Crossing Worlds

A Diaper Dimension, original story by SolaraScott

Chapter 9: A Shopping Trip

Hannah expected a sudden drop, like on a carnival ride, but this was far smoother. The car glided out from the garage, and despite being hundreds of feet in the air, it felt like they were on a solid road. Then, the car began to descend at a smooth, steady rate until finally reaching street level when it hovered again, taking off down the road. Once again, as it did before, the screen before Hannah came to life, the same cartoon music intro filling the car. Hannah groaned but could do nothing as the show began pulling her in, the title card flashing, “Naomi and Oliver.”

“Hi, boys and girls! Welcome to the Naomi,” Naomi stated.

“And Oliver show!” Oliver said as the music reached a crescendo, “Have you all been good boys and girls?”

Hannah went to bite her tongue to force herself from responding, but she found the pacifier still in her mouth, which worked just as well. She couldn’t tell if Emily was struggling; she seemed just as quiet as the cartoon continued. 

“We want you to be able to fully relax, pop in a pacifier or a thumb, make pushes, and relax!” Naomi said with a smile, her diaper beginning to swell.

Hannah wanted to roll her eyes, yet her bladder twitched, and she fought to control it. She was surprised at just how strong the feeling was; thankfully, Daddy had helped her sort out her other needs, and within a few moments, the feeling disappeared. 

That’s not a very good girl thing to do.’ Naomi popped up in her head, ‘Come on, relax; it’s okay; remember how much that diaper holds? It can hold lots and lots! Full bladders ache!’

Hannah’s aching bladder returned with a vengeance, catching her off guard. This time, she lost control, her bladder's meager contents soaking into the thirsty padding. She groaned, especially as Naomi began praising her. She tried to shut her out, but with the show playing, it was impossible.

“Doesn’t that feel so much better?” Oliver asked Naomi, who smiled and nodded, “And it makes you a good girl too!”

With that, the show continued, “Have you ever eaten or drank something and then had to go?” Oliver said; Naomi nursing a bottle, her tummy grumbling as she put her hand to it, crossing her knees in a clear sign she needed to use the bathroom. 

Hannah cocked her head to the side, was this silly cartoon indicating that her food had indeed been spiked somehow? 

“That’s normal!” Oliver continued, “Amazon food is far richer than anything you may be accustomed to; trust me, I tried adult food once!” A plate of lasagna or pasta dish appeared beside him, and he turned green at the gills and ran away to puke.

“Your Mommy and Daddy will ensure you only get Little safe food.” Naomi said, “You need to trust them! They only want what's best for you!”

Hannah felt her fists clenching as the car soared along, and the messages in these shows targeted her. That being said, the fact the show brought up her issues with the food made her wonder how accurate the message was. Was it just a matter of ingredients? But no, it had a far more profound impact on Hannah; it wasn’t that simple; there had to be something else going on there.

The show descended into song and dance. This song was about not questioning your Mommy or Daddy but letting them do what was best for you. Despite her efforts, Hannah found her hands clapping along, Emily, having lost her pacifier, singing along until the end credits finally rolled, leaving Hannah’s mind in a foggy haze as she tried to regain her wits. She groaned, her fingers going to rub her temple, Emily seeming to be in a similar state.

“How was that episode girls?” Mommy asked with a grin.

“It was good, Mommy,” Emily said with fake enthusiasm that Mommy didn’t seem to pick up on it.

With the car's headrests, Hannah couldn't glance over at Emily, but she felt her hand upon her thigh. Hannah’s hand went to Emily’s, taking it and holding it, giving her a firm squeeze as they continued the drive. Mommy turned on music, which, of course, was more songs from the show. At least this didn’t cause Hannah to dance and sing along. Their journey ended when the car pulled up to the front of a mall, the doors opened, and Mommy came around and collected them on either hip. A push cart floated there, ready for them, as if it knew they were coming. This was one of those buggies you see at the mall, a double partially reclined seat of hard plastic and storage below and behind.

Hannah was strapped into one, and Mommy noticed her wet diaper and praised her for being a good girl. Once again, the euphoria that washed across Hannah had her eyes rolling to the back of her head; she let out a soft moan that Mommy used to slip her pacifier back into place with a chuckle. The feeling didn’t last long, but it was so strong! As strong, if not stronger, than it had been yesterday. Perhaps it was something with that show? It made logical sense. Hannah didn’t have time to contemplate it further as Emily was strapped in next to her, and Mommy pushed them into the bustling mall.

The first thing that hit Hannah was the sheer scale of it all; it was like an entire world dedicated to fun and discovery, especially for Littles and toddlers. The mall seemed to stretch endlessly in every direction, with multiple interconnected floors linked by wide, smooth ramps and glass elevators gliding silently up and down. From their vantage point, the two girls could see up through the mall's center, where each level spiraled upward, creating a breathtaking view of shops and walkways above.

The floors were polished, their smooth surfaces gleaming under the soft, ambient lighting, making everything bright and inviting. The space was filled with happy laughter, music, and the occasional hum of chatter, giving the mall a lively, bustling atmosphere. Hundreds of shops line each level's sides, with oversized, colorful signs catering to Littles. The windows of the stores were filled with everything imaginable for little ones: soft toys, cute outfits, strollers, cribs, and endless displays of bottles, pacifiers, diapers, and baby-size accessories.

There were stores dedicated entirely to plush animals, where oversized teddy bears and stuffed giraffes seemed to beckon from the windows, making Hannah suddenly miss having Teddy. Others were filled with racks of tiny clothes, all pastel colored and covered in cute patterns, polka dots, stars, and little animals. The girls passed a shop specializing in small shows, where rows of soft, velcro-fastened baby shoes lined the shelves. Even the toy stores felt magical; some had interactive windows where toy trains chugged along tracks, and animals danced and twirled, enticing the girls with their playful charm.

Hannah quickly drew attention to the play areas scattered across the mall. There seemed to be one on every floor, each more elaborate than the last. Soft, cushioned mats covered the ground with tunnels, slides, and colorful playhouses for little ones to crawl and explore. There were ball pits, bouncing pads, and even miniature carousels that spun slowly, their seats shaped like adorable animals. In one area, she saw a large, interactive digital wall where Littles were playing with holographic bubbles, trying to pop them with giggles of delight. Each play area had large, cushioned benches around the perimeter where parents could sit and watch, making it clear that this mall wasn’t just for shopping; it was a safe place for Littles to have fun and explore.

As they passed the food court, the smells of freshly baked bread, sweet pastries, and warm, buttery popcorn filled the air, making Hannah’s tummy rumble despite being full from breakfast. The food court was vast, with large, inviting tables surrounded by high chairs. The stands were brightly colored, offering a range of snacks, some familiar like soft pretzels and warm cookies, while others had uniquely crafted snacks for Littles, such as tiny fruit bowls and cups of mashed vegetables. Hannah noticed a booth dedicated entirely to baby food, where jars of purees in every flavor imaginable were on display, from sweet potatoes to mango peach.

Beyond the food court, the grand entrance to the movie theater loomed. The enormous marquee lit up the hallway, showcasing colorful posters of animated films, with posters reacting to guests who walked by. The theater itself had a section specifically designed for Littles. As Mommy pushed the cart further, Hannah and Emily gazed wonderfully at the multitude of sights. Everywhere they looked, there was something new and exciting: a shop filled with tiny musical instruments, a large fountain that sprayed water into the air in gentle arcs, and even a carousel that sparkled under the lights, its horses moving slowly as Littles and parents alike rode together. 

The magnitude of the mall so took Hannah aback she forgot for a moment that she was strapped into a buggy, sucking a pacifier, with an apparent diaper bulge for all to see. She blushed, casting her eyes back, yet she could do little. The shirt didn’t go any lower; the buggy straps made it impossible for her to shift positions. As they passed yet another store, the clean, reflective surface of the window let Hannah see herself. A little girl strapped into a push cart looked adorable with bows in her hair; she couldn’t be older than 2 or 3. It wasn’t Hannah at all; this was a completely different person. With that in mind, she tried to relax; people didn’t see Hannah, the adult; they saw Hannah, the baby, two completely separate people.

Would Mommy and Daddy lead you wrong? You look adorable! They know what they are doing; it’s safe to let go and accept your new life. No one knows your past; they only see you now as you are.” Naomi offered a piece of advice. 

As much as Hannah hated the intrusions, she had to admit that Naomi was right. As long as her caregivers kept dressing her like this, and, heck, even without it, the transformations she experienced going through the portal were more than enough to convince her she wasn’t in her average body. Mommy pushed them past yet another toy store, this one seeming to specialize in building and designing your stuffies, like Build-A-Bear, back home. “If you two are good, we will stop here on the way out, and if you two are extra, ultra good, we can stop at the candy store too,” Mommy said, her tone indicating that she was talking to children.

Emily glanced at Hannah, who returned her look. Both were nursing pacifiers, and it seemed evident that Mommy wasn’t truly looking for a response anyway. They turned into an office supply store, heading straight towards the section dedicated to back-to-school supplies. Emily and Hannah were left strapped into the cart as Mommy added supplies to the trolley. An Amazon woman, towing a Little boy around with a child leash, spotted them and turned with a big grin. The boy was wearing a diaper, t-shirt, and the leash pack, a pacifier stuck between his lips. The diaper was heavily swollen, forcing him to shuffle as the woman stepped up and stooped before the girls.

“Oh, aren’t you two just precious! How old are they?” The woman asked, pinching Hannah’s cheek. 

Hannah tried pulling away as the woman tormented Emily next, “I haven’t fully decided yet; I want to see how well they do with the step-down program first.” Mommy explained, “For now, between two and three.”

“Well, I, for one, think they are adorable, sister?” she asked Mommy, who nodded, “Word of advice, don’t let them think they are any bigger than they are, and a good nursing and spanked bum keeps any Little in-line, you two behave for your Mommy.”

Hannah glowered at the woman as she turned to leave, remembering Daddy’s advice and nursing her pacifier angrily. What right did this woman have to say stuff like that? To treat them like infants? To step in and try to decide what was right for them? She was too hot and bothered to realize that Mommy had spoken of the step-down program again and, more importantly, that this may not be their final age. Had the woman seriously talked about nursing? She may have been pretending to be a baby, but Hannah was undoubtedly not an infant! Just as she felt her anger bubble over, she felt Emily take her hand, giving her a long, comforting squeeze and a concerned look, removing the pacifier to whisper to her.

“Just let it go, I promise; it’s far worse if you fight back; they will make you regret it,” Emily said, electing to leave the pacifier out for the moment. 

Hannah forced herself to unclench her first, her other hand holding Emily’s as she tried to relax. Mommy didn’t seem to have been paying much attention to the woman; instead focused on getting their school things in order. Not long after the incident, they were leaving the store. She hadn’t noticed before, but the stores had no cashiers; Hannah wondered how they paid for items as they continued down the mall. 

Next up was a clothing store; Hannah felt dread in her tummy as they entered. The store catered exclusively to Little boys and girls. A clerk immediately noticed them, a young teenage girl who skipped to them. “Welcome in! My goodness, they are so adorable! Do you have their measurements on file?” she asked.

“Not yet, no. Can we get them measured?” Mommy asked.

“Of course!” The girl said with a smile as she led Mommy over to a small waiting area. It looked like a scale and several different devices for measuring a person's body, “Whose first?” she asked Mommy.

“Let’s do Hannah banana.” Mommy said as she pulled Hannah from the buggy, setting her on her feet. 

Hannah had a new nickname: fantastic. The woman smiled, kneeling beside Hannah. “Hannah, is that it? I’m Cloey. We are going to be taking your measurements, okay?” She offered Hannah her hand. “Let’s start with your weight and shoe size.”

With little else to do, Hannah gingerly let the woman take her hand and pull her in, setting her on a scale built into the floor. She positioned Hannah, back straight, against the wall, recording several measurements simultaneously. The scale seemed soft and springy; she realized the mat was deformed around her, giving the woman a replica of Hannah’s foot size and shape. 

“Arms up, sweetheart,” Cloey ordered as she brought out a tape measure, pulling it around Hannah’s hips, then waist, then between her legs, measuring her thighs. Hannah blushed at the girl's intrusive nature. She forced herself to remember that she wasn’t Hannah, the adult, but the baby the girl saw. Babies certainly didn’t mind something like this; they didn’t care, so why should Hannah? Still, she blushed madly, especially as the woman pulled her shorts down just enough to see the type of diaper she was wearing and then measured her bust.

“Such a well-behaved little girl!” Cloey commented, “How old are you, pumpkin?”

The question caught Hannah off guard: did she want to know her biological age or the age her Mommy decided she was supposed to be? She glanced at Mommy, who smiled, cocking her head to the side, wondering how Hannah was going to answer. She realized rather quickly this question was a trap. If she said she was 21, she felt she’d be over Mommy’s lap before the day's end. Hesitantly, she held up two fingers, Mommy smiling and giving her a soft nod. Hannah breathed a sigh of relief.

Cloey gasped, “A whole two years old? Why, you don’t look a day over 16 months!” 

While she likely meant it as a compliment, the comment set Hannah’s nerves on edge.

“Do you need me to remove her diaper for a good measurement?” Mommy asked, only serving to further Hannah’s blush.

“Nope! Thank you, Mommy, I got it.” The girl reported, smiling at Hannah, “She’s in a size 6 Pampers; I just removed the thickness from her waist and hips to get an accurate measurement. Many parents are concerned about letting their kids out of their diapers; this is easier.”

Hannah’s face turned an even deeper shade of red, if possible. Thankfully, Cloey had what she wanted and helped Hannah sit on the padded bench around the waiting area as Mommy helped Emily down, parking the stroller. The entire process was repeated with Emily, who seemed just as embarrassed as Hannah. The site of Emily’s diaper, with the faded wetness indicators, brought Hannah a realization: She had to pee again. She immediately felt Naomi stirring and silencing her as quickly as possible, gritting her teeth through the pacifier. ‘No, no, no, NOPE! Stay put; I got this.’ she thought angrily at Naomi, who seemed to retreat, giggling. 

Then she made the conscious effort to relax, letting herself go, her bladder soaking into the diaper. She sighed in relief, once again making the conscious effort to block Naomi’s thoughts; the only thing she got was a vague impression of pride and praise. Emily soon joined her, freshly measured, as Cloey made some last remarks on their profile.

“Alright, Mommy, what are we looking for today? Do we need some new training onesies? Maybe a few dresses, we have LOTS of add-ons to choose from, or maybe even some locking-” Cloey began, as Mommy abruptly cut her off.

“We need some back-to-school clothes, something that will make changes easy for the school,” Mommy stated firmly, a small smile on her lips. 

That smile made it clear she had likely thought of all those things Cloey was offering and more. Cloey looked slightly disappointed, but her spirit quickly returned, “Of course, right this way, girls, hold each other's hands so you don’t get lost!” she added as she turned and walked down an aisle.

Mommy parked the push chart, giving us both a pointed look before we took each other's hands and followed Cloey. We passed endless rows of dresses, skirts, blouses, shorts, shirts, shoes, and even bows and smocks. Sizes seemed to range from even smaller than Hannah or Emily's clear-up to clothing that would fit Cloey! They arrived at a section that seemed to have mainly clothing in their size, and Cloey immediately pulled down a few button-up shirts, showing Mommy, who scoffed. “They are going to school. Do you have something a little more age-appropriate?” Hannah heard the air quotes when Mommy mentioned the word ‘school.’ 

Cloey blushed, returning to the outfits before returning, holding a white pullover with a collar and a short blue dress. Mommy smiled and nodded, “Much better; let’s see how they look.”

Hannah only had a moment to process what Mommy had said before she felt her hands on the hem of her shirt, pulling it over her head. Hannah yelped, the pacifier pulled from her mouth by the clip, and she covered her chest. Mommy wasn’t done, though, and she felt Mommy lifting her by her arm, nodding to Cloey, who pulled Hannah’s shorts off as well, leaving her in only her diaper.

Hannah blushed like mad, standing in a soggy diaper in the middle of a busy store. Cloey giggled, preparing the white pullover, “New adoption? She’s been so well-behaved thus far!”

Mommy shook her head, sighing, “Yes, she is, Hannah, hands down, now.”

Hannah’s entire body was red with shame as she gingerly let her arms down. Cloey immediately stepped forward and pulled the shirt over her head, followed by the dress. The dress had a ruffled hem and flared collar, and the cuffs around her arms ended in blue lace and ruffle, with a bow on each side. The hem of her dress only partially covered Hannah’s diaper, and she felt mortified standing there as the two women inspected her. Mommy studied her, turning her around and even having Hannah bend over slightly before turning to Cloey and nodding, “We’ll take it, two for each girl, please.” she said before stripping Hannah once more. 

Hannah had been prepared this time, but the same never ended; her face beat red. With severe difficulty, she managed to keep from covering herself as her previous clothes were brought back and pulled into place. She was all too glad for the silly shorts and shirt back. As much as they may not have given her privacy, this little stunt showed her that things could always be worse. She had to go with whatever this woman wanted to dress her in or lack of clothing.

They continued shopping, with Mommy deciding on a few more cutesy outfits for both girls. Thankfully, none required Hannah to be stripped again, although Emily received the same treatment. Despite Emily’s first words to Hannah, which were of privacy, she sure seemed just as susceptible to shame as Hannah was. Their clothing was in order. Mommy scooped both girls up in turns, buckling them back in the cart as Cloey waved goodbye. Mommy pointed them both sternly until Hannah and Emily waved back.

Mommy pushed the cart out of the store, traveling back towards the food court and arriving at a separate area Hannah hadn’t seen before: “Little’s Care Center.” Hannah groaned internally. What were they doing here? But thankfully, they didn’t go inside. Instead, Mommy stopped the cart and let them out next to a massive play area filled with kids. “Why don’t you two go play? You’ve been sitting all this time; I’m sure you got some pent-up energy.” 

As the girls were released from the cart, Mommy pointedly checked both of their diapers, front and back, much to the humiliation of either girl, before patting their butts and sending them on their way. This play area had a small playground and makeshift plastic buildings with doors and windows. The area was bustling with kids and parents alike as Emily ducked into one of the playhouses, shutting the door and sitting on the soft foam mat. “Thank goodness, that was so humiliating.” Hannah immediately said, joining her. 

“You just do not get used to that,” Emily mumbled, “I try and try but can’t. I hate it every time.”

Before Hannah could answer, a Little girl opened the door and entered, giggling as she saw Emily and Hannah sitting there. “Ohh! Can I join?” she asked, sitting before either girl could answer.

This new girl, dressed in pink overalls and pigtails, also appeared in a heavily soiled diaper. “Did you see the new episode of Naomi and Oliver?” the girl asked excitedly, “It was good! Remember, as Naomi always says, don’t hold it, just relax and go.” The girl's eyes seemed to haze over, her bum sticking out as her diaper swelled even more; Hannah could swear she heard the girl mumbling, ‘I’m a good girl!’ over and over to herself before plopping her butt down with a squelch. 

“We were just about to play hide and seek,” Emily said in a kid-friendly tone.

The girl grinned widely, “Really!? Can I play?! I want to hide!” she said, standing on unsteady legs and darting from the house, leaving them alone.

“If I ever get that bad, will you end things for me?” Hannah asked, her voice full of dread.

“You do me, I do you,” Emily replied immediately, giving her a grin. “Honestly, how did we find ourselves in this position?”

Hannah shrugged, “I thought we were smarter than this, but not when you're horny.” 

Emily giggled, shaking her head. " I'm not making that mistake again. You came here for school?” she asked Hannah.

Hannah nodded, “It was an exchange program. Evan came to Earth, and I came here for a week. The school covered all expenses, and there was a big payday at the end.”

Emily’s face went ashen. “That sounds a lot like what I was offered.” She mumbled, “That was nearly a month ago, and I still haven’t been able to go back.”

“What do you mean?” Hannah asked, cocking an eyebrow, “Like, the paperwork isn’t going through, or they forgot something or what?”

“They just keep stringing me along each week; I’m promised next week, they always need something else to get the clearance, or Earth hasn’t done their paperwork to commence the transfer, or the freaking planets aren’t aligned. They always have an excuse, and each week, I keep slipping further into babyhood; I can’t stop it. Between the shows, the way they treat me, even if I got out of these stupid diapers now, I would have freaking accidents. I’m worried they are doing it on purpose, I’m nervous they are delaying it to keep me here, and I’m worried you are in the same boat as me.” She turned frightened eyes to Hannah,” I’m scared, Hannah; I’m afraid I’ll never see home again.”

End of Chapter 9