Crossing Worlds

A Diaper Dimension, original story by SolaraScott

Chapter 13: A Trip to the Park

Hannah held tightly onto Daddy’s hand, her tiny fingers wrapped in his as they stepped out of the apartment into the glass-walled hallway. The hallway stretched around the entire complex, a gleaming, transparent path allowing breathtaking views of the towering city outside. Hannah’s eyes widened as she peered out, watching the skyline shimmer beneath the soft afternoon light. Massive skyscrapers stood tall, their surfaces reflecting the clouds and sky. Down below, the city buzzed with life, but everything felt peaceful and calm in the quiet hallway.

Emily rode in the stroller in relative silence as they walked, enjoying the peace. The walkway curved gracefully, with the sleek walls making it feel like they were floating high above the world. Occasionally, Hannah caught glimpses of the interconnected buildings surrounding theirs, all linked by expansive glass corridors that seemed to hover. Occasionally, they passed small communal spaces, a lounge, and a cafe, each designed with the same sleek, modern elegance as the rest of the complex.

Soon, they reached a bank of elevators, a smooth panel glowing softly as Daddy pressed the button to call for their ride. The doors slid open with a soft hiss, and Hannah felt a slight flutter in her stomach as they stepped inside. The elevator was large and open, with more glass walls allowing uninterrupted views as they ascended. As floors passed beneath them, she gazed at the layers of buildings and platforms, her excitement growing with each passing second. They were rising higher and higher, climbing towards the rooftop park that awaited them.

The elevator stopped smoothly, and the doors opened to reveal the park; they were in the middle of the massive place, with no set entrance or exits. As they stepped out, Hannah gasped in awe. The park was enormous, far more extensive than she had imagined. It stretched across the rooftops of multiple skyscrapers, a swirling green paradise high above the city. Paths wound through lush grass and towering trees, their leaves rustling softly in the gentle breeze. Ahead, the park spread out in all directions, paths sprouting off in every direction.

Hannah first noticed a series of hiking trails that twisted up gentle hills dotted with benches and shaded areas. Little lakes glistened in the distance, their surfaces sparking under the sun, and small rivers snaked through the park, crossed by arched stone bridges that added to the space's charm. Hannah could see people renting boats near the lakes, some pedaling in colorful paddleboats while others glided in small canoes, enjoying the calm waters.

The pathways beneath their feet were wide and well-kept, perfect for strollers or the steady stream of families and children on bikes whizzing by with the occasional bell ring. To their left, a large fountain shot streams of water high into the air, its rhythmic splashing adding a refreshing sound to the park's background hum. The water cascaded into a shallow pool where children played, splashing around in the calm waters.

Further down the path, Hannah could see multiple play areas designed for different ages. Some had brightly colored swings and slides, while others were soft-padded zones with tunnels and climbing structures. There were even zip lines that stretched between tall poles, perfect for teenagers or young adults, though Hannah’s eyes lit up when she spotted the slides and ball pits she and Emily would be occupying.

Picnic areas were scattered throughout, their tables nestled under large trees of open pavilions. Families and friends gathered there, enjoying lunches and snacks, some with Little ones in high chairs or toddlers running around in the grass nearby, their diapers bulging between chubby legs. Tiny food kiosks stood here and there, offering parkgoers soft-serve ice cream, fresh fruit, and drinks. 

As they walked, Daddy guided Hannah over a wooden bridge that arched over a slow-moving river. She looked down and saw the clear water below, with little fish darting through the shadows cast by the bridge. The park was filled with life; birds chirped from treetops, and butterflies flitted around the paths' flowers. It felt like an entire world on top of the city, a vast, open space where the towering skyscrapers seemed to disappear, replaced by nature’s beauty.

Finally, after a little more walking, they reached a quiet spot near one of the small lakes. The water reflected the sky; nearby, some families were feeding ducks that swam lazily by. Daddy took one of the many open picnic tables, stopping the stroller and setting the break as he pulled Emily from the stroller. She was gently nursing her thumb, a content expression on her face. Hannah set Bella in the stroller, not wanting to have to hold her during lunchtime.

Daddy immediately noticed Emily’s bulging bum and smiled. “Oh, Emily, I’m sorry, sweetheart. I didn’t realize you went poopies for Daddy. I’m very proud of you, pumpkin. You are such a good girl. Do you want to change now or after lunch, honey? "

Hannah saw Emily’s eyes flutter, basking in his praise, “After lunch, Daddy, thank you, " she giggled.

Daddy smiled, setting Emily on the picnic table’s bench, “You are doing great with your training, Emily. Daddy is very, very proud of you.” 

Emily grinned, her eyes glazing over as Daddy helped Hannah onto the bench beside her. He began pulling out food from the stroller, setting several containers down, and offering the bottles to the girls. He then began setting them plates. Hannah and Emily were served on cute, colorful, sectioned-off plates. Both were provided peanut butter sandwiches cut into the shape of a Teddy bear's head, grapes, carrots, string cheese, and a small cookie.

Daddy served himself a club sandwich, chips, and a soda, fixing Hannah with a look. “Go potty for Daddy before lunch is over, honey. I will get you both changed. I brought your swimming trunks. Would you two like to play in the water parks?” he asked.

Hannah wanted to melt beneath that gaze. His words, while belittling, were toned just right to make her heart swell, her mind slipping into little space with ease. She could relax around this man; she knew he wouldn’t take advantage of her like Mommy would. She glanced at Emily, who grinned, seemingly in a similar state of mind, giving her a nod. “Water park!” she squealed between bites of sandwich.

Daddy smiled warmly, turning to his meal as the girls ate. Hannah, eager to make Daddy proud, did exactly as he asked. She didn’t need to go but knew she could if she tried. With a bit of effort, Hannah was able to wet and poop herself, the combination of the two swirling in her diaper before being soaked in, leaving her feeling squishy but dry. 

Suddenly, a voice echoed through Hannah’s head, having nearly forgotten the girl's presence as Naomi spoke to Hannah. ‘You are such a good girl, Hannah! You are such a good baby for your Daddy. You don’t even fight to hold yourself back; you just use your diaper as you need to. I’m proud of you, just like Daddy is!”

Hannah wanted to hate Naomi; she tried to keep the girl from her head. She hated that she could hear Naomi’s thoughts and even more that she agreed with the girl. Each time Hannah allowed herself to slip into Little Space, her relaxed nature made her susceptible to Naomi’s suggestions. They did reflect her thoughts and desires in a matter of speaking, and deep down, she knew this. Was Naomi just a manifestation of her deepest, kinkiest desires? Or, was Naomi a figment of her cartoon show that had lodged into Hannah’s mind that she was now using as an excuse to warrant her actions? Neither answer soothed Hannah, so she simply ignored the girl who retreated, having realized she wasn’t being engaged, 

Whether through excitement or hungry tummies, it didn’t take either girl long to finish their meals. Daddy gently shook both girls' bottles, feeling how much was left in each. “Emily, just a bit more, baby, and you can save the rest while Daddy gets Hannah changed.”

“Yes, Daddy,” Emily replied, nursing the bottle. 

Daddy brought the diaper bag and laid a mat on the table towards the end. It wasn’t until now that Hannah realized she should ask something: where would they be changed? Was there a restroom nearby? Daddy, however, was already scooping Hannah up and laying her on the changing mat right there in the middle of the park. Hannah began blushing brightly with embarrassment, shame swelling to a crescendo as she voiced her concerns, “Right here, Daddy? Isn’t there someplace a little more private?” she asked.

Daddy smiled, stepping over to the stroller and retrieving Bella, handing it to her. “Something you will learn, baby girl, is that babies are changed whenever and wherever is convenient. This is a convenient spot; no one is looking, and nothing is wrong. This is completely normal. You are just a baby. Relax, hug your bear. I’ll be done in a few moments.”

Feeling Daddy begin to tug off her shorts, Hannah took the bear and hugged it tightly, her heart racing a thousand miles per hour as she felt her shorts come completely off, leaving her in just the soiled diaper. The effects of the bear were much more subtle this time; she thought it was attacking her anxiety first, slowly letting her relax. Her breathing began to slow as she felt Daddy working her clean, and she hadn’t even realized her diaper was open already! She heard him praising her, his praise furthering the effects of the bear, making her swell with pride at making him happy. There was something about his words, about making him happy, that truly made Hannah’s heart swell, and Daddy liked it when she wet and pooped her diapers for him, he genuinely liked her behaving like a baby, and babies got changed wherever they could, like a picnic table.

The entire process was over in 30 seconds, the moments having seemed to stretch on for far longer than they did for Hannah. She hadn’t even felt Naomi stirring the entire time, perhaps because Daddy was there to fill that role. Hannah was soon diapered again, but Daddy was sitting her up instead of finishing, pulling her top off. Well, if having your poopy diaper changed in the park didn’t bother her, showing her bare chest certainly didn’t either. She felt Daddy pulling something over her legs and up her body, a stretchy material that seemed to cling to Hannah.

Hannah realized it was a one-piece swimsuit as Daddy pulled the straps over her shoulders, encasing her body. Her diaper felt different, too; it had less padding. It was a swim diaper, she realized with a start. Her swimsuit bulged noticeably around it, but it wasn’t as bad as the night or daytime diapers she had been wearing. 

The swimsuit itself had a princess on the front. It was pink, and colors danced across its surface. It had a ruffled, short skirt that flittered around Hannah’s hips, doing nothing to provide any decency and only adding to her cuteness. Hannah felt Daddy gently taking the bear from Hannah, who was no longer hugging it. Her fears and concerns didn’t come rushing back. They were still there—they had been the whole time—but she could manage them.

“You did such a great job, Hannah.” Daddy said, “You are such a good girl; that wasn’t too bad, was it?”

Hannah shook her head, and Daddy helped her down after removing her socks and setting Emily in her place. 

Hannah was left to explore her new outfit as Daddy repeated the process with Emily, who didn’t have Bella to comfort her. Hannah could tell the girl was beyond embarrassed, but there wasn’t much she could do to help Emily. Thankfully, Daddy was on top of it, praising her as much, if not more, than he had Hannah, trying to quell any negative thoughts Emily was having and ensuring she understood what a good girl she was being. 

It didn’t take long before Emily stood beside Hannah, grinning from her one-piece suit, nearly identical to the princess shown on her face. Hannah didn’t recognize either of them; she assumed they were apart from the Amazon world and not her own. Did they even have Disney on this planet? It wouldn’t make sense if they did, yet so much of their culture seemed to mirror what they had on Earth. The two worlds had similar food, clothing styles, and language. There was far more in common with them than there were differences. It was an odd realization: why would this place be able to serve the same soft-serve ice cream she had back home but not know who Rapunzel was? 

That, however, was a concern for another time. Daddy leaned down to them with a slight yellow canister that Hannah recognized as sunscreen. “Eye closed.” He said with a smile, “Hold your breath, sweetheart.” 

Hannah did so, feeling a cool mist envelope her and almost immediately dissipate. She cracked an eye, but Daddy was already putting away the canister. She took a hesitant breath, catching the sweet floral scent of lavender wafting around her. “Alright, girls, Daddy will be right here watching you two. If you need anything, let me know, okay? You two stay together, understand?” he asked, a soft firmness to his voice.

Hannah and Emily nodded in unison, “Yes, Daddy.” Emily said.

Daddy smiled, nodding, “Now, have fun, you two.”

Emily turned to Hannah, grinning as they approached the small water park. " The first one, there is a rotten egg?” Emily asked.

Hannah giggled, “That’s just your butt you are smelling!” she exclaimed with a wink before both girls tore off down the path, squealing with excitement. 

End of Chapter 13

Questions, comments, concerns? Let me know what you think!

This story will explore both dark, and light elements. This chapter is designed to be a more light hearted, fun ABDL style story. Do you prefer these chapters or would you rather explore the cold, dark, cruel nature of the diaper dimension?