Crossing Worlds

A Diaper Dimension, original story by SolaraScott

Chapter 12: A Loving Companion

For now, Hannah and Emily were left alone to their own devices. Hannah's concerns over the bear caused her to leave it at the far end of the play area. She turned her attention to Emily, hoping to get more information: “What do you know about this school?”

Emily shrugged, “Probably about as much as you do, honestly. They said they specialized in acclimating Little’s to this world. But their paperwork didn’t go into detail about specifics; they just kept on about the program's benefits and whatnot.”

Hannah nodded; she had gleaned that much information from her time preparing for the trip. “Do you know why they pushed back your attendance?” 

Emily shrugged again, “I didn’t get to talk to the school directly; I only heard what Mommy told me, which was an error in the paperwork submitted for the school that had me in this batch of students, yours. The contract stipulates that I must fulfill at least the week at the school before the paperwork is sent for my return home or something along those lines.”

Hannah narrowed her eyes; something about that felt off. If Emily had to complete an entire week at school, what would stop them from ending her school a day early? What were the specifics of the contract regarding returning? Hannah felt a lump of worry forming in her chest; something was truly off about this world; she wished she had spent more time reading through that stupid contract. 

Hannah opened her mouth to ask another question, but Daddy stepped into the room with a smile. “There are my baby girls. How are you two doing?” he asked, stepping into the play area and kneeling beside Emily and Hannah. 

“It was okay,” Emily said, blushing, not meeting his eyes.

“Just okay? Mommy said you weren’t happy being left in the play area.” Daddy probed gently.

Emily blushed but nodded weakly, “I… didn’t realize the mall system thing was recording, and it caught a curse word, and Mommy sent me to the care center, and… " She trailed off, slumping back, suddenly looking depressed.

Daddy immediately pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly, a hand behind her head. " Oh, pumpkin, I’m so sorry. I saw the report of what they did to you; that was a bit much.” Hannah saw several tears running down Emily’s cheeks. “I wish that hadn’t happened, but you need to be careful of your language, regardless of whether anyone is listening.”

Emily nodded, resting her face against Daddy’s shoulder as he consoled her. He glanced at Hannah, “It sounded okay for you, Hannah Banana! You got a new friend and everything!” 

Hannah smiled softly, nodding, “I did, but Mommy used a pacifier that locked into my mouth, and I think it had something on it to knock me out.”

Hannah saw the grimace on Daddy’s face as she reported this. He shook his head, sighing, “Were you being fussy? Refused to go down for a nap?” Hannah shook her head no. To his credit, Daddy looked embarrassed, “Well, I can’t say I approve, but as your parents, we will use whatever tools we need to ensure you comply with the standards of your step-down program and meet your goals.”

Hannah’s attention immediately perked up; Daddy seemed to be spilling more information than she had received from Mommy all morning. “The step-down program, what is that?” she asked.

Daddy opened his mouth, still rocking Emily, and closed it again, seeming to choose his words very carefully, “It is a program that ensures you meet certain goals.” he said slowly, “I can not get into specifics, but just know, we, as your parents, have to adhere to it and do whatever is necessary to ensure you do as well.”

Hannah felt a cold chill traveling through her body at the words. What did that mean? By whose standards were they being judged? What goals were set forth for her and Emily? More importantly, who set these goals, and why did they have to meet them if they were only going to be there till the end of the week? Something didn’t add up, but it was clear that Daddy wouldn’t give her any more information as he changed the topic.

“How would you two like to go to the park?” he asked, “Mommy has Evan; they are doing some paperwork for his schooling, but you two, all yours is done!”

Daddy smiled, his tone warm and accepting. Hannah smiled, “Sure, that sounds like fun.” 

He turned to Emily, whose tears had dried; she nodded. “It’s decided then, to the park! Let’s grab your diaper bag and some bottles, and we can go. Would you two rather ride in the stroller or walk?” 

Hannah was a bit surprised at the offer. Mommy, for the most part, had decided everything for them, but now they had a choice. She didn’t want to be forced to shuffle to the park, yet the prospect of walking enticed her to move under her own free will. “Umm, I’d like to walk!” she said with a smile.

“Can I ride?” Emily asked, rubbing an eye.

Daddy chuckled, “Of course, sweetheart, and if Hannah is tired at the end of playing, she can ride back!” he said, setting Emily down on her feet. He pulled two thin, silver metal cuffs from his pocket, his thumb doing something, and they popped open. He leaned down and fixed them around Emily’s ankle before turning towards Hannah. He held it out to her, letting her take the band gingerly, curious, “This is a tracking band.” he explained, “It’s secured by biometrics and can only be undone by me; it tells me exactly where you are at all times, and sends me information on your vitals. It can also send a distress signal to me or the police if needed. The park is massive, and I’ll be there the whole time, but I also want you two to be able to explore without concern, without fear of,” Daddy trailed off, “Well, Daddy wants to make sure you two are safe.”

Hannah nodded; it made sense. Someone could easily scoop up Emily and her, pacified and gone in moments without ever being seen again. The thought made her skin crawl. If this little device would prevent that, Hannah was all for it. She set it around her ankle, the two ends meeting and conjoining on their own, the band shrinking to fit her ankle perfectly. Hannah could barely even feel it; it was so light! 

Daddy smiled warmly, approvingly, “What kind of juice would you like for your bottle? Apple, grape, prune, orange, pomegranate, we got a bit of everything.”

“Apple for me, please!” Emily said, the last of her tears dried.

Daddy nodded, looking to Hannah, “Grape, please.”

“Done! Daddy will be right back.” Daddy said, standing and leaving the girls in the living room again.

Emily sighed, rubbing her eyes.” That stupid place, their bottles messed me up.” she grunted, her hands on her knees.

Hannah flushed, “Do you still enjoy it at all? Using diapers, I mean.” 

Emily grinned, giving her a look. She reached over and grabbed Hannah’s hand, bringing it to her bum, letting Hannah cup Emily’s diaper as she began to push. Hannah’s face turned a bright red as she felt Emily’s diaper swelling, the girl grunting softly and then growing warm as she soaked herself as well. Emily’s hand was still holding Hannah’s, gently forcing Hannah to massage her rear, feeling the mess she had just made, the minor moan escaping her lips. 

Hannah couldn’t stop the excitement stirring within her; she hadn’t been with a girl before, heck, she hadn’t been with a boy either, but standing there, feeling Emily’s bum as she messed herself, her diaper growing warm and squishy, she felt a flush on her face that had nothing to do with embarrassment.

Hannah’s fingers began touching Emily’s diaper on her own accord. Emily let her hand drop as she wiggled her bum, giggling. “Oh yeah, I still do occasionally; it depends on the context of what’s happening. It's still exciting when I choose to go and think about it like that. That being said, there have been times I wish I didn’t have to use diapers.” she admitted.

Hannah blushed, letting her hand drop as Emily stood back up, turning to her with a grin. “Makes sense,” Hannah said, a bit embarrassed at having been touching Emily during such an intimate act.

“We got to be careful they don’t see; Daddy thinks differently than Mommy on that; he thinks we should use that desire to help train us to be good girls; Mommy, on the other hand, thinks we should be completely desexualized as it’s not proper for babies to have such feelings. It’s a huge debate in the Amazon world. Regardless, it’s usually not a good idea to let them see you with any desire; it’s more likely to cause problems.” Emily explained. She grinned again, leaning in close to Hannah and whispering, “That being said, with Daddy around, we will have a few opportunities for fun.”

Hannah felt a shiver and a grin on her lips. “I’ve never done anything like that before-” she started, Emily putting a finger on Hannah’s lips and silencing her.

“It’s okay; you can follow my lead,” Emily responded with a wink. 

Daddy returned moments later, carrying a pink bag slung over his shoulders and a folded stroller. He opened the baby gate to the living room, unfolding the stroller and stashing the bag beneath. Hannah didn’t miss that the bag clearly said, “Hannah and Emily’s diaper bad.” along the side. 

Daddy scooped up Emily, strapped her in, and handed her a bottle, letting her nurse in before handing Hannah hers. Hannah tilted the bottle back, giving it a few suckles and tasting a delicious grape juice filling her mouth, far better than anything she had ever tasted back home. She let up, her eyes wide, “This is freaking good!”

Daddy chuckled, “Just say it was excellent, Hannah; I know it’s not a curse, but it's better to break those habits now. The quality of ingredients here is far superior to what you have on Earth. It’s a problem. Remind me tonight, and I’ll let you try some of my dinner. I’m also bringing lunch for you girls. Mommy got your snacks at the mall, but I’m sure you could use some food.”

Hannah nodded sheepishly. Daddy was never too harsh, but he clarified that he was in charge and that his orders would be followed. She found herself liking the man; she didn’t want to make him mad or piss him off intentionally. 

“Don’t you want to bring along your new friend?” Daddy asked, looking to where Bella lay, forgotten, in the play area.

Hannah looked away sheepishly. “I do, but it doesn’t make me feel right,” she admitted.

Daddy cocked an eyebrow, a look of realization crossing his face as he mumbled something. He stepped over to Bella, picked the bear up, and pressed what looked like his phone to the bear. Hannah could read his expression, his eyes widening, and he shook his head, sighing. “I’m sure this was mostly from that place; it was programmed to…” he trailed off, shaking his head again, “Hannah, hun, that bear can do a lot of things for you. I can have it help relax you, to help you enjoy yourself as you learn what it means to be a Little, or, would you rather it do nothing?” he asked, glancing to Hannah.

Hannah was taken aback; she wasn’t expecting him to offer something like that, to let her choose. It was incredible! More than that, it furthered the point that she could not trust Mommy; she just couldn’t. Plus, if Mommy didn’t see her with her new friend, it would likely raise suspicion, especially if its effects were powerful. Hannah glanced at the bear and almost needed to snatch it away from Daddy. It was her friend! Not his!

She forced herself to look away as she contemplated what to do. Part of her was screaming to have everything removed; she didn’t want anything messing with her state of mind. Yet, a piece of her told her she could use this. As Emily said, moments would be humiliating and out of her control. How incredible would it be to have a tool she could use to suppress those feelings when needed?

“That’s fine. Is there a way to make it so only I can activate its effects?” Hannah asked curiously.

Daddy cocked his head to the side, scrolling through the options he had before smiling, “Why yes, yes, there is! I will set it to a low relaxation setting, and there is nothing that will eliminate your inhibition, and all you need to do is hug her. Sound like a deal?”

Hannah grinned ear to ear, nodding, “Deal!”

Daddy chuckled, tapping a few things, and suddenly, that desire to snatch Bella from his arms was gone, as if the bear meant nothing to her the blue. But it wasn’t completely gone; it was still there. She felt barely more of a desire towards Teddy as if she had had Bella for a long time and loved her stuffed friend.

Daddy offered the bear to Hannah as he took the bottle from her, stowing it in a thermal pocket on the side of the diaper bag. Hannah recently took the bear, waiting for something to happen, and when nothing did, she burrowed her face in its incredibly soft fur, giggling.

With that sorted, Daddy pushed the stroller to the front door, offering a hand to Hannah, who took it, her heart thumping. The door slid open silently, revealing a glass-lined hallway; Daddy pushed the stroller out, and Hannah took her first steps beyond the household. 

End of Chapter 12

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Do you prefer darker tones or more light-hearted tones in a story such as this?