Crossing Worlds

A Diaper Dimension, original story by SolaraScott

Chapter 15: Daddy’s Little Helpers

“She’s going to be, honey,” Daddy said warmly, leaning down and scooping Hannah into his arms. “Both Hannah and Emily are Mommy and Daddy’s perfect babies! Aren’t you, Hannah Banana?” he asked in a playful tone, holding Hannah up to his face and making a silly face.

Hannah giggled, blushing at the treatment but nodding, “Yes, Daddy.” she said as he rested her in the crook of his arm. 

“Now, you two, Mommy has some work; why don’t we make dinner? You are going to be my little helpers.” Daddy said, taking Emily’s hand as he carried Hannah into the kitchen.

Hannah could feel Mommy’s eyes burrowing into their backs as they left, but she didn’t say anything further about the topic, turning her attention back to Evan. Daddy set them down and retrieved two small aprons from the pantry, handing one to each girl. “Go ahead and help each other get those on, sweethearts,” he said as he began bustling around the kitchen.

Hannah glanced at the apron; the one she had been handed said, “Daddy’s Little Helper.” Emily said, “Mommy’s Little Helper.” She blushed and pulled the apron over her head, realizing the tiestring was in the back. Emily stepped up behind her and tied it into a bow before Hannah returned the favor. 

Daddy turned back to them with a smile, “Such a good job, you two! Alright, climb up and wash your hands.” he said, pulling a step stool out for them.

The stool required Hannah to climb up under a support bar, running around her when she stood up, supporting her, and preventing her from falling. She and Emily climbed into the gadget; it was big enough for them to stand side by side and wash their hands as Daddy prepped stuff around the kitchen. 

After that, he helped them reposition the stool so it faced the counter; before them, he laid out heads of lettuce and a big bowl of unmixed dough. “Who wants to stir, and who wants to shred lettuce?” he asked.

“Ohh! I want to shred lettuce!” Emily said with a giggle, positioning herself in front of the heads. She immediately began ripping it to shreds with her fingers and tossing the shreds into a bowl.

Daddy stepped up behind Hannah, offering her a big plastic spoon and guiding her to stir the bowl. He guided her hands around. “Get it all mixed up, sweetheart; we are going to flatten these out to be our tortillas for dinner!” he said, turning to the stove with a few pots and a pan of sizzling ingredients already. 

Hannah stirred. It was tough, considering the scale of the bowl, but she managed. She was out of breath by the time the dough was mainly mixed, Emily having gotten most of the lettuce shredded. Hannah hadn’t even felt the need to pee sneak up on her until she felt herself relaxing, soaking her diaper. She nearly yelped in surprise; it had been an accident; she hadn’t realized she needed to go until she was already going. Her face flushed madly, completely embarrassed, but neither Emily nor Daddy noticed.

Daddy stepped back over to her, “Wow! You two are doing such a great job!” he said warmly, producing a small press, dolloping a bit of dough into it, and showing Hannah the trick to making the small, flat disks of tortillas. 

Emily helped, setting the completed tortillas aside as Daddy griddled them off and putting them in a basket to keep them warm. Soon enough, all the dough was gone, and Daddy gave them a bottle to share, “Break time! Drink up pumpkins.” he said. 

Emily and Hannah shared the bottle, alternating who was nursing it as they filled up on juice while Daddy continued cutting ingredients and cooking. He slid a cutting board full of shredded cheese, diced tomatoes, and cut olives before them, along with several bowls. “Help Daddy get these into their bowls, please,” he asked as he returned to cooking.

The smell in the kitchen was growing more intoxicating, Hannah’s mouth-watering hungerily. She spotted Emily popping a tomato into her mouth with a grin, and Hannah did the same with a fist full of cheese, giggling. The two girls half snacked, half filled the bowls until Daddy came back over, chuckling, “Leave some for dinner, silly gooses!” he said playfully. 

She and Emily giggled as Daddy took the bowls away and set the table. He stepped back over to them, moving the stool once more. “Alright, all done! Wash up, and we can eat,” he ordered, watching to ensure neither girl got into trouble. 

Freshly washed up, both girls climbed and waddled into the dining room where Evan and Mommy were already sitting. Daddy helped them into their respective high chairs. Much to Hannah’s dismay, she hadn’t been served up some of the taco meat Daddy had been cooking, a spicy, delicious-looking chicken. Emily and she had been served what looked like blanched chicken, some cheese, tomatoes, and a single tortilla. Granted, the tortilla was enormous, as giant as a pancake, a burrito for her. 

She glanced hungrily at Daddy’s plate, his tortilla loaded with spicy chicken, lettuce, tomato, and an angry-looking salsa. Daddy noticed her glance and smiled, “Oh, I did promise you an opportunity to try my food; would you like to?” he asked.

Hannah immediately grinned, nodding, “Yes, please!” she said eagerly. 

Daddy and Mommy grinned as he rolled up his tortilla, offering her a bite with everything in it. Hannah immediately did so, taking a massive bite, eager for anything more flavorful and spicy than the food she had been fed so far. Mommy and Daddy sat there, smiling knowingly as Hannah tasted the food.

Hannah had been expecting a spicy, savory, and tangy bite. Oh, how wrong she had been; she immediately regretted everything. As soon as the mixture of ingredients met her tongue, she felt like a sledgehammer of spice and flavor assaulted her tongue, battering it senseless. It was such an extreme flavor mixture that it sent a physical shock coursing through her body; her tongue was left tingling as it was bombarded with salt, spices, and acid. She couldn’t stop reacting as she retched, sending the bite across her high chair table. Daddy had covered her meal, apparently expecting this reaction as she coughed, her eyes watering as she worked to clear her mouth. It was as if someone had taken the flavors of a taco and dialed it up to 5,000, far, far too much spice, too much lime juice, too much everything!

Daddy was holding her bottle, and Hannah snatched it, gulping juice and trying to wash her mouth of the flavor. “I did try to warn you, sweetheart.” Daddy said gently, chuckling, “Amazon food is on another level; it’s why you have your food catered for Littles.” 

Hannah set the bottle down, gasping for breath, her mouth still tingling, nearly painfully so. “How can you stomach that stuff?” she asked, wiping tears.

“Because you are just babies, silly.” Mommy said lovingly, eating, “Be glad we make you something you can stomach. Most babies only get formula or Mommy’s milk; we’ll get there, but not yet.” 

Hannah’s stomach twisted; she stuffed her mouth with a fist full of cheese, trying to suppress the tingling in her mouth. She had been so distracted by her food that she barely even realized what Mommy had said. Had she said that Emily and her would only get formula or milk? The idea made her eye twitch; plus, why did Mommy specifer her milk? Did she have some magic formula she would mix with cows' milk? 

She glanced at Mommy, who was adjusting her bosom, and Hannah’s eyes widened. No, not cow milk! Hannah’s face flushed a deep crimson; there was NO way she would do that! Mommy glanced up, smiling, cocking her head to the side and studying Hannah, waiting for her to say something. Hannah stuffed her mouth with another handful of cheese mixing with tomatoes. 

Daddy changed the topic. “They were big helpers today; they made this whole meal!”

“Reall now? Mommy is very proud of you two.” Mommy responded, a slight twinkle in her eye, glancing at the aprons Emily and Hannah were still wearing. 

Evan had been quiet but finally spoke up. “It’s perfect, thank you, Hannah and Emily,” he said with a smile.

Emily grinned, nodding, “Sure, no problem.”

“Are you three ready for school tomorrow?” Mommy asked.

Mommy had mentioned Evan getting ready for school, too, but hadn’t mentioned him starting at the same time as Emily and Hannah. “Yes, Mommy,” Emily said, her face covered in tomato juice and fingers in cheese.

“Evan is going to our school?” Hannah asked curiously.

“NO!” Evan stated immediately and firmly, shaking his head, “I am not a baby; I’m going to second grade!” 

Mommy chuckled, “That’s right, you are Mommy’s big boy!” She said condescendingly, earning Evan's grin as she turned to Hannah. “It will be the same school; you are just attending a new portion of said school. This is a new wing to the building, completely new for you two; you should be honored to get to go!” 

For some reason, Hannah did not feel honored. Come to think of it, the only thing she did feel was a grumbling in her tummy that said she would need to poop before long. While she was growing more accustomed to wetting herself, Hannah did not want to do that, especially at the dining table. As if spawned from sheer desire not to see her, Naomi stirred, giggling.

What are you doing, silly baby? Don’t you hold it! Good girls, don’t hold back; think of how proud Mommy and Daddy will be, and push. Poop yourself, now.”  Naomi ordered.

The force of her words shocked Hannah; Naomi had never been that direct before, and before she could formulate a response, she felt her body pushing and filling the seat of her diaper. Hannah flushed deeply as she let out a fart before her bum began to swell with mess.

 ‘There we go, such a good girl. You like being a good girl, right? Good girls pee and poop themselves whenever they need to go, you will be a good girl.’  Naomi said before disappearing.

Hannah groaned, her hand on her tummy as she helplessly felt the mess mushing between her legs. Mommy grinned, slipping a finger under Hannah’s chin and lifting her face to meet her own, “There’s a good girl, Mommy’s perfect baby; you are a good girl.” she said.

Hannah felt a shiver traveling through her body, a course of pleasure crescendoing in the center of her body. She felt herself relaxing into the chair as she continued to poop,  relishing the feeling of Mommy’s praise. 

When Hannah’s thoughts returned to her own, Daddy was cleaning her hands and helping her from her high chair. He joined Emily in his arms as he carried the two girls to the bathroom. “I got bathtime today!” he said in a cheerful tone.

Hannah soon found herself lying on her back, Daddy working her clothes off. He smiled down at her. “Can you keep a secret from Mommy, baby girl?” he asked softly. 

Hannah nodded weakly, raising an eyebrow at him. 

“Daddy wants to reward you for being such a good girl. He knows you still have some big girl thoughts, but you also need training on being a good girl. Would you like that?” Daddy asked. 

Hannah, unsure what to say, nodded again. What was he planning here? What was he talking about? He mentioned ‘big girl thoughts,’ which she assumed could only apply to a few things. But he, indeed, wasn't talking about playing with her, right?

“Emily, hun, help Daddy, please,” Daddy said, handing her the stiff, white plastic wand.

Daddy took a pacifier from the shelves below the table and offered it to Hannah. “We have to keep you quiet, " he said with a wink as she accepted the pacifier. 

Daddy hit a button, and the pacifier filled Hannah's mouth, completely cutting off the sound. Her brow furrowed in confusion as Emily grinned, set herself between Hannah's legs, and pressed the device to the front of Hannah's diaper. 

Hannah felt an explosion of pleasure coursing through her sex like nothing she had ever felt before. She gasped, moaning, her back arching as waves of pleasure cascaded through her. The wand seemed to vibrate her diaper in a way toys back home could only dream of. The diaper itself seemed to come alive, her clit, her vagina, even her ass, writhing in bliss. She began painfully aware of the mess caking her rear, but that, along with the wetness of her diaper, only seemed to further her pleasure. 

Something about the mess, almost as if it were playing with her rear, the soaked diaper rubbing just right, caressing her clit, letting off and redoubling its efforts, over and over. Hannah's body squirmed, her nipples growing erect; she hadn't been able to play with herself in days and was worked up. 

She barely even realized that Daddy was leaning down and saying, “This is what good girls get, baby girl. Good girls who wet and mess their diapers for their daddies, who don't complain, who don't ask for changes. You are Daddy's perfect baby; you are a good girl.”

At the mention of being a good girl, Hannah exploded in a powerful orgasm, filling her diaper with love juices. Her entire body quaked with pleasure, the very fiber of her being seeming to reverberate and reflect her sense of excitement. At that moment, she loved being a good girl; she loved being Daddy's baby, especially in her wet, messy diapers. 

The wand didn't abruptly stop, its power slowly ebbing as it seemed to sense she had cum, gently letting Hannah down from a high she had never experienced. Hannah lay there, panting, her eyes glazed over in utter bliss. Her body felt like jello, and she had a vague impression of Daddy opening her diaper and cleaning her up, her body still sensitive and excited to his touch. He was practiced, however, and carefully avoided further stimulating Hannah as he unlocked her pacifier. 

“Thank you, Daddy.” She mumbled immediately, her eyes still glazed over as she sat up. That was incredible.”

Daddy smiled, chuckling, “It's a secret, remember that. Your Mommy disagrees with this, but I think it's a useful tool. How are you feeling right now?” He asked curiously. 

“Like I want to be a good girl,” Hannah admitted, blushing. 

Daddy chuckled again, kissing her forehead, “I know you do. Now, do you want to repay the favor? I think Emily has been a good girl too.” 

Hannah blushed even more, realizing what she did right in front of her sister, who helped her no less. Hannah nodded sheepishly as she took the wand. Daddy laid Emily down, stripping her to her soiled diaper; she had pooped as well at some point. 

Emily eagerly took the pacifier as Daddy locked it in place, looking at Hannah with hunger, a desire Hannah realized she would now share. Emily's diapered crotch lay before Hannah, the wetness indicators having faded, and Hannah couldn't help but be turned on by the sight.

She grinned, hitting the only button on the wand, a green light coming on as she pressed it into Emily's diaper, right above the girl's clit.

Emily gasped, moaning behind her pacifier, which silenced her well. The girl's eyes fluttered, her hips pressing up and into the wand, Hannah's desire returning. Daddy leaned in and whispered, “You know what to say, you tell her.” She said with a grin.

Hannah, blushing, kept the wand firmly pressed into Emily's diaper as she leaned down and whispered into Emily's ear, “This is what good girls get, good girls who wet and mess themselves, who don't ask for changes, who listen to their Mommy's and Daddy's. You are a good girl, Emily; you are a good baby.” She said, her heart racing as she said the words. 

Almost immediately after Hannah told Emily she was a good girl, the girl orgasmed, a screaming orgasm that was silenced by the pacifier, Emily's eyes closing as she forced her hips up before flopping on the table, completely spent. The wand slowly winded down, letting Emily down from her high. Hannah waited for it to stop before Daddy gently removed it from her hands. 

He leaned to remove Emily's pacifier and whispered into Hannah's ear again, “I see you are excited again, baby, but you need to control yourself when it isn't just us three. Seeing your sister in her squishy diaper is enticing; it is what you look like, too, but you can't act upon those feelings, okay? Not unless it's us three. Do not let Mommy catch you like that.” He warned. 

Hannah nodded sheepishly as Daddy began filling the tub with suds. These suds, however, seemed different from the ones they had last night. She felt Daddy scoop her up and place her in the warm waters. “Let's get you two all cleaned up and ready for bed!” he said lovingly. 

The suds were indeed different from what they had experienced the other day. When Hannah felt them envelop her, a soothing, relaxing feeling overtook her. Hannah felt her tension drain away from her body, similar to Bella's, but as if her entire body were being massaged, a soothing relaxation rather than a numbing.

Hannah groaned, her eyes fluttering as she relaxed into the water, “Oh, my gosh.” She moaned.

Daddy chuckled, adding baby-safe shampoo to her hair and lathering it. “Feel good? I much prefer this to the drugs other Amazons use. I would be surprised if you make it through bath time without falling asleep, " he said, massaging her scalp. 

Hannah moaned in bliss, the excitement she had felt only minutes ago draining away, the anxiety and worries she had felt seeming distant as she soaked in the waters. She had the vague impression she was drifting, and the next thing she knew, she was being swaddled in a warm, fleece-lined blanket and added to the crib, a pacifier between her lips. It wasn't locked in, but the bobbing nature, her relaxed nature, and the comforting embrace of the swaddle let Hannah drift off into a sweet slumber. 

End of Chapter 15

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