retrieve Emily from the crib. “Morning, Evan,” Hannah replied, chuckling as Emily deposited herself on her feet, yawning and stretching.

Daddy turned to the door and headed towards it as Evan hugged Emily. “Are you two hungry? Mommy is making a good breakfast this morning!” he smiled, ushering the group down the hall.

Hannah stopped, realizing he had no intent on changing her, “Erm… Can I get… uhh..” she glanced at the changing table.

Daddy stopped, put his hands on his hips, and looked at her. “I may be more lenient than Mommy, but make no mistake. You still have to adhere to the rules, young lady. No, asking for changes. Don’t let me catch you asking again. We’ll get fresh changes after breakfast.” With that, he turned and left.

Hannah blushed fiercely as Emily stepped up beside her, patting her back. Evan was already shuffling down the hall. “The less you ask, the more likely they will change you; they never do before breakfast.” 

Hannah sighed, not relishing the idea of being stuck in this diaper for longer, but had little choice. She gingerly began to shuffle after Emily as they made their way to the dining room. As they left the nursery, the smells of breakfast washed over Hannah, making her mouth water. The dining table was already set, and Mommy placed the last finishing touches as she noticed them. She grinned, leaning down and scooping Hannah up into her arms, “Baby girl, how are you? It feels like you were a good girl for Mommy! I’m very proud of you, pumpkin.” she said, her hand cupping Hannah’s ass, feeling the mess there, squishing it slightly before depositing Hannah in the high chair and strapping her in.

The woman wasn’t expecting a response as she had already moved on doing the same with Emily, setting her in the high chair next to Hannah. Hannah realized that one benefit to these diapers, as she sat, was that the hard plastic kept a protective cushion between herself and the firm chair below, meaning she didn’t squish her mess too severely. Set before her was another large bottle filled with an orange liquid, hopefully, orange juice, a small pile of eggs, hash brown disks, sausage, bacon, and a giant waffle! The waffle was piled with syrup, butter, whipped cream, and fresh strawberries; Hannah’s mouth watered just looking at it. 

Much to her dismay, she realized, once again, they had been offered no silverware of any kind. Daddy had to step around her to get to his seat, and he leaned down, whispering, “This is why we don’t charge you before; you’re about to get all messy.” he said with a chuckle. 

Hannah nodded, sighing and resigning herself to her fate as the rest of the table sat down to eat. As she picked up a chunk of the waffle, which had been cut for her, her fingers were already getting sticky with syrup, and she noticed Evan had been given silverware. Granted, it was designed for children, but regardless, it made her envious. The same could be said for his cup as well; instead of a bottle, he had been given a sippy cup. Given the lack of silverware, it was no surprise to anyone that the bottle she had been given was quickly covered in food, her onesie accumulating droppings, and her entire face sticky, making Hannah feel and look much like a baby. She felt embarrassed, but honestly, what did they expect? Hannah turned her attention to the conversation as she ate the delicious food.

“Daddy is taking you to the park, sweetie, " Mommy told Evan, who had asked about the day's events. Meanwhile, Mommy is going back-to-school shopping with the girls; we have a lot of stuff to pick up before Monday!” 

Hannah’s mind flashed back to the calendar in the nursery, trying to remember the day. If she recalled, the calendars here were the same as they were back home; it was Sunday today. Having been caught up in all the excitement, Hannah had nearly forgotten the entire purpose of her trip here. That would mean she would have one whole school week before returning home on Saturday. Something irked her, though, a thought she had been having. If days here were more extended than back home, would she go home at the end of her week Earth time or Amazon time? 

Research has been done on Earth time compared to Amazon time. The days on the Amazon home world are nearly 25% longer than on Earth. The Amazon planet spun more slowly, profoundly impacting the timescale between the two planets. Perhaps it’s this, along with the fact both planets lie in the Goldilocks zone of their respective solar system on nearly opposite sides of the universe, that allowed a rift to be open, connecting the two planets. Hannah knew nothing about time dilation between their worlds, and the concerns of her week-long stay would continue to plague her. 

Hannah’s mind drifted back to mundane topics, like the realization that she would be shopping with Mommy all day. The thought twisted her, and she wanted nothing more than to ask if Daddy would take them. However, she knew how that might come off and didn’t want to provoke Mommy further. Instead, she asked, "Is Emily attending the same school as me?”

Mommy turned to her and smiled, “Why yes, dear, she is. She’s a part of the same exchange program but missed the last trial period deadline, so she’s going with you!”

Something about the woman's words set Hannah on edge. There was far more to her statement than met the eye, and Emily's look seemed to confirm this, only furthered Hannah’s discomfort. Questioning this woman on such topics would likely get her in hot water, so she tried a different tactic: “What do you mean, trial period? What’s the school like?”

“You two have to meet the criteria set forth by the school to attend. As for classes, I suppose it’s like any school; it’s broken up into different grades, and all Littles start at the bottom and work their way up! Isn’t that exciting?” Mommy asked.

Hannah squirmed, feeling the contents of her diaper shift with her; she couldn’t help but feel as if there were things Mommy was purposely not telling her about. Hannah had no proof, but the woman had done little to inspire her trust and confidence thus far. “What kind of stuff will we need for school?”

“We need to get you mostly clothes and some art supplies. The school provides most of what you’ll need there.” Mommy responded, standing and stepping over to Emily, who had finished eating, cleaning her up with wet wipes.

Hannan felt Mommy’s gaze as she saw the last remnants of Hannah’s meal, and Hannah quickly finished it; she had no intent on giving Mommy any more ammo. Mommy tickled Emily playfully, earning her a giggle as she carried the squirming girl down to the nursery, “Welby, hun, can you get Hannah cleaned up and changed while I get Emily?” she asked.

“Of course, dear,” Daddy said with a smile. With Mommy out of earshot, he glanced at Hannah, “I know you already went, but a piece of advice: try to go again during breakfast. Otherwise, you’ll be stuck in a messy diaper for much longer.”

Hannah blushed, realizing that this meal would likely upset her tummy as dinner had. As she focused on it, she found that while it wasn’t urgent, she did need to go. Had he not warned her, she would have blissfully been changed and immediately fallen victim to breakfast. She nodded sheepishly, “Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.”

Evan giggled, “Daddy? Is that why I stay in my nini diaper till after breakfast?”

Daddy chuckled, nodding, “Yes, buddy. I know you can sometimes hold it till potty time afterward, but it’s easier this way if you don’t!”

Evan nodded, looking away as Daddy stood, wiping Hannah’s hands and face clean. Once again, she felt Naomi stirring deep within her. ‘What are you doing, silly girl? You got to go potty! Just relax and push; you want to be a good girl. Daddy likes it when you use your diaper.’

Hannah blushed madly at the words, realizing even more that she would have to abide by them, feeling Daddy undo the straps holding her into the high chair. With a groan, and as Daddy lifted her from the seat, she pushed; the contents of breakfast immediately began filling the seat of her diaper, swelling noticeably. To his credit, Daddy must have realized what was happening and made sure not to put pressure on her rear, kissing the top of her head, “There we go, such a good girl; Daddy is proud of you, pumpkin.” he said.

Hannah swelled at the praise, realizing with a start that the pleasure she felt yesterday was gone entirely now, and yet, she still enjoyed being called a good girl. ‘Well, of course, you do, silly! Every baby wants to be a good girl, and you were a very good girl using your diaper.’ Naomi pipped up.

Hannah gritted her teeth. 'Get out of my head!’ she thought angrily at the girl, who giggled and retreated. Hannah could feel Naomi’s presence still lingering, but her voice had quieted for the moment. Daddy carried Hannah to the nursery, where Mommy had already finished changing Emily and was getting her dressed for the day. Hannah found herself on her back, lying on the changing table as Daddy popped the buttons of her onesie, pulling it over her head. She felt her arm involuntarily cover her chest, but Daddy gently pulled her arm away. She didn’t have anything to cover anyway. Before proceeding with the change, Daddy produced a pacifier and offered it to Hannah.

 He immediately noticed her hesitation, “It doesn’t have anything on it, and I wouldn’t hesitate around Mommy; I promise; she’ll make it worse,” he said as she gingerly accepted the pacifier.

Thankfully, Hannah didn’t feel any tingling this time, so she nursed it as Daddy popped open the tabs of her diaper and began cleaning her up. She felt shame flushing her whole body, being seen like this, but Daddy just continued to praise her for being such a good girl, making quick work of the filth, and began placing her in another diaper. This one, thankfully, didn’t seem to be a chastity diaper. It was a soft pink with princess across the front and back, with helpful messages like ‘Don’t hold it!’ and ‘Good girls use their diapers!’ printed on the front, the letters turned so she could read them.

As Daddy applied a bit of rash cream and powder, he tapped her pacifier, “You’re going to encounter stuff today that will not make you happy. Whenever you encounter one of those moments, before you start yelling or cursing, nurse this instead: I promise you, it’ll make things easier.” 

Hannah blushed even more at his comment; the idea of nursing a pacifier in public both thrilled her and embarrassed her. Daddy did have solid advice. However, she had read more than one horror story about what happened to naughty Little, who acted out. She nodded, feeling his fingers pulling the fresh diaper into place, adjusting the leak guards, and fixing the tabs into place. Much like her diaper from yesterday, Hannah found this one absurdly thick, not as much as her nighttime one, but still. She wondered if they had diapers that didn’t force you to shuffle. 

With that, Daddy sat her up, pulling a cute, graphic t-shirt over her head and a pair of shorts over her legs. The shirt came down to the waistband of her diaper, but no more. Hannah’s stomach twisted as she realized the shirt had Naomi on it, smiling at her. The shorts were plain, thankfully, but did nothing to cover the bulge of her undergarments. She looked adorable, and yet, felt ridiculous. Daddy fitted her with ruffled white socks but offered no shoes. She gave him a questioning look, and he returned a sheepish one, “No boots to help prevent you from running away; either that or I have to put you in the training shoes that’ll prevent you from walking altogether.”

Hannah sucked in the pacifier hard, the look of fear in her eyes all he needed to see as she shook her head. Daddy smiled softly and nodded, “I told you we will protect you as best as possible, but you are still subject to the step-down program, and we will ensure you meet those standards.” 

There it was again, mentioning this mysterious program. What did it mean? What did it entail? Hannah had no clue but continued to ponder it as Daddy clipped the pacifier to her shift, fixing bows into her hair; just as Mommy came over, Emily, sitting on her hip, said, “Oh, aren’t you just precious!” Mommy said with a smile as she pulled Hannah onto her other hip. Emily was dressed similarly to Hannah and even had her pacifier. If anyone saw them, they would think they were at least sisters, if not twins, dressed like this. 

As it had yesterday, Hannah's current diaper provided an excellent cushion to sit on as she was carried through the house. Evan was in the living room, watching cartoons. Hannah immediately felt her gaze pulled to the screen, Oliver dancing across it, but Mommy turned away. “Evan, honey, have a good day with Daddy!” 

Evan didn’t respond, wholly engrossed in his show as Mommy kissed Daddy goodbye. They entered the garage, Hannah and Emily being added to their respective car seats. Hannah felt Mommy pull the straps tight, holding her in place, the soft cushion of the car seat cradling Hannah’s body as the car door was shut behind her. The girls settled; Mommy took the driver's seat, and the garage opened. Sunlight spewed into the garage as the car pulled out, hovering high in the clouds above the city.

End of Chapter 8