Crossing Worlds

A Diaper Dimension, original story by SolaraScott

Hannah plopped down on her bed across Evan’s as he studied her room. It had been her and Rose’s room, but Rose elected to sleep on the couch to give him some privacy. “There’s no crib?” Evan asked, running his hand across the surface of the second bed and glancing at Hannah.

Hannah giggled and shook her head, “Of course not silly, why would there be?” But, of course, this was her world, not his, “We don’t have nurseries for anyone older than 2 or 3.” Hannah clarified. 

“Fascinating,” Evan said, opening his pack and riffling through it before plopping onto the bed with a grin. “I can’t believe this room is all yours, and not even a lock to keep you in! No restraints, no paddle, nothing, just, wow,” he exclaimed, admiring the posters on the wall.

Hannah grinned, “Yeah, pretty fantastic, isn’t it?”

Evan nodded, glancing at her, “Where do you change your diapers?”

Hannah nearly choked, caught completely off guard by his question; he didn’t even seem ashamed! Why would he be? Littles were expected to wear diapers, and diapers needed to be changed. Hannah blushed madly, “Well, uhm, if I do wear, I’ll just change on my bed.” 

Evan nodded, “Who changes you? Your mommy?”

Hannah blushed even further, unable to meet his eyes, imagining her mother changing her momentarily. “Oh gosh, no, I change myself.”

Evan’s mouth went slack, and he openly gawked at her. “You, CHANGE, your own diapers?” he squeaked. “You don’t get in trouble? Only bad boys and girls touch their diapers!” he went on.

Hannah had to change the topic to distract the attention from herself; this was heading in a direction that she was uncomfortable explaining to Evan. “Do you need to be changed?” she asked, her face as flush as a tomato.

Evan poked at his crotch and shrugged, “I don’t know, but probably. Mommy put me in diapers. Little’s could take on and off. She said that possibly your Mommy could help change me.” he added.

“It’s okay, I’ll do it,” Hannah said quickly, blushing as she realized what she had just offered. The idea of him going to her mother to be changed made her queasy; she did not want her mother to have to deal with that.

“Really? Okay!” Evan said, popping his thumb in his mouth as he laid back on the bed.

Hannah stood, approaching the boy. He seemed innocent as if this was normal. He gave no sign of embarrassment as she undid the buttons on his overalls and let them drop, his soggy diaper coming into view. Besides being big enough to fit him and much thicker, it seemed modeled after Pampers. She felt her face flushing bright as she pulled open the oversized tabs and opened his diaper. She had never been with a boy before, and this was her first experience? Luckily, she knew the basics, finding changing supplies in his bag; she worked quickly to get him changed, completely mortified the whole time. 

“Did your Mommy already change you?” Evan asked as Hannah closed up his fresh diaper, electing to pull his overalls completely off in exchange for some pajamas. 

Hadn’t she just said that she changed herself? “Huh? Oh, no, she hasn’t.” 

“Do you need to be changed?” he asked, a perfectly innocent-sounding question, and yet, her kink laid bare like this in a boring conversation; it seemed somehow different. 

“No, I’m fine, thank you. I’ll use the restroom before bed.” Hannah reported, helping him into the fleece pajamas. They were covered in little trains and zipped up the back.

“The restroom? Do you mean the bathroom?” He asked, to which she nodded, “But… That’s only for big kids and adults!” 

“Remember how everyone here is an adult?” Hannah asked hesitantly.

Evan nodded, “Oh! So that means you all use the bathroom?” 

“Yes,” Hannah responded, glad the boy was dressed again. “Most people here don’t want to use diapers; they prefer the bathroom.” 

He cocked his head to the side, climbing under the blankets, “That’s weird, what if they don’t make it? Or they potty go during the night?” 

Hannah’s face hadn’t stopped blushing at his line of questioning as she helped him get tucked in, “They hold it and go to the bathroom, simple as that.” 

Evan’s face scrunched up, clearly confused as Hannah stood, “Your world is weird.” he said with a giggle, eyelids already drooping, his thumb going to his mouth, seeming to fall asleep almost as soon as his eyes closed.

Hannah shook her head, stood, left the room, shut the light off, and headed to the bathroom. She shut the door, leaning on the vanity and staring at herself in the mirror for a long moment. What was she getting herself into? Could she go through with this? Could she go to his world? The thought both terrified and thrilled her. From what she knew, it was the stuff of her dreams; the idea her lewd fantasies could turn into her nightmare made her chuckle; there was no way! 

Hannah shook her head, relieving herself, before stripping and showering. She contemplated as the warm waters enveloped her, steam misting the shower’s glass. It didn’t seem real this was happening. She half expected to return to her room to find Rose back in her bed, the strange boy gone, his dimension a fever dream of her delusions. Yet, as she dried herself off, pulling on pajamas of her own and returning to her room, he lay there, curled up under the covers and snoozing. 

Hannah stood there, watching him; he seemed so at peace as if nothing could bother him. Could she experience such simple joy? Could she ever be as carefree as him? She couldn’t lie; the prospect of having the most prominent decision she made daily was which stuffy to cuddle at night deeply allured her. Adulthood had not been kind to her, going to college, having a job, paying taxes and bills. 

Crouching down and looking through his bag, Hannah stopped on the many diapers he had, far more than enough for the day until he returned. Her fingers ran across their surface; they felt like baby diapers, a soft cloth exterior, but more giant. She couldn’t lie to herself; she nearly took one for herself, but there would be time for that soon enough. Just as she was about to leave, she noticed the pacifier. She pulled it out, inspecting it and its brother. They looked just like the ones she found through the ABDL community. One of them had a sun on it and was yellow, the other a blue color with a mood. She almost stuck one in her mouth but resisted, putting the yellow one back and gently replacing the boy's thumb with the pacifier. He mumbled something in his sleep, the paci bobbing, his body relaxing further.

Hannah returned to her bed, staring at the bag before forcing herself to lie down, her fingers thumbing her underwear. This may be the last pair she wore a pair for the week; the idea thrilled her, yet she had only worn it a handful of times and changed immediately after going. 

Hannah pulled the covers over her, pulling her stuffed bear into her arms as she clicked out the nightstand’s light, tossing and turning for several hours as her doubts troubled her before falling into a restless slumber.

End of Chapter 2

Chapter 2: A Restless Night