Crossing Worlds

A Diaper Dimension, original story by SolaraScott

Chapter 4: A New Family

Hannah could feel herself stretching as she entered the portal, the cool blue light swirling around her, her body twisting and writhing. The lights swirled around her playfully; Evan floated beside her, their hands still intertwined. He had taken this trip already and grinned at her, letting go of her hand. “Wait!” she cried, flailing as they soared.

Evan grinned and giggled, doing a summersault and twirling playfully in the current. It was now Hannah who could see beyond; the blue lights of the portal had faded, and out beyond them were hundreds, no, thousands of stars flying by them at seemingly impossible speeds. She wasn’t just seeing stars but galaxies, nebulae, and entire solar systems gone before she could blink. Yet, despite their incredible speed, the warm current of air they traveled on was utterly still, their little pocket of safety in the vast emptiness of space. 

She hadn’t even noticed Evan float beside her, gazing out in wonder. “Incredible isn’t it? I always thought my world was big; the city seems so big, and yet it’s tiny compared to the state and the country, but this?” he gestured out as they soared past an entire galaxy, shaking his head, “I had no idea.”

“We learn in school how big the universe truly is, and yet, we can’t comprehend it; we are stuck within the four walls surrounding us. This is beyond anything I could even imagine; it’s infinite, or as close to it as I will ever get. How long is the journey?” Hannah asked, their voices carried well in this pocket of warmth. 

Evan turned to look forward, “We are nearly there, look.” he pointed, and Hannah followed his gaze to a particular star fast approaching.

The star expanded into a small, well, relative to their new perspective, into a solar system broken into several planets she did not recognize. Their speed had slowed considerably, and they passed well within astronomical units of a gas giant. It looked substantially like Saturn, except its rings crisscrossed, and the planet's surface churned and flowed. Bright reds, deep yellows, a spattering of blue, and just like that, it was gone. Barely a blink later. A new planet inhabited their view, and a blue marble lush green continent dominated the equator, with crystalline white snow caps on either side. The planet raced up before them, and Hannah felt a sense of vertigo despite not feeling any movement.

The blue lights returned, surrounding them, and she felt the current of air gently deposit her back on her feet as she left the other side of the portal. Before she could even get her bearings, she felt a pair of arms wrapping around her, pulling her up and into a tight hug, earning them a squeak of surprise as Hannah felt her body being crushed. The arms seemed so big! Whoever was holding her was massive.

“You must be Hannah!” a warm voice said. Hannah’s vision still swam and blurred from the transfer, but she could feel herself being hugged and rocking. “Oh my gosh, I can’t believe you finally made it; you have no idea how excited we are that you are here.” 

It was a female voice, soft and excited. Hannah’s vision finally cleared enough to get a sense of who this person was as she let Hannah go, returning her to unsteady feet. What she saw caused her to yelp in surprise, taking a step back as she gazed up at the massive woman who stood before her. The woman was nearly three times Hannah’s height; she wore a flowery sundress that left little to the imagination; her cleavage relieved massive breasts that caused Hannah to blush. Thankfully, the dress hem extended well beyond the woman's knees. She had long, dark brown hair that was done up in a tight bun, her face that of a kind mother, one you could easily trust with anything. 

The woman chuckled, stepping back and kneeling so the height difference wasn’t so extreme, “Sorry dear, I forgot you haven’t been here before.”

Hannah glanced over at Evan, who was in the arms of a man taller than the woman. He had a rugged look and a well-kept beard that was just graying at the edges. He wore a simple platted shirt and jeans, a pair of sunglasses propped atop his head. He stood, Evan in his arms as he joined the woman, chuckling, “Dear, you’re going to scare the poor thing before we’ve even left the station!” He shook his head in amusement.

Hannah had been so overwhelmed that she had forgotten where she was. It all came rushing back to her in a moment; the dimension, the Amazons, it was *real!* She wanted to scream for joy, bounce up and down excitedly! Some of her thought the stories had all been an elaborate ruse to make fun of unwitting travels; yet, she was, standing in what she had believed was a fictional story, staring up at two authentic people. She remembered her identification card, clutched in a white-knuckled hand that she slowly unclenched, working to loosen her tongue as she remembered their names; these had to be her new parents. 

She swallowed, taking a breath and smiling, “You must be Laura and Welby if I’m not mistaken?” she asked.

Evan giggled, “I told you she was smart, Mommy!” he exclaimed.

“That you did, buddy!” Laura said to him, grinning before turning to Hannah once more. She knelt closer to Hannah, sensing the girl's fear dissipating. “This is your first time here, correct?”

Hannah nodded, “Yes, ma’am, if I’m not mistaken, I’ll stay with you during my visit.” 

“You hear that, dear? Ma’am! Such a polite young lady!” Laura said with a grin to Welby, who returned her smile. “Yes, that is correct, my dear. We are going to be your parents for your stay. Laura and Welby are our legal names, but to you, we are Mommy and Daddy, understand?” she asked.
Hannah felt an undercurrent in the woman's words. They had been warm and kind, but they also had a sturdiness. This was not a woman to be tested. Hannah nodded eagerly, “Yes, of course… Mommy.” She added, blushing. She had never had a caregiver to call her own back home, and within 60 seconds of arriving here, she had two!

Mommy beamed happily, opening her arms to Hannah. “You are just precious. Come to Mommy, hun, and let’s get you to your new home.”

Hannah’s grip on her bag tightened, pulling the straps tight. She knew that even if she were to turn around right now, she couldn’t just go home; the portal was no longer active, and she was effectively trapped until it was time to return. Yet, somehow, she felt in control; she was still an adult traveling abroad. She wasn’t Miss Ashford; she was Miss Greyson. Staring at those open arms and that broad smile, Hannah knew the second she took that step that her life as an adult was over, and she was here to stay.

It was with held breath that Hannah took that step. Feeling Mommy’s arms wrap around her, reality came crashing down as she was effortlessly hauled into the air, cradled in the nook of her new Mommy’s arm, the giant woman smiling down at her newborn baby girl. She felt so small; she had no idea how tall she was here or if these people were this large. Hannah turned to see Evan cradled in his Daddy’s arms. No, not just his Daddy, *her* Daddy as well. 

Mommy and Daddy stepped up to each other, Hannah and Evan facing each other only inches away. He gave Hannah a goofy grin. “You’re officially my baby sister!” he squealed with excitement. 

Daddy chuckled, smoothing a gentle hand across Hannah’s hair. “You may be right, Evan; she’s smaller than you. You’ll be a good brother to her, won’t you?”

Evan nodded vigorously, “Yes, Daddy! I’m going to be the best big brother there ever was.” 

Daddy chuckled just as Hannah felt a hand on her leg. She glanced down to see Mommy’s hand working its way toward Hannah’s crotch, “I know it was a long trip, honey, just checking to see if you need a change already.” 

Hannah froze, blushing madly at the woman's fingers tapping her crotch in several places, the smile on her face turning to a frown as she glanced down at Hannah, “Did your parents forget to dress you, hun, or did you sneak out of your diaper before you left?” 

Hannah blushed madly as the woman gently but firmly pulled open the fly of Hannah’s jeans, revealing the soft white cotton panties she had on underneath. “I’m fully potty trained, ma’am; I haven’t worn diapers since I was a little girl.”

Mommy frowned more deeply, glancing at her, “You’ll do best to remember my name; it’s not ma’am, it’s Mommy.” she corrected. “As for this, you do realize where you are, right? Surely you know what’s coming.” 

Hannah nodded sheepishly, “I had been expecting it, Mommy. I didn’t know the process. I wasn’t sure if I should have worn something different coming here or if this was okay…” Her words faltered as Mommy turned, carrying her into a connected bathroom. 

Even here, the bathroom was massive! The toilet looked 4 or 5 feet off the ground, and its bowl was several times larger. The sink would be well above her head, but what immediately caught Hannah’s attention was the large, padded changing table Mommy was heading for. She felt her heart racing, beating well over her resting heart rate, its pulse thumping in her ear as she felt the cool, soft mat of the changing table embrace her, almost like a memory foam mat. She barely had time to process what she was lying on before Mommy pulled a strap across Hannah’s belly, keeping her from falling.

Mommy smiled warmly at her, “It’s okay, pumpkin. Mommy is here. She’s got you now, and she will keep you safe.” Her fingers expertly undid the laces of Hannah’s shoes, removing them before her fingers wrapped gently and firmly over the hem of Hannah’s pants and undies. Her eyes met Mommy’s gaze up at her, her mouth agape in surprise and shock at the speed at which this all was happening. Yet, she didn’t see malice in those eyes. She didn’t see someone who saw her as an object to sexualize. No, she saw kindness. She saw love. She saw a woman who saw Hannah as the little girl she always dreamed of being when she was regressed. She felt understood.

Hannah’s pants and undies came off swiftly, leaving her in her shirt and socks. Mommy took several wet wipes from a bag she had on and held them between her hands, warming them before turning and pressing them to Hannah’s crotch. She couldn’t stop the reaction; she tried to push her legs together, shame boiling up and over, filling her body, redness illuminating her in the white light of the bathroom. Mommy didn’t miss a beat, smiling down at Hannah again, but her fingers stopped where they were, resting just above Hannah’s sex atop her lips.

This was her dream, to be diapered, to be forced into diapers even against her will. Yet, having it happen, the giant hand between Hannah’s legs as she was lovingly cleaned up was nearly too much for her. But Mommy didn’t seem to mind Hannah’s shyness; she had started humming softly, using a soothing tone and a nursery rhyme. The woman's authenticity was palpable, her genuine kindness evident on her face as she leaned down toward Hannah’s tummy. Hannah felt a moment of panic; what was this woman doing? Was she about to bite her? That was a silly thought, but she had no clue what she was doing.

Mommy leaned down, her lips meeting Hannah’s exposed tummy where her shirt had ridden up, and suddenly and violently blew a raspberry. Hannah giggled, flailing about and squirming beneath the giant lips as she blew again. “Stop it! Stop it! I’m ticklish!” Hannah squealed for all she was worth, pushing uselessly against the woman's head. 

Mommy leaned back, grinning madly, “You want the tickle monster to stop?” she asked, the fingers of one hand now on Hannah’s side as she lightly began to tickle her there. 

“Yes! Stop!” Hannah squealed with laughter, barely even aware of the fact the woman had been turning Hannah’s body in just the right ways as the wet wipe worked Hannah’s skin completely clean, body hair and all, before leaving her laying there, exhausted, panting and giggling.

“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Mommy asked with a grin.

Hannah blushed, realizing how easily she had been duped, and shook her head. “Sorry, I’m just shy.” 

Mommy nodded, rummaging through her bag, bringing a diaper, and turning to Hannah. “I know you are, honey; I promise you will get over it quickly. Here, take a look, feel it,” she ordered, handing Hannah the diaper. “These will be your new, permanent underwear while you are here. You are the baby of the family and will be treated as such. I realize this will shock you and take some getting used to, but we promise to make the transition as easy as possible.”

Hannah’s hands took the diaper; it was broader and thicker than anything she had ever felt before. The front was a soft, cloth-like fabric decorated in cute colors. She realized there were cartoon characters on the front and back, Naomi and Oliver, just like Evan’s clothing! A series of items ran down the center of the diaper: small images of bottles, pacifiers, diapers, and onesies that seemed to serve as a wetness indicator. Unfolding it, the inside seemed heavenly soft, a cloud of fluff yet firm, a sound, strong barrier to keep her clothing clean and dry. 

Mommy smiled and gently took the diaper from Hannah’s hand, unfolding it entirely before collecting the girl's ankles in her hand and lifting Hannah’s bum off the table, sliding the diaper underneath. Hannah had nearly forgotten she was naked and blushed at how easily she was manipulated. Her rear made contact first, the pillowy soft fluff enveloping her like the most comfortable bed she had ever laid in. The diaper reached up high on her back, several inches above her hips, as Mommy released her ankles. A generous layer of powder came next, enveloping Hannah’s midsection. A tingling sensation followed; it was not unpleasant and was gone as quickly as it had arrived. Hannah wasn’t even sure if she had felt it or if it was just the powder playing tricks on her.

Finally, Mommy began pulling the front of Hannah’s new diaper up and over her crotch. The intoxicating softness slowly began to envelop her, gently but firmly pushing Hannah’s legs to the side as it made complete contact with her crotch, Mommy’s expert fingers placing the large tabs into place before she was fully diapered. 

“How does that feel, pumpkin?” Mommy asked.

Hannah ran her hands across the diaper surface, feeling it, pressing in, and testing. The diaper was thicker than anything she had worn before, and she could barely feel her touch through the material. The diaper was adorable and comfortable, the cartoon characters smiling up at her. She could almost hear their voices, even though she had never seen the show, telling her what a good girl she had been, and this was far better than any pair of panties ever could be. Hannah must have been imagining things, of course. She had never seen the show, heard their voices, and was excited to be here. 

Hannah grinned, looking up at the woman, “It’s incredible; it’s so much better than anything I’ve worn before.” 

Mommy smiled warmly back, leaning down and hugging the small girl. “I’m so glad you think so. You are such an adorable baby, and I know you will fit in so well at home.” 

Hannah was so engrossed in their hug that she hadn’t even felt the woman's fingers undoing her bra before she pulled it and her shirt clean off. Hannah blushed madly and went to cross an arm over her breasts before stopping and staring. She had no breasts. She hadn’t been well endowed before the transfer, but now she was tiny. Her shame fled her instantly and was replaced with wonder as she glanced back up at Mommy, who had been preparing a dress of some kind. “What happened to my body?” she asked hesitantly.

“When you transferred over, your body shrunk, and it became its true self. Babies don’t have breasts; they have cute cheeks and pinchable thighs!” Mommy said, playfully pinching Hannah’s thigh as she worked the dress over Hannah’s head, releasing the strap and pulling the dress entirely down. There was a built-in onesie that Mommy snapped closed between Hannah’s legs as she sat back up, gazing down in wonder at her new body.

The dress was pink and glittery, with ruffled edges and a hem that ran around her. A princess was plastered across her chest in colorful ink. Not just any princess, she realized. Naomi dressed as a princess, and, to her surprise, Naomi was in a thick diaper of her own, bulging beneath a similar dress to what Hannah wore now. Mommy quickly worked Hannah’s hair into pigtails before adding small pink bows and finally scooped her into her arms, carrying her to the sink, her discarded clothing still strewn across the table.

The sink had a large mirror behind it, and Hannah finally got a good look at herself. She gasped, her hand going to her lips; the little girl who stared back at her mimicked her expression. The hair, the dress, the thick diaper that splayed the girl's legs, this was no adult; this wasn’t Hannah Greyson; this was Hannah Ashford, a baby. Her utter shock left her stunned as she looked at herself. Her cheeks, arms, and legs seemed more chubby, and her face was more rounded. Her hair only reached her shoulders now. She looked like a completely different person.

Mommy leaned down next to her face, kissing her cheek and looking at Hannah in the mirror. She gently took Hannah’s arm and forced her to wave at herself. “Say hi, Hannah, say hi to my new baby girl.”

End of Chapter 4