Crossing Worlds

A Diaper Dimension, original story by SolaraScott

Chapter 17: First Day Blues

As Lilly led Hannah and Emily by the hand, the sleek glass doors of the school closed behind them. They entered a spacious, intricately designed hallway that seemed to stretch endlessly. The floor was smooth, polished marble in muted tones of white and gray, reflecting the overhead lighting that was embedded seamlessly into the ceiling. The walls were lined with large, floor-to-ceiling windows on one side, offering panoramic views of the playgrounds and green spaces outside, and vibrant murals on the other, depicting scenes of children playing, exploring, and learning.

The hallway had a futuristic feel, softly curving lines, and minimalist touches, all contributing to the sense of a state-of-the-art facility. The lighting, a warm glow, came from hidden sources in the ceiling, casting everything in a welcoming yet modern light. The gentle hum of air conditioning and the faint sound of children’s laughter in the distance filled the space, creating a soothing atmosphere.

As they walked further, the hallway widened slightly, and the murals became more detailed, featuring colorful lettering, numbers, and animals, each carefully designed to be eye-catching for little ones. Small, interactive screens were built into the walls at just the right height for children, allowing them to engage in playful learning games. The screen flickered with soft, animated images, inviting any passerby to stop and explore.

Holding both girls’ hands, Lily guided them confidently down the hall, her bright smile reassuring as they passed through the bustling corridors. Hannah toddled along, taking in her surroundings with wide eyes, while Emily clung a little tighter to Lilly’s hand, her thumb finding its way into her mouth as she gazed up at the towering walls around her. The long hallway seemed even more immense from their tiny perspectives as if it had been designed for giants. Its sheer scale made Hannah and Emily feel even smaller in this brand-new world.

The hallway curved gently, and the school's new wing appeared as they rounded the bend. This part of the building was even more intricately designed, with vibrant geometric shapes adorning the walls. There were subtle differences in the materials here; the floor was softer underfoot, transitioning from smooth marble to a springy, rubbery surface that cushioned their steps, making it perfect for little feet. The air seemed warmer and more playful, like they were entering a new world. 

At the end of the hallway, double doors with significant, colorful windows marked the entrance to the brand-new daycare. Each window was shaped like a different animal, a smiling elephant, a playful giraffe, or a mischievous monkey, inviting the children to an imaginative space. As Lilly gently pushed the doors open, warmth and color greeted them.

The daycare itself was a wonderland. The walls were painted in pastel shades of pink, blue, and yellow, with soft clouds and stars carefully stenciled across the ceiling. The room was flooded with natural light from large skylights above, which let the sunshine pour in, casting everything in a cheerful glow. The space was open and spacious, designed to allow toddlers to move freely and safely. In the center of the room was a padded play area filled with neatly arranged toys, everything from plush animals to colorful blocks and interactive puzzles, all waiting to be explored.

To the left was a reading nook, where beanbag chairs in the shapes of animals and oversized picture books invited quiet time and storytelling. A soft, fuzzy rug covered the floor, and oversized, comfy chairs were arranged for the teachers to sit with the children during storytime. 

The far side of the daycare had a row of tiny tables and chairs, perfectly sized for Littles, where they would have their snacks and meals. Each table had its own set of plastic dishes and cups, brightly colored and unbreakable. Beyond that was a small kitchen area, sleek and modern, where snacks were being prepared.

Just as Hannah and Emily were taking it all in, Lilly led them to an area with individual cubbies and tiny hooks on the wall, where each child had a space to hang their backpack and coat. Above each cubby was a name tag, freshly printed for the first day, and a photo of the Little, making it easy for them to find their spot.

Near the back of the daycare, Hannah caught sight of an enclosed play area specifically designed for Littles. The space was safe and cozy, with soft flooring and low walls, perfect for keeping Little ones entertained while ensuring they were supervised. Colorful, oversized toys, from smooth, stackable blocks to miniature slides, were scattered throughout.

As Hannah and Emily continued to take in the vibrant daycare, Lilly gently guided them toward another section of the room, specially designed to cater to their needs for comfort, rest, and care. This part of the daycare was tucked away from the more active play areas, creating a quiet, calming environment while maintaining a bright and cheerful atmosphere.

First, they passed the daycare’s diaper-changing area. It was a sleek and well-organized space, with changing tables softly padded for extra comfort, each lined with pastel-colored covers and surrounded by baby-friendly designs on the walls. Above the changing tables were cheerful murals of animals holding diapers, a playful reminder of each student's position in the daycare. The tables were arranged in a semi-private area, separated by soft dividers that gave each child little space during changing times. Nearby, there were neatly stocked shelves filled with all the essentials: diapers, wipes, creams, and powders; everything was within easy reach for the daycare workers. The room was impeccably clean, and a gentle scent of baby powder lingered in the air, creating a calm and soothing atmosphere. A few plush toys were scattered around, placed within view of the changing tables to help distract and entertain Little ones while they were being changed. 

The nap time zone was next to the changing area, a cozy, tranquil corner designed to help Littles rest and recharge after their playtime. The floor was covered with thick, plush carpeting in soft, calming colors of lavender and cream, making it the perfect space for napping. Individual cribs and small, cushioned nap mats were lined up in neat rows, each labeled with a child’s name and personalized bedding to make every Little feel at home. The cribs were designed with safety and comfort in mind, their railings low and padded, while the nap mats had soft, quilted covers. The lighting in this area was dimmer than the rest of the room, with gentle, warm lights that created a serene atmosphere. Above the nap area, soft mobiles with stars and clouds gently twirled, adding a sense of peace. A soft hum of lullabies played in the background, and a few Littles were already lying down, their eyelids drooping as they settled into their naps.

Finally, they reached the cushioned area for watching cartoons, another inviting corner perfect for quiet time. It was filled with oversized beanbag chairs and plush seating, all in bright, playful colors like lime green, sky blue, and sunshine yellow. The cushions were arranged in a semi-circle around a large, high-definition screen mounted on the wall, where gentle, age-appropriate cartoons were already playing. The screen showed friendly animals frolicking in a forest, accompanied by soft music and soothing voices. The area was designed to be a place for winding down after playtime, and the low lighting, combined with the softness of the beanbags, made it incredibly comfortable for Littles. If anyone wanted to snuggle up while watching, a few plush blankets were scattered. Hannah could see other Little’s already cozied up, their eyes glued to the screen, some clutching stuffed animals as they sat comfortably.

Hannah had been so caught up in admiring the space she didn’t even realize they had stopped until Lilly was kneeling next to Hannah, her hand feeling Hannah’s diaper. Hannah immediately blushed and moved to pull away, more startled than anything, but Lilly just smiled, “You’ll be checked a lot, hun, especially if you have clothes covering your diaper. As part of your step-down program, you will need to go through a certain number of diapers daily. I’ll get you two some drinks; why don’t you sit in the watching corner?” she asked, motioning towards the sitting area around the television.

Hannah opened her mouth to ask her something, but she was already leaving. She glanced at Emily, who shrugged and entered the nook, plopping into beanbags next to each other. “What do you think?” Emily asked.

“It looks like a daycare, not a school.” Hannah said, glancing around, “Honestly, did we get dropped off at school or what?” 

Emily shrugged again, “The contract did specify it was to help us acclimate to being Little’s; maybe this is how they do it?”

Just then, Lilly returned, handing each girl a bottle full of juice, “You both will be thrilled to see what show is on next; your Mommy said it was your favorite! Once it’s over, I expect empty bottles, okay?” she asked.

This time, Hannah didn’t let her slip away before asking, “Is this a school or a daycare?” she asked curiously, “I thought this was supposed to be a school.”

Lily smiled, “Don’t forget to address me adequately, honey; it’s Miss Lilly. As for your question, this is school! For a Little, anyway. You are here to learn to be perfect babies for your Mommy and Daddy, isn’t that exciting?” she asked in a singsong voice before leaving the girls again. 

Hannah gritted her teeth; she wanted more answers! Why, if this contract was only a week, were the staff treating her like this? If they intended for her to go back home and tell all her friends and family what a wonderful place this world was, she would have been stuck in the other portion of the school, not this. Hannah’s thoughts were interrupted as a small cluster of Littles came toddling, or crawling, into the TV area, claiming seats of their own, excited chatter filling the once quiet space. The two sisters locked eyes for a moment, a look of curiosity on their faces, that was, until the music began.

Hannah groaned as she heard the theme song for Naomi and Oliver play louder than the cartoons that had been playing before. Little ones around them squealed with delight and joy as the two cartoon characters danced across the screen. Hannah had tried to pull away, but she couldn't escape in time between the sound and the large screen and found herself drawn in. 

Hannah’s thumb had found her mouth, and she nursed it contently, her eyes locked onto the screen as the two characters danced playfully. Somehow, the show's effects were more potent here than they had been in the car; she found herself helpless not to follow Naomi's orders. Hannah’s mind seemed to fog, which didn’t lift until the credits rolled. She was vaguely aware of her thumb in her mouth and her body still pushing and emptying the contents of her stomach into her diaper. Apparently, Hannah had finished her bottle and some sweet-tasting apple juice during the show. 

Hannah still sat in the beanbag chair as a worker lifted her over his arm, feeling the seat of her diaper, “Looks like someone was a very good girl!” he said, nestling her into his arm.

Hannah groaned, feeling a sense of pleasure coursing through her. Unlike any orgasm she had ever felt, it seemed to radiate in every orifice in her body, her muscles contracting in bliss, her eyes rolling back as she thought of the worker carrying her to the changing area. She was laid down, a strap pulled across her chest as the worker opened her diaper and began changing her. “Such a good girl; your Mommy will be so proud of you!” he said, swiftly cleaning her.

Hannah whimpered beneath the effects of the praise, her limbs limp and powerless as he finished changing her, sticking a pacifier in her mouth that she suckled happily before depositing her on her rear to play once more. Hannah sat there for several long minutes, nursing the pacifier as she slowly regained her faculties. She had been so distracted she hadn’t even realized that she had been in the middle of a bustling daycare and had her poopy diaper changed for all to see. 

Hannah felt ashamed and embarrassed at the very least, yet they weren't when she tried to conjure the feelings that should have been there. It was as if Hannah knew she should be embarrassed, but she couldn’t remember why. Hannah hadn’t realized that Emily was also being changed until she was plopped down next to her, with a dazed look and a pacifier between her lips. 

Emily seemed to glance at Hannah, her vision slowly focusing before trying to talk. Her words were all mumbled, and she pulled the paci out, clearly annoyed, “What kind of school is this?” she asked, a look of concern crossing her face.

One of the workers, holding another Little knelt beside her, speaks to Emily and Hannah, “The one that will teach you what it means to be a Little, silly. You both will be turned into the most perfect, well-behaved babies. Aren’t you excited?” 

End of Chapter 17

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