Crossing Worlds

A Diaper Dimension, original story by SolaraScott

Chapter 21: The Resistance

Hannah slowly awoke sometime later, her head feeling groggy. She forced her eyes open, trying to look around, to move, remembering they had swaddled her before she fell asleep. The mobile still spun overhead, the pacifier still locked in her mouth; what had woken her? It became painfully evident as she felt a cramp. She groaned, trying to bear down and stop it, but in this swaddle, there was nothing she could do as she lost the fight, filling the seat of her diaper. She blushed madly, squirming as Hannah felt the mess mushing between her legs; she could also tell the diaper had swollen even more since she was put down for her nap. Had she genuinely wet the bed? This place was doing stuff to her body that she wasn’t a fan of.

Just as she was becoming distressed at not being able to move, a worker stopped by, a female amazon who smiled down at her. “Morning, sleepy head,” she said in a soft voice, reaching down and scooping Hannah up, undoing the swaddle. “What woke you, I wonder.” her hand felt Hannah’s diaper, and she smiled, “Ahh, I think I know what! Don’t worry, you’ll eventually sleep right through even this. Come on, let’s get you changed,” she said, unlocking the pacifier and leaving the swaddle behind.

Hannah rubbed her eyes, remembering she wasn’t wearing anything but the diaper. The daycare was warm, thankfully, but she was embarrassed at wearing so little. “Did they put anything in that paci?” Hannah asked curiously as the worker strapped her down to the changing table.

The worker smiled again, opening Hannah’s diaper and starting the cleanup process. “Don’t you worry your silly little head about that, sweetheart; we are here to help you be the happiest baby you can be. Relax enjoy the process. You seemed to have so much fun during storytime! Now, would you rather wear a onesie or a dress?” she asked, altogether avoiding answering Hannah’s question.

Hannah wanted to argue more, but it was clear she wouldn’t get any genuine answers from the worker. She sighed, “The dress, please, I suppose.” 

“You suppose?” the worker said playfully, “Well, if it’s up to me, then I’ll just let you play in your diaper; it makes checking you way easier!”

Hannah blushed, “I’d like the dress, please, miss.” 

The woman smiled, finishing changing Hannah into a daytime diaper, “That’s more like it.” she pulled out a short, frilly dress and pulled it over Hannah’s head. 

The dress was short, coming down to just around her hips, flaring out in lace petticoats, ruffles around the sleeves and neckline, and Naomi, dressed in a princess outfit, adorning the chest. Hannah wanted to roll her eyes at the outfit, sure she enjoyed being Little and being treated like a baby to a degree, but this place seemed to flaunt that fact.

“Nap time is almost over; why don’t you enjoy a book in the reading area until then? I’ll get you a small snack. Then it’ll be recess time! You can go on the swings, or the slides, or play in the sandbox.” The worker said in a kind, warm tone as she carried the freshly dressed Hannah over to the reading area of the daycare. 

Before Hannah could formulate a proper response, she had been plopped in a beanbag chair, a book deposited in her lap, and the worker was gone. It had become painfully evident during her stay in this school that the workers didn’t see their patrons as adults posing as children; they seemed to see Littles as actual babies. People certainly didn’t stick around to have a conversation with a baby; they occupied them with different, simple activities while they conversed with other adults. Hannah supposed that, on some level, it was the ultimate ABDL fantasy, being treated like a baby, a genuine baby, but a piece of her, the rational side, was annoyed at the treatment. 

She glanced down at the book, “A Little’s Guide to Being Little!” with, of course, Naomi and Oliver across the cover. Hannah sighed, especially when the worker returned, handing her a small bottle of juice. It was smaller than the bottles used during meal or snack time, allowing Hannah to manipulate the bottle more quickly, but the nipple was just as significant. 

With little else to do, Hannah opened the book and began to read. It was written as a kid's book, with lots of pictures and few words. What interested Hannah the most was the fact that the photographs actually moved. Not much, but they were clearly animated in some way. How the Amazons had figured out a way to make animated characters on what felt like paper, Hannah had no idea. Naomi and Oliver seemed to be actually moving, acting out the sentences on the page. Most of the book contained guidelines on how to behave and obey your parents, many of them depicting not arguing or fighting them. 

The book also contained lots of messages about using your diapers and pacifiers. More than once, Hannah watched as Naomi or Oliver filled their diapers with captions such as “Good girls push and never hold!” 

As far as Hannah could tell, the book didn’t seem to have any hypnotic effects, unlike the actual cartoon, and she easily skimmed through the silly story. Everything about this place, down to the content it served its students, seemed aimed at completely obliterating Hannah’s sense of adulthood. There was nothing in her experience here that would suggest she was anything more than a baby to not only this school but the world as a whole. 

Yet, something tugged at the back of her mind. What had that meeting been like with Lizzy and the other students? It was painfully clear they didn’t want to be interrupted; they seemed to be planning something. On top of that, Lizzy mentioned nearly escaping several times, but she did not remember how she had accomplished it. Despite how Amazons treated Littles, there was a whole other world hidden just below the cute expressions of Littles; there was far more to most than met the eye. 

Almost as if in response to Hannah’s curiosity, another Little was added to the reading circle, a boy who she instantly recognized as a part of the group from yesterday. He scowled at the departing worker before seeing Hannah and blushing. “Oh, hey, you. Uhh, sorry about yesterday,” he said sheepishly.

Hannah had recognized him as one of the students who hadn’t been holding her down. She shrugged, “It’s fine, I suppose; what were you all talking about?” she asked.

The boy turned away, seemingly alert, as he scanned the room for workers. There weren’t any nearby, but he stood and sat right next to her anyway, “You knew Lizzy, right?”

Hannah nodded, “We met just the other day.” she narrowed her eyes. No, it hadn’t been yesterday; it was still today; with the naps, her days seemed to blur, and maintaining track of what time it was or even what day it was difficult. Either way, the answer seemed to alleviate the boy as he continued.

“Well, she almost escaped, right? We were a part of that; we helped her get as far as she did. We can’t reveal to her how we did it since she’s been compromised.” he said with a sigh, sitting back.

Hannah narrowed her eyes, “And why on Earth are you telling me this?”

He shrugged, “You didn’t even tattle on us for stripping you yesterday, and you seem to still have your faculties about you; you haven’t given in to any of the mind-numbing stuff yet. We are constantly looking out for people who may want to join the resistance.”

“The resistance?” Hannah said with a smirk, “What is this, freaking Star Wars?” 

The boy barely even reacted to her jab, “Surely you’ve seen the stuff they do to us; they blast our minds with hypnotic suggestions, they drug us regularly, they bind us up or soothe us if we are being rude or just because they want to. They desexualize us and forcibly change our way of thinking and seeing ourselves. You can’t seriously look me in the eyes and tell me you are okay with all that, can you?”

“Well, I mean, no, not all that.” Hannah admitted, looking away, “I don’t need all that stuff to be good.”

The boy cocked his head, “So, you are slowly giving into the programming.” he said with a sigh, causing Hannah to blush. She hadn’t meant to say she wanted to be a good girl; it had just come to her. “Regardless, we are trying to help Little’s resist, to turn their programming against them. How do you like Naomi and Oliver?” 

Hannah grinned, “Oh! Naomi and Oliver, they are…” she faltered, rubbing her eyes; she had been about to say fantastic, amazing, incredible, she loved them! But those weren’t her honest thoughts; she knew the show well enough to know it was bad news, and it did stuff to her she didn’t want.

The boy nodded slowly, “Exactly, you know where I’m going with this. You also know not all Little’s are under the care of Amazons, right? There’s a collection of us here under work detail. A bunch of scientists have been working to reverse engineer the Amazon technology and have been able to synthesize a nanite vaccine that blocks the effects of Amazon hypnotic messages. It blocks the neuron pathways the messages use to implant stuff in your head; we also-” he was cut off as a daycare worker came over, smiling down at the two.

“Are you reading him your story, Hannah? Do you need help with finishing your bottle?” she asked, noticing Hannah’s bottle was still primarily complete.

“No, I-” Hannah began, but the worker had already scooped her up and was pushing the bottle’s nipple into Hannah’s mouth, cutting off her complaints.

She sighed as grape juice filled her mouth, nestled in the arm of this worker as they went about tending to other Little’s. Hannah’s mind was racing; there was an underground Little resistance. We were developing technology that could counteract the effects of this world. They helped Little’s escape back home? There was a need for such an organization, a sort of underground railroad for Littles to get back to Earth. Hannah had more questions now than before her conversation with the strange boy.

More importantly, the more Hannah learned about this world, the more she learned about its culture and these Amazons, the more Hannah wondered about the specifics of her week-long visit. There had been a plethora of words tossed around, from the step-down program to an adult test to the fact Emily had been kept well after her agreed-upon week. Hannah wanted a short, fun vacation that allowed her to explore her little side; she wanted to be worry-free and finally get to be the baby she always wanted to be but never could.

The more Hannah discovered about this place, however, the more she feared that her ambitions were coming back to haunt her; she worried her lust and desires had entrapped her in an inescapable prison of her kinks. She feared that she would live the life of a baby, whether she wanted to or not.

Hannah felt her bladder growing full, and before she could even think about going, she felt her bladder relax and soak into her diaper. She squirmed, blushing like mad at how easily her body had given up. She feared that even when she was able to get back home, she would have actually to re-potty train herself. The worker seemed to take note of her accident, smiling down at her, “Such a good girl.” she said, pulling the now empty bottle from Hannah’s hands.

Hannah groaned, her eyes fluttering as bliss flooded her at the praise. Its potency had reduced since she had seen the show earlier that day, but it still left her feeling weak. By now, most of the students were up from their naps, most receiving diaper changes, and were now being ushered out for recess with bottles of juice. This place seemed to want to make sure every Little was well hydrated all the time.

The worker set Hannah down on her feet near the doors leading outside, “Why don’t you go play on the playground, sweetheart? Have some fun; work out that energy!” she told Hannah as she stood back up, turning and leaving Hannah there.

Hannah took several steps outside, feeling the warmth of the sun embrace her. She glanced toward the playhouse, the small collection of students already back inside, talking and keeping a lookout for any worker that strayed too close.

To Hannah, this journey was still a trip, a vacation. She was here on holiday, but the boy pointed out several flaws, such as Hannah only coming to terms with understanding about this place. The world of Amazons was both a paradise for a Little such as herself and a nightmare. She got to act out her life as a baby, but on the other hand, regardless of what she wanted or desired, life would be forced upon her. She would be treated as they saw fit; they would mold her to what they wanted, not her.

Hannah didn’t feel trapped entirely, not yet; she was here under the contract that her school would send her home at the end of the week, right? Emily’s experience had to be a fluke. Yet, she had come across not one but multiple Littles who have had their desires disregarded. Amazons didn’t care what Littles thought or cared about; to them, Littles were simply babies posing as adults, not the other way around. 

Hannah gritted her teeth; she didn’t want to address the group, especially knowing what they stood for and what they were doing, but she also recognized the power of such an organization. The idea that she could be made immune to the Amazon hypnotic messages enticed her.

‘But you like being a good girl, Hannah. You are a good girl, you are a good baby, don’t you want to be the best baby you can be for your Mommy?’ Naomi said out of nowhere. 

That was the final straw for Hannah. She wanted to be free of Naomi’s suggestions; she wanted to be back to normal, and she tried to pretend to be a baby, not forced to be one. She strode to the playhouse, pulled open the door, and stepped inside, the group turning hostile glares to her. “I want in; I want to be a part of the resistance,” she said firmly, meeting their gazes. 

End of Chapter 21

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