Crossing Worlds

A Diaper Dimension, original story by SolaraScott

Chapter 16: First Day of School

Hannah didn't wake till mid-morning, her tired eyes blinking sleep away as she noticed the pacifier lying beside her, having long fallen from her lips. She was still in the crib beside Emily, swaddled, warm, and comfy. Her entire body felt cocooned and wiggling; she couldn't escape the swaddle. Perhaps some form of fastener that held the swaddle together?

Just as Hannah started to feel claustrophobic, Mommy entered the room with a smile. “There's my sweet baby girl. How are you doing?” she asked, undoing Hannah's swaddle. 

Hannah found herself dressed in only a soaking wet diaper—as Mommy scooped her up in her arms. “I slept very well, thank you, " she said, rubbing an eye with the back of her hand. “What time is it?” she asked.

“Time for my babies to get up and get some nums before school!” Mommy reported, gently waking Emily from a similar slumber.

Hannah suppressed an eye roll; she hated being kept in the dark. But, she soon found Emily nestled in Mommy's other arm, dressed identically, as the two were carried to the dining room. Hannah tried to catch a glance at the clock in the hallway, but Mommy almost seemed to angle her away so she couldn't see it. “Babies don't need to worry about what time it is, silly.” Mommy informed her, “You get to relax and let adults do everything for you, okay?” 

Hannah gritted her teeth but nodded, “Yes, mommy.” She responded begrudgingly. 

Hannah hated the fact she wasn't even going to be given clothing for breakfast; she wanted desperately to cover her tits but knew she would be chastised for doing so. Mommy entered the dining room and strapped the girls into their high chairs. 

Hannah realized with a start her diaper was wet, and she had no conscious memory of using her diaper. Had she wet the bed? The thought disturbed her; she hadn’t wet the bed since she was a little girl. The ABDL side of her was giggly and happy, but the rational side of Hannah felt a sense of dread building within her. What was this place doing to her? Was it down to just her more petite body that she didn’t wake, or was it something more sinister? Either thought was troubling, but there wasn’t much she could do.

Before Hannah, there were some mixed fruit cubes, a pancake-shaped like Minnie Mouse’s head, and a small, cut-up sausage. There was a small syrup dish, and the pancake had some whipped cream. Once again, she neglected silverware, her drink, hopefully, orange juice, in a bottle. 

Hannah dug into her meal. Despite the lack of accouterments, the quality of everything was excellent! However, it didn't stop her from getting her hands, face, and chest covered in juice, syrup, and cream, much to the amusement of Mommy. 

At the moment, it was only Hannah and Emily, but soon, a very tired-looking Evan waddled in, wearing cowboy-themed pajamas and a very well-used diaper. Hannah couldn't help it. She crossed her arms and felt a slap on her arm. She glanced over to see Emily, shooting her arm a pointed look. 

Hannah took the hint, sighing and letting her arm drop as Evan was helped into his booster seat. He had been given plain-looking pancakes and silverware—that wasn't fair! Granted, it was plastic, but still, it was better than nothing.

Just as Hannah finished her food, her bottle caked in various juices and syrup, Mommy stepped up to her. She chuckled and took a baby wipe to Hannah, cleaning her chest, hands, and face. Hannah sputtered through the wipe, and as Mommy pulled it away, she was right in Hannah's face, grinning. “Peek-a-boo!! " she said.

Hannah let out a startled squeal or surprise, pulling back as Mommy giggled, a wry grin on her face as she repeated the process with Emily. Emily was slightly more prepared as Mommy cleaned her face up, but she still jumped. Seeing such a big face only inches from your own was startling. Mommy helped Emily down from her high chair, stepped over to Hannah, and felt her bottle, which still had a few sips, giving it to Hannah to finish. “Mommy’s going to get Emily dressed, baby, and you’ll be next.”

Hannah nodded, “Okay, Mommy.” she responded, finishing off her juice as Emily was led from the dining room.

Hannah finished her bottle, letting out a gas bubble as she waited for Mommy to return. She realized that she would almost certainly be getting a fresh diaper in a few moments, she didn’t truly need to go yet, but she also didn’t want to be showing up to school in a poopy diaper. Hannah gritted her teeth, lifted her bum off the high chair seat, and pushed. After a few moments, she felt her body give in, the warm mush spreading across the seat of her diaper, swelling her diaper. She kept her bum up, letting her stomach empty its contents before her bladder caved as well. It still held a decent quantity, proving that she had likely wet the bed.

`What are you doing, silly baby?` Naomi suddenly thought out of nowhere.

Hannah furrowed her brow, ‘What do you want?’ she asked, hostility in her tone.

‘Babies don’t hold themselves up like this! You went poopies, now, sit.’ Naomi ordered.

Before Hannah even had a chance to react or question it, she felt her body plopping her bum down on the high chair, the mess squishing even more between her legs. Hannah winced, still not enjoying the feeling. Although a piece of her flashed back to last night, it wasn’t all bad; she wished Daddy were here and not Mommy.

‘There we go, much better! Such a good girl.’ Naomi said.

Of course, Naomi’s praise did nothing to sate Hannah’s feelings. She felt no bliss, no excitement, just a hollow compliment she didn’t want. Thankfully, she heard Mommy returning, her socked footsteps sounding in the hallway before she smiled at Hannah, opened her arms, and scooped her free of the highchair.

“There we go, someone was a good girl, finishing their breakfast!” she praised, her hand now cupping Hannah’s ass, feeling her mess. Mommy grinned even more, “My, someone is a good girl this morning! You are such a good baby for Mommy Hannah, you are such a good girl.” she said, leaving Evan to his meal.

This time, Hannah did feel that shutter, the praise echoing pleasure through Hannah’s body, less intense than it had been yesterday, but still feeling wonderful as Mommy carried her into the nursery. Hannah quickly found herself on her back on the changing table, Mommy’s fingers pulling open her diaper and wiping Hannah clean. Mommy didn’t make a fuss about the change, opting for a quick one, cleaning, powdering, and pulling a fresh diaper up between Hannah’s legs. 

As Hannah lay on the changing table, her fresh diaper snug around her, Mommy smiled warmly, reaching for the soft, baby-style dress set aside for her big day. The dress was a soft shade of pastel pink, with delicate white embroidery along the hem and neckline. The short, puffy sleeves gathered slightly at the shoulders, giving it an adorable, classic look that perfectly suited her.

Mommy carefully lifted Hannah’s arms and slid the dress over her head, the gentle fabric flowing down her chest and barely brushing her knees. The dress flared out in a soft, full skirt, perfect for twirling if she toddled around. The lightweight material shifted with every slight movement Hannah made, and the soft crinkle of the fabric added to the babyish charm. Tiny white bows were stitched just above the waistline, giving the dress a dainty, playful touch.

Mommy knelt to slip on Hannah’s little white shoes, the matching ribbons tied into neat bows completing the look. As Hannah lay there, her chubby legs kicked slightly under the dress, the ruffled edges grazing the tops of her thighs. Her diaper was comfortably covered but still peeked out whenever she moved. Hannah knew as soon as she went potty, even once, her diaper would be fully visible. 

Looking down at herself, Hannah must admit that the outfit was adorable. Mommy scooped Hannah into her arms, leaning down and picking up Emily, who was dressed identically. The girls would easily be seen as sisters. 

Both girls were dressed, and Mommy carried them back into the living room, collecting a small bag for each girl. The bags fit someone the size of Hannah or Emily. They had a single large compartment. Both were pink, and Naomi and Oliver were across the back, dancing in their thick diapers. 

Mommy grabbed them in one hand and carried both girls out to the garage, her hands full. Thankfully, the doors opened automatically, and she could put Hannah into her car seat before Smily in hers. She strapped both girls tightly, setting the bags in the passenger seat as the car left the garage, floating down to the streets below. 

Hannah held her breath, waiting for the screen to come on before her, but it never did. She let out a relieved breath as they soared through the city. 

The car hummed softly as it pulled into the drop-off lane in front of the brand-new school building, tits sleek lines blending seamlessly with the modern surroundings. Hannah and Emily sat securely in their car seats, dressed in adorable outfits for the big day, watching through the tinted windows as the scene unfolded before them.

The school was a marvel of contemporary design, towering above with clean, geometric lines and large, expansive windows that allowed natural light to flood the interior. The façade was a mix of glass and light-colored stone, giving the building an open, welcoming feel while maintaining a sleek, cutting-edge appearance. Colorful banners fluttered near the entrance, announcing the first day of school, and the carefully landscaped gardens at the front added a splash of greenery to the modern exterior.

Hannah’s eyes widened as she caught sight of the entrance, where other parents were arriving, their cars pulling up in a steady stream. Parents exited their vehicles individually, retrieving their little ones from car seats and strollers. The walkway leading up to the main doors was filled with the sight of toddlers and young children, some clinging shyly to their parents, others bouncing with excitement. Backpacks shaped like animals, lunchboxes with favorite cartoon characters, and brightly colored jackets created a scene full of energy and anticipation.

Near the entrance, a few teachers and staff stood ready to greet the children and help them check-in. They wore friendly smiles and brightly colored badges that identified them as part of the daycare staff. One staff member held a clipboard, taking down names, while others guided parents toward the check-in stations, where the children’s arrival was logged into sleek touch-screen tablets. Everything ran smoothly, with a gentle buzz of activity filling the air.

Above the entrance, the daycare portion of the school was marked with a large, brightly colored sign. Despite its modernity, its playful lettering gave the building a sense of warmth and fun. Through the large windows, glimpses of the daycare interior could be seen—bright, open spaces with walls painted in soft pastels, shelves lined with toys and learning materials, and cozy play areas designed for little ones to explore safely.

As their car rolled to a stop, Mommy glanced back at the girls, her smile filled with excitement. "Ready for your big day, girls?" she asked, her voice soft and reassuring. She unbuckled her seatbelt and quickly moved to their side, opening the car door and gently lifting them out of their seats.

Other parents were doing the same, unloading their toddlers, checking backpacks, and offering encouraging words as they approached the school’s doors. The sounds of giggles and excited chatter mingled with the occasional whimper from a nervous child, but overall, the atmosphere was one of optimism and new beginnings.

As Mommy held Hannah and Emily’s hands, they walked toward the bright, welcoming entrance. The excitement of the first day buzzed in the air, and the new building, filled with light and laughter, stood ready to greet them.

Hannah’s heart was racing as they approached the building. Many other kids were with them, and Mommy led them straight up to an attendant with a tablet; the woman smiled warmly, “Why hello there, cuties, your first day here? I don’t have either of you two in our database yet.” 

“Why yes, it's the first day of school, and they are part of the step-down program,” Mommy informed the woman with a warm smile.

The woman’s eyebrows rose just a hair, “Ohh! Two very, very special little girls. What are their names?”

“Emily Ashford and Hannah Ashford,” Mommy responded immediately.

Hearing her name with a foreign last name was jarring to Hannah, and she almost opened her mouth to argue, but she remembered the contract and the clerk's words back on Earth. As long as she was on this planet, she was part of Mommy and Daddy’s family.

“Ahh, yes! I got you two checked in, Mommy if you’d like to say your goodbyes,” the woman said, tapping a few things on her screen. 

Mommy let go of their hands, kneeling beside them and wrapping Hannah and Emily in a collective hug, “You two behave, okay? It will not be a fun evening for you if I hear of any mischief when I pick you both up.” Mommy warned, letting go and standing, handing Emily and Hannah their bags. 

“Yes, Mommy.” Hannah and Emily responded as they slung their packs into place over their shoulders. 

“Very well-behaved little girls, too! " the woman said with a smile, “They will fit in very well with the other students.” She offered a hand to Emily and Hannah. “I’m Miss Lily. I’ll be one of your teachers here. Are you two ready? Aren’t you excited?” she asked, her face beaming.

Her heart fluttering, Hannah gingerly took the woman's hand, casting one last glance at Mommy as she waved goodbye. Watching both girls be taken into the school, Hannah waved back at Mommy with her other hand. Before the school doors closed behind her, sealing her away from the only person who may have protected her from whatever this school would bring. 

End of Chapter 16

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