Crossing Worlds

A Diaper Dimension, original story by SolaraScott

Chapter 25: A Phone Call

“How did you get this…” Hannah trailed off, glancing at the plastic phone, “number?” Was that even the right question? It felt right, but looking at the play phone, it felt wrong.

“That isn’t important right now; we have a lot of connections. We don’t have long; I’ll try to call you back tomorrow. Listen, you two are in trouble, you know Lizzy, right?” Venli asked.

“Yeah, she was bullying me all day,” Hannah responded sourly.

Venli paused, sighing, “Sorry about her, but you don’t have to deal with her anymore. She was compromised, and now they are watching you two like hawks; I’m sure your Mommy got the details on it all. The school is transferring you tomorrow; I’m sorry, we can’t do anything at the moment without casting suspicion on our agents, but you need to go along with it, pretend to be a baby, and don’t let them know your true mental state.”

Hannah’s face whitened, “Like doing well on a test of every subject?” she asked hesitantly.

Hannah could hear cursing, “You didn’t already do that, did you? Damn it, there just wasn’t time. I’ll see what we can do; we may be able to block the results or redirect them. You’ll have to retake the test tomorrow; we’ll classify that test as your entry exam before you go through the portal. You need to make sure to bomb it; your step-down program is practically a newborn, so don’t go past any questions that are more difficult than counting to ten. Heck, color on the rest of the packet, but you must fail it.”

Hannah nodded slowly, “Okay, we will.”

“Wait, you both did it already? That’ll be more difficult, especially since Emily’s been here longer; damn, we’ll do what we can for her, tell her we are sorry. I got to go; I’ll try to call back tomorrow.” Venli said.

“Wait!” Hannah cried out, but the line had already gone dead. 

Hannah cursed softly, looking down at the phone in her hands. She pressed a number on the keypad, trying to call Velni back, and a cow started mooing at her from the speaker. 

“They hung up? What did they say?” Emily asked hesitantly.

“They said we are in trouble, and the best thing we can do is act like babies. We’ll redo the test tomorrow, but we have to bomb it.” Hannah replied with a sigh. She felt as if she should tell Emily about her test, about the possibility the resistance wouldn’t be able to stop her test from being submitted, but she didn’t have the heart to.

Emily groaned, laying back on the soft play mat, “I knew we should have bombed it, but Mommy probably would have seen right through it! We were caught between a rock and a hard place.”

Hannah sighed, “You’re probably right, unfortunately. They said they wanted to contact us earlier but couldn’t. How did they know we were here and neither of them would overhear?” 

Both girls glanced around the nursery, looking for a camera, a baby monitor, anything that would transmit information outside the room, and came up empty. Either recorders were well hidden, or there was something else going on that neither girl understood. 

“Did they say anything about tomorrow? As in, what should we expect?” Emily asked hopefully.

Hannah shook her, “Sadly, no, they just said our every move was going to be watched and heavily scrutinized. They said to play along and don’t fight it.”

“I didn’t feel like we were fighting today,” Emily grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest. 

“She also mentioned something about our step-down programs; we are set at a level just above newborn.” Hannah added softly, “Does that mean they are working us down to that age range or mental capacity or physical limitations?”

Emily shrugged, worry creasing her brow, “Either way, I don’t like the sound of it.” she sighed, glancing around, “Well, we have an hour or two; Daddy takes his sweet time. What do you want to do till then?”

Hannah pulled her knees up to her chest, “I don’t know, I feel scared, I feel alone, I’m fighting a baby on two fronts, and I don’t even know what the battle is about, ya know?” she asked, glancing up at Emily.

Emily nodded, scooting herself over to Hannah and wrapping an arm around her shoulders, “Trust me, I know what you mean; here, lie down.” she said, pulling a stuffy over to use as a pillow.

Hannah did so, letting Emily angle her away as the girl embraced her from behind, spooning her. Hannah had to admit that the feeling and comfort were fantastic, and it only took moments for her to melt into Emily’s embrace, with an arm going across Hannah to hold her and fingers playing in Hannah’s hair.

“Until you, I didn’t have anyone else.” Emily said solemnly, “Evan doesn’t count; he’s too far gone; every day, I was alone. At first, it was great. I was living my dream of having a Mommy and a Daddy, but the more Mommy started forcing her viewpoints on me, the more I realized just how little autonomy I really had and how little input I had on what was going on every day. Of course, that is wonderful in small doses or short spans, but it quickly started to drive me insane. Especially as I made my opinions known, Mommy would go out of her way to make my life even worse.”

Hannah felt Emily’s arm tighten around her midsection, pulling Hannah close, “The day Mommy forced me to go to the mall in just a diaper, spiking my bottles and parading me around. That was the night I finally broke and cried myself to sleep; I’ve been doing so ever since. I’ve laid in that crib for hours; no one came to check on me, and no one seemed to care. Mommy would just say, ‘Oh, she’ll cry herself out eventually,’ Daddy at least tried to comfort me a few times until Mommy caught him. The first time I slept through the night without terrors was when you showed up.” Emily said, her fingers playing with Hannah’s hair.

“I know it’s only been a day or so, but at last, I feel like me again. I have someone else to talk with who understands and who is going through the same thing I am going through. I’m sorry to dump all this emotional baggage on you, but I really needed this.” Emily said, resting her chin atop Hannah’s head.

Hannah squirmed, pressing herself deeper into Emily’s embrace. “I’m sorry, Emily, truly. That sounds awful. I genuinely don’t know if I would have been able to handle all this without you. I thought this was going to be a fun little trip; let me try out stuff I’ve never gotten to back home. I think the only reason I haven’t snapped is because I have you here, going through the same things. I just wish we could do more together, to have more freedom. Heck, even if we only had Daddy, that’d be wonderful.” 

Emily chuckled, Hannah’s head pressed to her chest; she could hear the girl breathing, her heart beating, her body rumbling as Emily spoke. “That would be wonderful, and it’s what I signed up for, but this place isn’t what I thought it would be. It just isn’t. I don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but I know I’ll be fine as long as you are there.”

Hannah smiled, letting herself relax fully, the rhythmic thumping of Emily’s heart reverberating in her ears, “I know I will be, too, as long as you are there.” she said back with a smile. 

The girls lay there in one another's embrace, enjoying the peace. That was until Hannah’s bladder began to ache. “I, uh, gotta go,” she whispered, embarrassed.

Emily just giggled, “I just went a little bit ago. Let go, enjoy it, enjoy the control of choosing when you want to.” 

Hannah blushed, but after a few moments of concentration, she sighed in relief as her bladder emptied itself. “Ya know, back home, if this were happening, I’d be turned on right now,” Emily admitted with a chuckle.

Hannah blushed even more, giggling, “Me too; this place has a way of crushing dreams and desires, though.”

Emily’s hand fluttered to Hannah’s crotch, resting there, feeling her warm diaper, “Yes, sadly so, I want to… I shouldn’t, especially if Mommy…” Emily trailed off, letting her hand drop awkwardly with a sigh, “Curse that woman.”

Hannah giggled, resting back into Emily, pressing her bum more firmly into the girl’s crotch, “Another time.”

“Another time.” Emily agreed as they lapsed into silence once more, Hannah letting her eyes close.

Sometime later, they heard footsteps outside, and a nearly naked Mommy opened their door, dressed only in skimpy lingerie. She beamed down at the two girls, still cuddling, “Aww! Isn’t that adorable! Come on, sweethearts, let’s get you bathed and into bed.” she said, headless of her missing clothing.

Hannah found herself blushing at the sight. While she had been naked around Mommy multiple times at this point, the reverse was certainly not true. Mommy, technically, wasn’t nude, but it was so close she may as well have been. Both girls were brought into the bathroom, stripped, and added to the warm waters of the tub, minus any bubbles this time.

Hannah blushed, wanting to cover herself, not even having the decency of a bubble bath as a cover. But a sharp look from Emily caused Hannah’s hand to drop. She felt Emily’s eyes lingering, sizing her up, and when she met Hannah’s eyes, she gave her a soft smile. Hannah’s entire face was crimson, not only from humiliation but also from the fact Emily seemed to enjoy how she looked.

Mommy, either ignoring or ignorant of their moment, continued as if nothing were happening, washing both girl’s hair and body, her fingers ensuring every nook and cranny was cleaned. Mommy pulled two very humiliated and embarrassed girls from the tub, wrapping them in thick, fluffy towels before getting them dressed for bed. As before, she placed Hannah and Emily into thick nighttime diapers and swaddled them, planting pacifiers in either girl's mouth before putting them in the crib and kissing them goodnight.

Thankfully, Mommy neglected to lock the pacifiers in place as she felt Emily slowly moving up beside her, squirming inside her swaddle. “Here, on your side,” Emily ordered.

Hannah found it incredibly challenging to comply, given her swaddle, but she managed. Emily spit out her pacifier and used her teeth to do something behind Hannah’s back. All at once, she felt the swaddle loosen, and her arms came free. She grinned, forcing herself up and pulling the thick blanket away; the night air was cold in the house, and she found herself shivering.

“You did it!” Hannah exclaimed happily, rolling Emily over on her back. She immediately saw the simple clamp that held the swaddle together, impossible to escape from within but easy enough to undo. She freed Emily, who sat up, grinning. A soft moonlight filtered in from the window, illuminating their faces. 

“Here, I would have been trapped for another night, all alone, and now I have you,” Emily said, smiling, caressing Hannah’s face.

Hannah smiled, embarrassed at the flirtatious nature of Emily’s words, “I ain’t going anywhere without you.” Hannah found herself saying.

Emily smiled, her eyes studying Hannah’s face, before gently leaning in. Hannah’s heart was fluttering; she recognized that move, and her mind was racing. She had never done anything with a girl before, not even a boy. Could she do it? Their lips met, and there was a soft kiss. Emily pulled back and smiled, her fingers tracing Hannah’s back. Hannah felt as if her emotions had exploded, a feeling of lust and desire coursing through her veins she had never felt before, the kiss leaving her breathless, her eyes glazing over in utter bliss. She stared into Emily’s eyes, wanting to kiss her again, but found her muscles would not cooperate.

Emily chuckled, pulling Hannah’s head to her chest and rubbing her back as she pulled the blanket over both of them. “Breath, sweetheart, breathe.”

Hannah did so, a gasp as she sucked in air, breathing deeply. She melted into Emily, Emily’s arms hugging her as both girls drifted off in one another's embrace. 

End of Chapter 25

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