Crossing Worlds

A Diaper Dimension, original story by SolaraScott

Chapter 14: Dancing Waters

As Emily and Hannah approached the water park, Hannah’s eyes widened at the sight before her. She had been to a few smaller parks back home, and perhaps it was just her new perspective, but this one seemed massive! The water park was designed specifically for Little’s. Its features are low to the ground and gentle, allowing Little’s to explore without worry. A large, shallow splash pad was the center of it all, with jets of water shooting up in unpredictable bursts, some high, some low, creating a maze.

Hannah hesitated for only a moment before her curiosity won out. She shuffled forward, the warm pavement giving way to the coolness of the splash pad beneath her feet. Water sprayed around her, gentle enough to tickle her toes but spring sufficient to make her squeal delightfully. She reached out her arms and let the tiny fountains catch her fingers, the water droplets glittering in the sunlight as they splashed around her.

A little more cautious but just as curious, Emily followed close behind, toddling slowly at first before she, too, let out a happy giggle. She stood at one of the small geysers, watching the water bubble up before she plopped down in the shallow puddle it created, splashing with both hands. Hey, laughter was infectious, and soon Hannah was on her knees next to her, mimicking her sister and slapping the water with her hands, sending droplets flying into the air.

Around them, other Littles played in the various water features. Some were gathered around a miniature waterfall that cascaded down a series of smooth rocks, while others darted in and out of an archway that sprayed a fine mist, cooling everyone who passed beneath it. The girls shrieked with laughter as they ran through the fog, their hair sticking to their foreheads as tiny water drool clung to their skin.

In the park's center stood a whimsical water tower designed to look like a giant watering can. Water poured from its spout in a steady stream, creating a small waterfall cascading into a shallow pool. Emily shuffled over to it, mesmerized by the flow, and placed her hands under the falling water, letting it run through her fingers before turning to look at Hannah, her eyes wide with delight.

Not far from the waterfall, Hannah spotted something even more exciting: an interactive water table filled with floating toys. Colorful boats and rubber ducks drifted along as small currents carried them from one side to the other. She reached for a pink duck, her small hand closing around its soft surface, and she proudly showed it to Emily, who grinned in excitement.

All around the girls, the water park was bustling with activity. There were small, winding rivers where Little floated toy boats and a few gentle water slides that led into tiny pools deep enough for them to splash in safely. A few fountains shot water high into the air, creating shimmering arcs that sparkled in the sunlight before crashing back down in a satisfying splash.

As the girls played, they were wholly absorbed in the moment. Hannah ran through the splash pad repeatedly, her giggles filling the air as water sprayed around her. More content to sit in the shallow water, Emily used her hands to scoop and pour water over her legs, enjoying the sensation. 

Daddy watched from a nearby bench, smiling as he kept an eye on both girls. Not far behind, Daddy relaxed under a shaded pavilion, content to let the girls have their water adventure. The water glistened in the sunlight, and the playful atmosphere of the park was infectious. 

Hannah had been so absorbed in playing that she didn’t feel the pressure in her tummy or bladder until she was already soaking her diaper. She groaned, flushing as her hand went to her tummy, her bladder empty. She did not want to poop, not in front of so many people! She had been kneeling next to Emily, playing in the water, splashing with delight, as Naomi voiced her opinion.

‘Remember, Daddy, likes it when you use your diaper Hannah! He put you in a swim diaper so you can keep playing without stopping! Don’t fight it; relax and let it happen; keep playing, and have fun! Don’t let a grumpy tummy get in the way of your relaxation.’ Naomi said, and Hannah had a distinct impression of Naomi doing precisely that as if she were showing Hannah what she should be doing.

Before she could respond, Emily also pipped up, “Lunch catch up with you? Look around; everyone sees us as babies, nothing more, nothing less; relax.” As if to punctuate her point, Hannah saw Emily’s face scrunch up, and while she couldn’t see anything, she had a good idea what the girl was doing beneath the shallow waters.

Hannah blushed. She did need to go, and it wasn’t like she would be allowed to use the restroom anyway. With her face burning brightly, she stuck her bum out and felt her body give a gentle push, the mess pressing into the tight confines of her diaper. The swimsuit holding it in place left little space for such a mess, and Hannah felt it squishing between her legs and up her bum even more than a regular diaper. 

Emily grinned, “Better? Come here.” she said, opening her arms.

Hannah grinned, nodding, as she hurried over into Emily’s arms, letting the girl hug her. She wrapped her arms around Emily, returning the hug, and she swore she felt the girl’s hand drift and grab her messy bum, but it could have been her imagination. Emily turned Hannah around, and half pulled, half forced, Hannah to sit in her lap, her mess squishing even more as she made contact with the splash pad bottom. There, they returned to playing, pouring water over one another's legs in a playful fashion, enjoying the other's company. 

Hannah wasn’t sure how long they played like this, getting each other soaked and playing to their heart's content. It felt like minutes, but it had been long enough for her fingers to wrinkle. Hannah saw Daddy approaching them, grinning at his two girls, “You two ready to get out? It’s nearly nap time.”

Both Hannah and Emily whined, “No! We don’t want to get out!” Emily said, pouting.

Daddy chuckled, pulling Hannah to her feet before repeating the process with Emily. “Come on, you two. If you behave, we can come back, okay?” he offered, indicating he spoke to a child rather than an adult. 

This only partially placated Hannah and Emily, who begrudgingly followed Daddy back to their little camping spot. Hannah, still deep in little space, barely flinched as Daddy scooped her up and laid her on the changing mat, a towel beneath her. She felt him undoing her swimsuit, pulling it off, leaving her in just her swim diaper. He immediately took notice of her mess, smiling and praising her. 

Hannah giggled, grinning happily at his words, feeling him working her clean before fitting her into a fresh diaper. “You are such a good girl, Hannah, being changed wherever no one noticed or gave you a second look; you are just a baby who needed her diaper changed. Daddy is so proud of you, pumpkin.”

Hannah swooned, giggling as Daddy wrapped the fluffy towel around Hannah, wrapping her tightly. To Hannah, it felt like she had been swaddled; the fluffy towel enveloping her had a sense of drowsiness take hold; she had been running around a lot. With the warm towel and the warm sunshine beaming down on her, Hannah felt her eyes drifting as Daddy set her in the stroller, pulling the straps across her encased body and pinging her arms and legs in, furthering the feeling of swaddling. Hannah yawned, closing her eyes as she embraced the warmth of the sun and towel. Her hair slowly dried as Daddy repeated the process with Emily. Hannah drifted off before Emily was added to the stroller, snoring softly in the mid-day sun.

Hannah came to them sometime later, the stroller in motion, it's gentle rocking almost pushing her back to sleep, but she forced her eyes on, yawning, and going to stretch, but the towel prevented her from doing so. She blinked her eyes open,  glancing around at the park, enjoying the feeling of her little cacoon. Having heard her stir, Daddy pulled the stroller to the side and bent down, smiling at her and stroking her dry hair, “Morning pumpkin, did you have a nice nap?” he asked.

Hannah nodded as she felt him undoing the stroller's straps, pulling her from her nest. She only had a moment to realize she was only in a diaper before she was free of the towel held in Daddy’s arms. She blushed madly, but Daddy was already helping her put on her shorts and shirt again, taking only a few moments to get her dressed. Hannah breathed a sigh of relief as she was covered again. Granted, what she wore below was still apparent, but this was far better than nothing. 

Daddy ran his fingers through her gnarled hair, “Let’s get you something to drink while Daddy gets these knots out. Would you rather have a formula or juice honey?” he asked, opening the thermal sleeve of the diaper bag.

“Juice, please,” Hannah replied immediately, not wanting to deal with the aftermath of formula.

Daddy nodded, handing her a bottle and helping her sit on a bench’s edge. She brought the bottle to her lips, nursing it as she felt Daddy brushing her hair. Hannah hadn’t had her hair brushed by someone else since she was a little girl! It felt fantastic, and she quickly slipped again into little space, which seemed to be getting increasingly familiar with Daddy around. She wondered if that was partially why he acted the way he did; it seemed a far more effective strategy than Mommy’s, or, at least, with her, it was. 

As Hannah nursed, she felt a twinge in her bladder, letting her know she needed to go soon. She didn’t even resist, knowing she was well-diapered, letting it soak into the thirsty padding around her hips. Daddy didn’t miss a beat, kissing her head, “Daddy is incredibly proud of you, baby girl; you are doing such a good job; keep it up.”

Hannah swelled at the praise, grinning as he finished getting the last of the knots out. He took her now empty bottle and turned his attention to Emily. He repeated the process, pulling her from the stroller, dressing her, and handing her a bottle to the nurse as he brushed her hair. Hannah noticed that Emily’s diaper was already wet and wondered if the girl was wet during her sleep. Daddy also took notice, praising her as much as he congratulated Hannah. 

Both girls were dressed, hair brushed and well-hydrated. Daddy asked them, “Would you two like to walk or ride? We are away from our building's entrance, so we need to get you two back home so we can start working on dinner! You’re both going to be Daddy’s little helpers tonight.” he said with a smile.

“Riding, please,” Hannah said, her legs sore from how much waddling she had done that day.

“Me too!” Emily added, earning a chuckle from Daddy as he helped both girls into the stroller, strapping them in before setting off down the path.

Daddy paused momentarily before handing either girl a fresh juice bottle before stepping onto the path again, pushing the stroller along. Hannah felt as if she should be ashamed of being seen in a stroller, nursing a bottle in a bulging, wet diaper. Yet, glancing at Emily, she only saw a baby and reminded herself that was exactly what people saw when they had seen Hannah. It would take getting used to all this; it was a completely new experience.

The park was bustling with activity, people passing them by as Daddy slowly returned to their building. Hannah had been contently nursing her bottle when she heard a cry from a grass area beside the path. She glanced over to see a young boy, maybe 6 or 7, who was on his back, crying softly as his Daddy ripped off his underwear.

They were just within ear range, and Hannah caught the boy begging for mercy, saying it was only an accident. The father shook his head, “I warned you what would happen if you had another; it’s back to diapers for you. Maybe a year of babyhood will benefit you; we can let you grow again.” 

The boy's pitiful crying was cut off as a pacifier was shoved into his mouth, silencing him. Hannah felt a cold chill; she had to remind herself that this place had a narcissistic undertone beneath the glam and glitter. Not every Amazon was like her Daddy or even her Mommy. Having noted the scene, Daddy hurried his pace, getting them away. She couldn’t see Daddy’s face, but Hannah knew he disagreed with that sort of treatment; it just wasn’t him. Mommy would likely have looked the other way, blaming the Little and their lack of control. 

Emily glared at Hannah, thinking about Daddy pushing the stroller into the elevator. They quickly descended and began retracing their steps along the glass-lined hallways to their home. With how much Daddy had been making sure she drank, Hannah felt her bladder growing full again and relaxed, letting it go. It was becoming increasingly easy to use her diapers, having no fear of leaks and knowing her caregivers would change her as needed. It had always been a dream of hers, especially knowing that she didn’t have to lift a finger; her diapers weren’t even a part of her concerns. 

‘Hmm, such a good girl, such a good baby, there’s no reason to hold it! Your diapers will hold it; you are a good girl, Hannah.’  Naomi said in Hannah’s mind.

Hannah rolled her eyes at the comment and was going to dismiss her, but she thought better of it. ‘Who are you? What are you? Are you a figment of my imagination?’ she asked the girl.

Naomi giggled, ‘I’m a part of you, silly! I’m your subconscious manifested; you know you want to be a good girl, deep down, to be the perfect baby girl for your Mommy and Daddy; I’m here to help guide you!’

It was far more of an answer than Hannah was expecting. Although, if what Naomi said was true, it meant that she was answering herself, and it was an answer that would have satisfied her. It puzzled Hannah, especially since she knew that, at the very least, Emily was also experiencing a similar situation. Who or what was this person talking about in Hannah’s head? She had never had such thoughts before; she never had two voices battling for control; this was something new and unique to this world. 

Hannah didn’t even realize her thumb was in her mouth until Daddy stopped, stepped around to the stroller, gently replaced her thumb with a pacifier, and smiled. “Daddy is proud of you for suckling honey, but we need to get you acclimated to nursing pacifiers or bottles over your thumb; thumbs are yucky!” he reported, resuming their walk.

Hannah blushed, not bothering to fight the pacifier. She did enjoy them; she always did back home, but she had never nursed them anywhere near as much as she was being provoked to do in this world. She nursed the pacifier contently as they finally arrived home, the door opening for them as they approached and passed inside. “We are home!” Daddy said in a sing-song voice.

Evan squealed and ran into the room. “Daddy!” he exclaimed, wrapping his arms around the man's legs before he could even enter correctly.

Daddy chuckled. “Hi, Squirt. Were you a good boy for Mommy?” he asked as Mommy entered the room. 

“He was a very good boy for Mommy.” Mommy responded with a smile, kissing Daddy on the lips, “Did the girls behave?” she asked, glancing at them before kneeling and saying her hellos to Hannah and Emily.

“They were both extra good girls; neither of them even complained when they needed to be changed in the park, they both made poopies not once, but twice, and one of them was in their swim diapers too,” Daddy reported. 

Hannah felt her face flush madly at his words. Still, Mommy smiled, “Really now? That’s fantastic! You two are turning into the perfect babies; don’t worry, we will ensure you keep on track.” She noted the pacifier in Hannah’s mouth and frowned when she saw Emily wasn’t nursing one. She immediately pulled one from her apron and forced it into Emily’s mouth.

Hannah saw a glint in Mommy’s eyes, a glimmer of something evil lurking below. The woman's following words dripped venom, her teeth looking to sink into Hannah or Emily: “Don’t you two worry. Mommy and Daddy will turn you into perfect babies, just like you were always meant to be.” 

End of Chapter 14

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