Crossing Worlds

A Diaper Dimension, original story by SolaraScott

Part 1

Chapter 1: A Welcoming

The doors swung closed behind him, and a young man, no older than 22, stepped towards Hannah with a smile and open arms. “Hannah!” he exclaimed as Hannah returned his grin, stepping up and embracing the young man. 

“Evan, it’s so good to meet you in person finally,” Hannah responded. 

Evan was precisely as he looked in photos: shaggy brown hair, soft dimples, and a kind, rounded face that hadn't seen the horrors of adulthood. He stepped back, several inches taller than Hannah, dressed in blue overalls, a brown teddy bear across the chest, colorful Velcro shoes, and an unmistakable bulge around the crotch. 

Evan glanced around behind her; there wasn’t much in the small waiting room at the transfer station, several chairs, a few posters of advertisements for different services, and a window with a grouchy-looking clerk perched behind it. “Is it just you? Your Mommy and Daddy around as well?” he asked curiously.

“My parents?” Hannah asked, “They are back home waiting for us.”

“You mean, you are here by yourself?” Evan asked, his eyes nearly bulging from his head in shock.

Hannah laughed, nodding, “Yes, of course, you have much to learn about Earth.” She turned towards the doors, leaving the station, “Come on, I’ll show you.” 

Hannah started for the door, opened it, and turned when she noticed Evan wasn’t following. His hand was out to the side as if trying to take someone's hand, his eyes darting around the room, none of the other occupants giving him a second glance. She shook her head, stepped over, took his hand, and guided him from the station. Hannah guided Evan through the bustling parking lot to her small sedan, Evan’s eyes gawking at everyone and everything around him. “Everyone is so small; they don’t tower above me here, and no one is checking me or asking where my Mommy is.” he trailed off, shaking his head, “What is this place?” 

Hannah couldn’t help but giggle, letting go of his hand, taking his colorful backpack, and placing it in the trunk before she climbed into the driver's seat, “You have a lot to learn; we only got a day. I’m going to be in your shoes tomorrow; come on! Dinner is waiting!”

Evan stood awkwardly beside the back door. Hannah sighed, reaching across, opening the passenger door, and beckoning him in. She thought his brain was going to explode trying to process all this. He climbed in, and, realizing she would have to, she helped him buckle in before starting the car and leaving the hub.

“Wait, you are driving? The car is so small, with no car seat and…” he trailed off, looking out the window, seeing the sidewalks crowded with people carrying on about their day, the gloomy weather only adding to the place's mystique. “They're all just people.” he mumbled, “But, their littles too, but they aren’t…” he trailed off again, glancing down at his outfit, his legs shifting nervously, his undergarments rustling with a distinct plastic sound. 

“What exactly did they tell you before you came here?” Hannah asked curiously, “Surely you had a good idea what you were getting into.”

“This world is full of littles pretending they are big and adults,” Evan said quickly, a well-rehearsed response. “Mommy said there would be lots of littles with no Mommies or Daddies, and I can help-” 

Hannah interrupted, her eyes rolling even though he couldn’t see them. “Did they tell you anything about our culture? What society is like? What is life is like? Anything other than propaganda?” 

Evan opened his mouth, about to ramble off what Mommy had told him, but thought better of it, shaking his head and glancing out the window.

“Life is far different here, at least from what I’ve been able to gather about your dimension.” Hannah started. Communication between the two dimensions was still in its infancy, and no pun was intended. “We don’t have littles or bigs or inbetweeners or anything like that. People age and become adults as they grow older; there isn’t any testing to prove you are an adult; you just *are* an adult once you grow old enough.”

Hannah wasn’t confident she could explain it well. How does one describe being an adult to someone who has never been treated differently based on his physical age? She knew a portion of what classified people in his dimension was the physical size, but that certainly wasn’t the case here; the largest giant person in the room certainly wasn’t also the most mature.

Evan’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “But how do you determine who is and isn’t an adult?” he asked, “Surely there has to be some kind of test to prove you are what you are.”

“The law here states you are an adult when you reach the age of 18, regardless of physical or mental capacity. Although, I suppose, from a social view, adults are typically seen as individuals capable of holding a job, paying bills, living on their own, and taking care of themselves without the intervention of others.” Hannah added, turning the car into her neighborhood. 

“So, there are people over 18 who aren’t adults?” Evan asked. 

“Well, I mean, sort of.” Hannah tried to explain, “By law, they are adults, but some people don’t see them that way until they move out.”

Evan shook his head, befuddled, “But 18 is just a number; it doesn’t depict your capabilities at all! That sounds silly.”

Hannah couldn’t help but agree on some level. The system seemed odd when viewed in that way. “I suppose so; you have to prove it from your world?” she asked curiously; cursory research could only take you so far. The law in the Amazon world was deep and complex; people from Earth, or littles as they were called there, still had no firm grasp.

He nodded, “Of course, one can’t just go from being a baby to a tweener or an adult just willy-nilly.” Evan giggled, “What if a baby were to become your caregiver? That doesn’t make any sense!” 

Hannah pulled the car into her driveway, parked it, and climbed from the driver's seat. On a philosophical level, checking and validating people's understanding of the world around them made sense. Schooling only partially accomplished this; there was no adult test to ensure you understood taxes, bills, jobs, relationships, or any other complication you might encounter that a child doesn’t need to deal with. She was forced to consider it like this, which made her nervous. How many people were walking around without that basic understanding, voting, and making nuisances of themselves? Perhaps there was something in Amazon’s ways that had some merit.

 Hannah retrieved Evan’s pack from the trunk, ready to continue their conversation, when she realized he had not moved from his chair, glancing around. This guy wasn’t used to doing anything for himself. She opened his door and undid the seatbelt, offering a hand as he climbed from the car. He held onto her hand as she stepped up to the front of the house and pulled open the door. 

Evan’s eyes were wide, his mouth agape as he entered the house and the living room. “It’s all my size,” he said, shaking his head in confusion.

Hannah couldn’t help but grin as he finally released her hand, “Mom, Dad! We are here!” 

A woman dressed in a simple dress stepped from the kitchen, drying her hands on her apron. She had brown hair with the first signs of gray, which stretched to the middle of her back when it wasn’t done in a bun as it was now. Her kind face had the beginnings of wrinkles as someone whose daughter was already in her early 20s. 

“You must be Evan. I’m Mrs.Greyson, but you can call me Susan.” she opened her arms and embraced him.

“I am. It’s nice to meet you, Mrs.Greyson. Thank you for hosting me. My Mommy told me to be on my best behavior for you,” Evan said with a smile.

Hannah had prepared her parents well for this encounter, and she could see her mother's eyes dancing across Evan, studying his outfit and his choice of words. “Of course, sweetheart, a friend of Hannah’s is as good as family.” She turned to Hannah and hugged her as well, “Everything in order, sweetie?” she asked.

Hannah nodded, “All the paperwork has been submitted for my transfer tomorrow, 1 pm sharp. You and Dad can drop us off, right?”

“We wouldn’t miss it.” Mrs. Greyson said with a smile, an affectionate squeeze of Hannah’s shoulders as they turned towards the dining room, leaving Hannah’s discarded shoes by the door. “We hope you are hungry, Evan; we didn’t pull any stops, and we are honored to have you here.” She glanced at his outfit again, looking towards his midsection and choice of underwear, “If you need to change before dinner, Hannah can show you your room.”

Evan seemed taken aback. He was being asked for his opinion on when he should change. His Mommy had tried to prepare him for this, but it was still a shock. It was real! People did treat him like an adult! The thought made him squirm. He was being given so much freedom so many choices and decisions he had to make. It was uncomfortable, but it was for only one night. “I, uh, think I’ll be okay until after.” he finally said, blushing. He had no clue if the statement was true, but Mommy had told him he should be, and he trusted her. 

Mrs. Greyson smiled and nodded, noticing Evan wasn’t taking off his shoes, “You can just leave your shoes at the door, hun, don’t want to track mud over the clean floors!” 

Evan blushed again, nodding, “Of course.” she stooped quickly, as if he were on a time crunch, rushing to obey the woman. He realized now why Mommy had kept him in clothing he could undo himself, and he quickly undid the velcro and left his shoes next to Hannah’s before following the two into the dining room.

The table was set, and Hannah sat beside her father; her sister, Rose, sat opposite her. The two looked up at the newcomer as Evan entered. Hannah had prepared them as best she could for this, and while her father could maintain his expression, Rose stifled a giggle as she hid her grin behind her hand.  Mrs. Greyson took Evan’s shoulders, smiling to the group, “Dear, this is Evan, Evan, this is Mr. Greyson, or you may also call him Todd, and this is Rose, Hannah’s older sister.” 

Evan smiled weekly, offering a wave to both. Mr. Greyson stood, smiling, and offered a hand, “Nice to meet you, son; Hannah here was telling me all about your world, a fascinating place.” 

Evan stood there, staring at Mr. Greyson’s hand, unaware it was an offer to shake hands. “It is wonderful to meet you all; thank you for having me,” Evan said with a smile as Mr. Greyson dropped his hand awkwardly, returning to his seat. 

Mrs. Greyson helped Evan into his chair, staring at the plate of steaming food before him. It took him several moments to remember that he had to feed himself, his unpracticed fingers awkwardly holding the spoon and trying to pick up a solid chunk of steak. Mrs. Greyson wisely leaned over and helped cut Evan’s food for him, removing the knife from his possession entirely. 

“So, you are a part of this school Hannah will be exploring?” Mr. Greyson finally asked, trying to break the tension.

Evan smiled and nodded, “Yes, Havenridge Academy.” 

Not offering much more detail, Mr. Greyson asked, “What kind of school is it? Why would they offer an exchange program?”

Not missing a beat, Evan continued, “It’s an academy aimed at welcoming new Littles into the Amazon community. They sponsored several exchanges for their opening week.”

“According to their advertisements.” Hannah said, taking a swig of milk, “This is the latest academy to open specializing in Little acclimation and naturalization. They sponsored over 200 students in an exchange program with Little’s from their world and us to help spread the word. They offer both students financial incentives and free tuition to permanent students should they decide to attend full-time. I think their idea is that we see how amazing it is and tell all of our friends and families.”

“These Little’s, they are us if I recall, right?” Mrs. Greyson asked. 

Hannah nodded, “In their world, their people are called Amazons. When the portal was first discovered, and humans transferred to their dimension, we seemed too small by comparison; they called us Littles. The name stuck, and it's been that way ever since.”

“But they are just regular people, right?” Mr. Greyson asked.

“Yeah, except they are treated like babies!” Rose giggled.

“That’s because we are.” Evan pipped up immediately, almost seeming scared by the line of dialogue he was hearing. The comment quieted the table, eyes turning towards him as he blushed. “I mean, we are; you don’t understand, I suppose. Mommy said you have been pretending your whole life, and it’s just become part of who you are.”

Eating slowed to a stop, Mr. Greyson clearing his throat and turning towards Evan, “Son, I can only imagine how your life has been, but I assure you things are different here.” he stated firmly and clearly.

Even realizing he had been insulting several adults, he blushed and nodded quickly, “Of course, I keep forgetting where I am. I’m sorry.”

“Apology accepted; it’s okay; we don’t understand your world; it’s very different from our own.” Mrs. Greyson said, trying to ease the tension at the table as she stood, “Now, who would like ice cream for dessert?” 

“Ohh! Me! Me! Me!” Evan said, squealing with joy, earning a chuckle from Mrs. Greyson.

Hannah nodded as Mrs. Greyson looked at her, and Rose nodded. “None for me, thank you, dear.” Mr. Greyson voiced.

“So, you’re a baby?” Rose asked with a grin.

“Rose! He’s a guest, don’t be rude.” Mr. Greyson chastised the girl, shrinking in her seat as Mrs. Greyson returned with small silver bowls of ice cream, dulling them out.

“Rude? Why was that rude?” To both their surprise, Evan asked, “It’s true, I am, I always have been, and if I’m lucky, I may grow up someday, but Mommy said that isn’t likely.”

Rose seemed unsure of herself, not trusting her tongue. Instead, she focused on devouring her ice cream before collecting her plateware and turning to the kitchen. “I’m going to head to my room; I got homework; thanks for dinner, Mom,” she said, disappearing through the doorway.

Evan seemed almost as eager as Rose, getting half the ice cream on his face; his childlike joy was palpable, and the two parents watched him curiously. They had never seen a young man such as him, so happy, dressed in kids' clothing. Mr. Greyson stood, stretching, “Hannah dear, could you grab my plate as well so we can start a load of dishes?” he asked.

Hannah nodded, standing and collecting the dishes before following him into the kitchen, Mrs. Greyson entertaining Evan. Out of earshot, her father turned to her with a look of concern in his eyes. “Are you sure about this, hun?” he asked softly, “It isn’t too late to back out.” 

Hannah nodded weakly; he wasn’t the first person to have second thoughts about this adventure. “I am, Dad, thank you. It is a lot of money, and he does seem nice. From our conversations, I have seen that his family is a good, loving home.”

Mr. Greyson grimaced, helping his daughter wash the dishes and stow them away in the washer. “I’m worried their definition of a loving family and ours may differ. Do you truly want to go there where they treat adults like that?”

Hannah blushed madly; this had been something she never told either of her folks about. She had been an ABDL ever since she could remember, playing as the baby in their games of the house as kids, enjoying cute clothing over more mature outfits, wanting pacifiers and diapers over silly boys. She nodded again, unable to meet his eyes, “I am; I haven’t been entirely honest with either of you. I… enjoy that sort of thing. I like stuff like that; I enjoy the childlike joy, wonder, and freedom that age gives you.”

Her father chuckled, grinning as her mother entered with Evan in tow. “Hah! You owe me 20 dollars!” her mother snorted, smiling as she passed them.

Hannah looked confused, her father chuckling as he explained, “Hun, we know.”

“You do?” Hannah asked hesitantly.

“Sweetheart, you would ask to borrow your cousin's diapers so you could better play house; you kept your pacifier long after all your pears gave them up; you asked for bottles when everyone else wanted sippy cups. When we removed the bins, we’d find your used diapers in the trash. We were betting on whether you would have the guts to tell us.” He handed Mrs. Greyson $20, which she deftly pocketed into her apron.

“Oh,” Hannah mumbled, blushing head to toe as Mrs. Greyson hugged her daughter, kissing her forehead.

“No matter your life choices, dear, you will always be our little girl; we love you. We only want what’s best for you and to ensure you have truly thought this trip through.” Mrs. Greyson said with a smile. 

Hannah blushed but nodded, “I have thought about it a lot and want to do this. It’s only for a week. I can’t get it out of my head that I might be missing something, an experience of a lifetime, and I couldn’t live with myself if I passed up this opportunity. This trip will help satiate that desire I feel, and if I hate it, well, no harm, no foul, I’ll still get paid.” she said firmly, taking a deep breath. 

Her parents nodded, hugging her. “Well, in that case, why don’t you show Evan to his room, sweetheart? You've got a long, busy day ahead of you,” Mr. Greyson said with a smile.

End of Chapter 1