Crossing Worlds

A Diaper Dimension, original story by SolaraScott

Chapter 5: Hyperion City

Mommy turned to the door, Hannah still in her arms, slinging Hannah and her bag over her shoulder as she pushed out into the station. The station stretched like a sprawling giant, its towering arches and sweeping corridors dwarfing Hannah at each turn. Welby walked beside them, holding Evan’s hand as they traversed the grand space. Each beam of sunlight that filtered through the grand, crystalline skylights above bathed the space in a warm, golden glow, emphasizing the grandeur of its design. The ceilings were so high they seemed to merge with the sky, their intricate carvings and luminous patterns almost beyond view. Massive columns, wide enough for several Amazons to sit side by side, lined the pathways like ancient guardians, their surfaces etched with symbols and reliefs that shimmered faintly in the light.

The station pulsed with life, a bustling center of activity where every sound echoed endlessly in the vast space. Amazons and Littles scurried through, their footsteps thunderous as they passed, casting shadows over Hannah that felt like passing clouds. Platforms floated above and below, connected by enormous bridges that spanned the station like webs of silver, each platform a hub of its own, where travelers embarked and disembarked in a constant flow. The sound of conversations, announcements, and the hum of machinery blended into a symphony of motion, creating a sense of organized chaos that seemed to envelop Hannah within it.

Despite its size, there was natural elegance to the station, with vines and greenery woven into its architecture, climbing the towering walls and cascading from hanging gardens suspended in the air. Fountains of crystal-clear water flowed from oversized basins, their soft splashes contrasting the bustling energy around. Every detail, from the carved marble steps to the enormous benches and kiosks, was designed with a scale that made Hannah truly grow to appreciate the scale of the Amazon world. Everything was beyond reach in this place, physically and metaphorically. And yet, the beauty of the hub, a combination of nature and advanced design, left her in awe, even as they navigated its intimidating expanse. 

Hannah absorbed the views, her mouth slack-jawed, yet an underlying dread coursed through her. The Littles she saw weren’t allowed to walk around of their own accord. Many were in the arms of Amazons, some holding their hands and yet others strapped tightly into strollers. Each wore a thick, bulky diaper with outfits that varied in their success in providing the Little with any sense of decency. While most were quiet, Hannah noticed not one but two Littles who were gagged with pacifiers, crying, and over the laps of their Amazon caregivers, with a spanking being administered. 

Hannah should have felt embarrassed being stuck in the arms of her new Mommy, dressed as she was, and yet she didn’t. It wasn’t that she wasn’t ashamed of her outfit; she knew that she looked nothing like her natural, usual self. It felt like she was in someone else's body; this wasn’t her. More than one Amazon saw her and smiled, cooing as they passed, but they didn’t see Hannah; they saw the baby she was pretending to be. Mommy held her proudly as if she were a trophy, happily showing her award to anyone who wanted to see it. Despite her tolerance of the treatment, it didn’t stop a flush from forming on Hannah’s cheeks as they moved through the station and left through a series of bustling doors.

As they stepped out of the station, the world beyond unfolded before her like a dream brought to life, a vast cityscape that seemed too grand, too magnificent to be accurate. Hannah’s breath caught as she gazed upward, the city's sheer scale overwhelming, time seeming to slow for that instant of wonder. Towering skyscrapers, impossibly tall, rose from the ground like ancient monoliths, their gleaming surfaces shimmering in the daylight. Each building seemed to pierce the very clouds, vanishing into the misty heights far above as if they were reaching for the heavens themselves. The scale of everything overwhelmed her senses, making her feel minuscule in a way the stories could never capture.

The city was alive with motion. Massive streets sprawled out in every direction, filled with vehicles that glided smoothly through the air on invisible currents, their metallic surfaces reflecting the brilliance of the towering structures around them. Bridges the size of entire neighborhoods arched overhead, connecting the skyscrapers like delicate threats in a vast, interconnected web. Hannah could hear the hum of machinery, the faint roar of distant engines, and the low murmur of voices carried on the wind, blending into a constant, vibrant chorus that filled the city with life.

The architecture was nothing short of breathtaking. The buildings were adorned with steep, intricate designs that made them look almost organic as if they had come from the earth rather than been constructed. Vast windows and balconies jutted out at impossible heights, adorned with hanging gardens cascading down the buildings' sides in vibrant shades of green and gold. Some of the skyscrapers were crowned with massive observatories, domes of glass that reflected the sky like mirrors, while others were topped with spires that seemed to crackle with energy, sending pulses of light through the clouds above.

The air itself was thick with awe. Hannah could feel the weight of it pressing against her skin, not in an oppressive way, but as if the city itself was alive, breathing, and welcoming her into its grand, mysterious embrace. She craned her neck, her eyes tracing the vertical lines of the buildings that stretched impossibly high, and for a moment, she felt as though she might lose herself in their grandeur. The sky above was painted with swirling clouds, pierced by the towering spires, creating an ever-changing canvas of light and shadow that danced across the city in a rhythm only it seemed to understand.

Hannah’s heart raced as she took it all in, the enormity of it, the beauty, the sheer overwhelming vastness of this place. She had never seen anything like it or imagined a vast and intricate city. Everything around her was larger than life, from the colossal stairways that led to platforms high above to the oversized signs and billboards that towered over the streets, their messages offering different products, some of which made Hannah blush. And yet, despite its size, the city had a strange, undeniable allure. It was a place of possibilities, of dreams as tall as the skyscrapers that pierced the clouds. For the first time, Hannah felt incredibly small and profoundly connected to something significant, something magnificent, as if the city welcomed her and challenged her to see how deep she could dive into its mysteries. 

Mommy leaned in, her voice soft, full of wonder, “Amazing, isn’t it? Your cities aren’t like this back home, are they?” she asked.

Hannah shook her head, closing her gaping mouth and swallowing before answering, “No, nothing like this.” she responded in awe, Mommies hand shifting under her bum as they walked down a shallow flight of stairs to the parking lot, a sleek red suburban sitting idle beside the sidewalk.

The car looked standard, more aerodynamic, and crucially missing any wheels. Yet, it hung there a foot off the ground. The Amazon society was several decades ahead of Earth in technology; their city's streets were lined with electromagnets that lifted their vehicles off the ground and gave them power. Daddy was already rounding the car, the doors opening as Mommy carried Hannah toward them. The car was far more significant than anything she had seen before, and she immediately noticed the car seat in the back, which Mommy was heading directly for. 

Hannah was torn; she had dreamed of having a car seat someday, yet the prospect of being forced into one set her nerves on edge. Then again, with the sheer scale of Amazons, she would never be able to fit in their seatbelts properly. On top of that, in the event of an accident, the g-forces would be extreme for a body of her size; like it or not, the car seat was the safest place for her. Before she knew it, Mommy had set her in the seat, pulling the shoulder straps down and clicking them into the buckle between Hannah’s legs, pulling the straps tight. The chair was comfortable and seemed to mold to her body, holding her firmly. She didn’t feel claustrophobic; she felt secure, almost as if this were a bucket seat in a race car. 

She glanced to the side where Evan was strapped into a seat of his own, a pale green compared to her pink, and there was another car seat between them, a purple color. She briefly wondered who that was intended for but didn’t get time to wonder as Mommy and Daddy climbed into the front. The car glided away from the station with a few pressing buttons, wholly and utterly smooth and silent. Hannah hadn’t even noticed before, but screens were built into the seats in front of her. As the car glided down endless streets, the screen came to life, a musical melody filling the vehicle, intoxicating sweet. 

Evan squealed and clapped, “Naomi and Oliver!” he exclaimed.

With a start, Hannah realized she would finally get to see what this show was all about that he seemed to enjoy so much. The screen dissolved into a mixture of colors, the words ‘Naomi and Oliver’ written across in a cutesy font. Hannah found her attention drawn to the screen as two characters danced across the scene, the title card floating away. One was a girl dressed in a short skirt that did little to hide the massive diaper that ballooned beneath it and a ruffled blouse, her hair done in pigtails with bows not unlike her own. The other character, a boy, is dressed in a t-shirt and a bulging disposable diaper covered in cute designs. 

Both characters skipped to the middle of the screen, turning to face Hannah as they waved happily, “Hi, boys and girls! It’s Naomi!”

“And Oliver!” the boy proclaimed.

“And welcome to Naomi and Oliver!” Naomi added, beaming as they danced with one another.

Evan squealed and clapped for joy, and Hannah felt a tugging to do the same. Her eyes were glued to the screen, and her excitement to see the city wholly dissolved as she became utterly entranced by the dancing cartoons. 

Oliver turned towards her again, “You want to be a good girl. You should always have something to nurse! Good girls love suckling what they are given, and hey, even when you have nothing, you always got your thumb!” He giggled, popping his thumb in his mouth as the camera panned to Naomi. Hannah didn’t stop to think of the statement's absurdity or that they only addressed girls, not boys. It was as if the show were in tune with whoever was watching it.  

“Don’t you love how comfortable your diaper is? Isn’t it so soft? My Mommy makes sure, no matter what, that I’m always safe, secure, and snug in my diaper, just like your Mommy and Daddy do for you! I love the feeling of my diaper, but do you know what makes it even better?” Naomi asked.

Evan shook his head, staring at the screen. Hannah even found herself wondering where Naomi was going with this reasoning. A piece of her knew there was something deeply wrong with this show; she could tell it was doing something to her that, in her rational mind, would never come to accept. For the moment, though, the show’s intoxicating colors, music, and characters completely enthralled her, her mind utterly occupied by the character's dialogue; she hadn’t even noticed her thumb bobbing between her lips.

“Filling it, of course!” Naomi said with a giggle, lifting her skirt. 

Hannah watched in wonder as the front of Naomi’s diaper began to swell and sag, turning a faint yellow before she turned her bum towards the camera.

“Remember, don’t hold it, don’t hold back, just let it go!” Oliver said, “Good girls, don’t hold it.” he instructed Naomi, who sighed in relief as the rear of her diaper swelled.

Naomi finished going, turning back to the camera as Oliver began the same ritual, soaking his diaper and messing it, “You don’t need to worry about a thing with Mommy and Daddy around; be a good girl and use your diaper.” 

Hannah’s subconscious fought the desire to do exactly as the characters were telling them to, her bladder and bowels seemingly full at the moment, eager and willing to fill her diaper. Hannah’s adult mind somehow won the fight, and the pressure relaxed, and her diaper was still clean.

The show dissolved into a song and dance, the characters praising one another for being good girls and good boys for using their diapers and nursing their thumbs or pacifiers when they weren’t singing. The song seemed to pulse within Hannah, drawing her in, her lips fumbling to form the words around her thumb. Yet, a deeper portion of Hannah was able to maintain her face, pulling her back from completely giving into the show like Evan, who clapped and sang along. 

The melody continued to play after the song ended, but the credits rolled. Naomi and Oliver made one last appearance at the end of the credits to wave goodbye to Hannah. Hannah caught her hand midway up, trying to wave back, the fog that had settled over her mind gently lifting. Every so slowly, Hannah’s thoughts began to return to normal, her thumb falling from her mouth as she realized what had happened. 

What on Earth was that show? Why couldn’t she stop thinking about it? Why hadn’t she been able to look away? In the back of her mind, she felt as if Naomi and Oliver were still there, dancing, their words lingering far longer than she would have otherwise liked. She glanced at her thumb, covered in saliva, and fought the urge to pop it back into her mouth. She enjoyed a pacifier back home, but this seemed different; it seemed wrong. She glanced down at the bulging diaper between her legs and realized now, with a start, that she needed to pee. How long had it been since she went? 

She almost relaxed momentarily, letting it go, Naomi’s words echoing in her head, telling her good girls to use their diapers. Hannah shook her head, trying to clear it of silly thoughts as she voiced her need: “Mommy? I need to use the bathroom.” she said, flushing at the humiliation of telling such an infantile sentence.

Mommy giggled, turning in her seat towards her, “Weren’t you listening to the show, silly goose? Good girls use their diapers! You may go potty whenever you desire to be Mommy’s good girl.”

Hannah quivered under those words, ‘good girl’ reverberating around her head like a drug. Hannah’s desire to give in and accept it was almost too much for her. But, she held onto the semblance of her adult thoughts long enough to prevent an accident. She nodded, blushing and turning away, “Okay, Mommy.”

Mommy cocked her head to the side but said nothing, turning back to the front as she and Daddy chatted. Hannah sat there, fighting a losing battle. She knew from the stories the longer you just let yourself go whenever you felt the need, the quicker you’d lose control over your bladder, and Hannah had no plans to negate years of potty training before returning. Hannah’s fight was dramatically more challenging; Naomi and Oliver’s words bounced around her head as if they were there right now, asking her why she bothered holding it. After all, she was in diapers and was expecting to use them for her stay here. Mercifully, after what felt like minutes but was only seconds later, Hannah gave in, letting her bladder soak into the thirsty padding between her legs.

End of Chapter 5