Crossing Worlds

A Diaper Dimension, original story by SolaraScott

Chapter 23: Cartoons

Hannah and Emily’s swinging was interrupted as the chimes sounded, drawing them and the rest of the students back inside. As they passed the daycare workers at the door, their diapers were checked, much to the humiliation of both girls. They were both wet but not enough to warrant a change, apparently, as they were ushered inside. The other students were milling about, a sort of free time, it seemed. Some had returned to the creative area, while others were playing with toys and others lounging around in the now-empty story circle area. Yet, others seemed to be congregating in front of the screen, watching some silly cartoons. 

“What do you think we should do?” Hannah asked. 

Emily shrugged, “I’m partial to just relaxing in the story circle until we are forced to do something.”

Hannah nodded, and the two girls made their way in and found empty bean bags settling in. “What do you think of the place?” Emily asked as they relaxed.

“I mean, other than the brute force nature of their messaging, it’s not been too bad,” Hannah replied.

Emily snorted, “You’ll come to experience that a lot around here; what was going on in that house anyway?” 

Hannah glanced around nervously, whispering as she saw no one nearby who could overhear them, “They are part of a Little organization that is resisting the Amazon government.” Hannah said, grinning slyly.

Emily studied her for a moment and then burst out laughing, wiping tears from her eyes. “That is freaking hilarious; no wonder they are hiding; oh my gosh, that’s incredible.” wiping a tear away, she glanced at Hannah, who wasn’t laughing. Emily’s laughter died down, her smile fading, “Oh wait, sorry, were you serious?”

Hannah nodded, “Yeah, seriously, they are apparently undermining Amazon facilities and breaking out Littles as well as studying serums that can block Amazon hypnotic messages!” Hannah said eagerly, keeping her voice low.

Emily raised an eyebrow, “That all seems like a lot, Hannah; you really think they are legit and aren’t just stringing you along to have some fun?

Hannah’s enthusiasm melted, “I don’t know, to be honest.” she said with a sigh, sitting back, “I really don’t. They didn’t have any proof, but it’s the first I’ve even heard of such a thing; I figured, why not? You know?” 

Emily shrugged, “I suppose it just seems like you are getting yourself into more trouble than it’s worth; what if they caught wind of it? Even if it’s fake, even if the group doesn’t exist, what do you think they’ll do?”

Hannah shrunk back, pulling her knees up to her chest, “You’re right, damn it, I guess I was just excited to be a part of something bigger, something beyond being forced to poop myself.” she added with a grin.

Emily smiled softly, nodding, “I can understand that.”

Further questions were stalled as a girl stepped up, her hair in pigtails; she was dragging a doll along by the arm. She wore a simple babydoll dress that did nothing to cover her thick cloth diaper and plastic pants; her thumb was in her mouth, and to Hannah’s best guess, she was probably around 25. “Whatcha talking about?” she mumbled around her thumb as she plopped down with an audible squish. 

“We were reminiscing about story time!” Emily responded quickly.

The girl cocked her head to the side, “What does that mean?”

Emily cocked an eyebrow at Hannah, who shrugged, “Reminiscing? It means to remember and talk about.”

“Ohh! That makes sense. Did you two love this last story? Hey, wait! You two were the volunteers!” she said, suddenly giddy, “You two are like, superstars!” 

Hannah chuckled, “Thanks, it was a unique experience for sure.”

“You two should volunteer more! I would, but it’s hard to do anything but crawl,” she responded sadly.

“What do you mean?” Emily asked, “Did they do something to you?”

The girl shook her head, “My Mommy just wants me to be the best baby I can be! Didn’t you hear the song? Empty head and full diaper!” She said with a giggle, padding her diaper with a dopey grin. “You want to be good girls, too, right?”

“We are good girls,” Hannah responded quickly, too quickly. She gritted her teeth; she could hear Naomi giggling in the back of her head, “We are good girls.” she said more slowly, “Mommy loves us just how we are.”

“Do you want to go play with the toys? Good girls play with them!” Emily asked the girl, changing the topic.

The girl perked up, “Ohh! Yes! I want to be a good girl! Let’s go play!” she responded, getting back up on her knees and crawling away, not even bothering to check and see if Emily or Hannah were following.

“I wonder what it feels like to be like that,” Hannah asked.

“If Mommy has an off night, you’ll find out,” Emily responded under her breath.

Hannah shot her a glance, “What do you mean?” fear laced her words.

“They can give you stuff that makes you silly and forgetful, more playful, to act like a genuine baby. I’m pretty sure it’s a combination of weed and some muscle relaxants, but I’m not sure.” Emily said. “Either way, you feel humiliated once you return to normal and remember everything you did while you were under.”

“Wonderful.” Hannah said, tossing her hands up in the air, “So, with a single pill, they can make me into a drooling, helpless baby?” 

Before Emily could respond, a daycare worker stopped by, grinning, “Come on, you two! It’s cartoon time!”

“Can we read instead? My Mommy says too many cartoons are bad for you.” Emily asked.

The worker frowned, “I’ll make a note of your disobedience. Come on, let’s go watch.” she said, scooping Emily up. She gave Hannah a pointed look.

Hannah sighed, pulling herself to her feet and following the worker to the seating area in front of the screen. The girls were seated as the rest of the students filed in, taking their seats. “I really don’t like this, Em.” Hannah whispered, “If this is what I think it is, I feel like it’s already done damage to my psyche.”

“I know what you mean, but what the frick else can we do?” Emily whispered back, “Watch the workers; as soon as the show begins, they will all duck out, not watching. We can cover our ears and close our eyes.”

“Worth a shot,” Hannah grumbled. 

As the last of the students sat down, the screen flickered to life, and indeed, the workers seemed to file to the other side of the daycare, leaving them alone. What on Earth? It was almost as if they were giving the students an X-ray. Did the cartoons have some effect on them as well? Hannah had assumed it could only affect Littles, but if it could also affect Amazons, that would completely upend what she understood about this world.

Hannah heard the first tell-tale signs of the show starting and immediately clamped her hands over her ears, forcing her eyes shut. It worked. Hannah could feel the show, its presence lingering just beyond her view; she could barely hear the program; it felt like jackhammers trying to chisel their way through Hannah’s hands. 

‘What are you doing, silly baby? Don’t you want to see me? I’m your best friend! Don’t you remember? Come on, open up and see! You want to be a good girl, right? What you are doing is what naughty girls do, very, very naughty.’ Naomi thought in her head.

To Hannah, it felt as if Naomi were trying to pry her eyes open, and she fought for all she was worth. She nearly slipped, nearly lost control, and opened herself up to the show, but she somehow managed to stay still until she heard the sounds of the closing credits rolling. She forced herself to relax, letting her eyes open and her hands down; she didn’t want to be caught like this. She glanced at Emily, who was still covering her ears; she swatted Emily’s leg, making her open her eyes.

Emily immediately let her hands down, the girls glancing around. Hannah immediately noticed Lizzy staring at her, narrowing her eyes. Hannah felt her own eyes go wide, shaking her head; she feared the girl was going to snitch on them; something was clearly off with the girl. Lizzy made a gesture that clearly stated she was watching Hannah but seemed to decide not to tell on them as she was scooped up and carried off, presumably for a diaper change.

Daycare workers swarmed the students, scooping them up and carrying them off to the changing areas; the worker carrying Hannah immediately noticed she was only wet. “What happened, honey? Didn’t you like the show? Maybe you are a bit constipated; I’ll get you something for that.” 

Hannah squirmed, blushing madly, “Wait, no, I can go; I don’t need help.” she said, begrudgingly pushing and trying to go, but she just didn’t need to. 

‘No, no, you will not; I think someone needs to learn a lesson.’ Naomi spoke suddenly, making Hannah groan.

The worker strapped Hannah down, “It’s okay, baby girl, we’ll get you all cleaned out!” 

Hannah’s diaper was opened, and she felt her legs lifted, lifting her hips off the table, her rosebud staring the worker in the face. Hannah was beginning to panic, “Wait, please! No, I’ll be a good girl!” 

“I know you will, sweetheart! Good girls take their medicine when they are sick!” the worker responded, and Hannah felt something being forced into her rear.

Hannah yelped, but it was over before she realized what was happening. The worker tapped Hannah back into her diaper and set her down. “Pick-up time is here in a little bit; go have fun, sweetie; you’ll be able to greet your Mommy with a nice poopy diaper!”

Hannah groaned in frustration as the worker left her; she could already feel whatever it was in her bum working its magic, her tummy cramping. Whatever had been put in her seemed to be swelling and filling her bowels, and she had a growing realization that this was not going to be a regular movement. Emily was deposited next to her as the worker stepped off to collect someone else. Emily glanced at Hannah, her cheeks burning brightly, “You too?”

“Yup.” Hannah groaned, a hand to her tummy. 

“I freaking hate these; Mommy used them when we weren’t making enough poopy diapers for her liking,” Emily said, grimacing as a cramp hit her.

“What the heck are they?” Hannah asked, groaning in agony.

“As far as I can tell, they are fast acting and artificially fill you up, taking everything with it when you do lose control,” Emily said with a sigh. “Oh, and wonderful, Mommy is here to pick us up, and she brought Evan.”

Hannah glanced to the front of the daycare, immediately spotting the two as Evan grinned and waddled towards them, his arms outstretched. “They have the best timing, don’t they?” Hannah asked.

“Always,” Emily replied as both girls lost control and began to fill their diapers.

End of Chapter 23

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