Crossing Worlds

A Diaper Dimension, original story by SolaraScott

Chapter 6: A New Home

It was not the first time Hannah had wet herself, and yet, the prospect of having no choice as she did now made her squirm. She felt her bladder slowly draining, her crotch growing warm, running between her legs and soaking into the diaper. The belts and buckles held her diaper firmly against her, letting her feel it growing warm. It swelled a bit, and she stared at it, waiting for it to leak. Of course, it never did; she could hardly tell it had happened. The only way she had been able to tell was a few of the icons for the wetness indicator fading away. To her, it felt like a full bladder, and yet, either this diaper was incredibly absorbent, or her bladder had shrunk. It is likely a combination of the two. Her bladder ran dry, and she was surprised: the diaper whisked the dampness away, leaving her feeling completely dry.

“Doesn’t that feel better? You are a good girl.” Mommy said from the front of the car, having watched the entire thing, making Hannah blush.

As soon as Mommy said, 'You are a good girl,’ Hannah felt a quiver move through her body. It felt as if Naomi were sitting there with her, grinning and telling her what a good job she did for going potty in her diaper. The praise made Hannah grin, reveling in it. “Thank you, Mommy,” she said, earning her a big smile. 

Hannah realized she would need to be very careful whatever was happening to her. She could think of a hundred ways Mommy or Daddy or heck, anyone, could abuse such mental solid influences. She hoped if it were going to stick around, that trigger would only be used for good. She knew that if it came to it, she would struggle to resist its intoxicating embrace, a warm hug that made her ecstatic. 

Hannah’s contemplation ended as the car stopped beside a massive skyscraper. She thought at first they were going to get out here, yet suddenly she felt the car rise rapidly, quickly ascending faster than any elevator she had ever been on. Her hands found the armrest and gripped it tightly as she stared out the window, sucking in a breath as the car began to slow, leaving her weightless. Evan giggled, “You get used to it, I promise.”

Hannah nodded meekly as a garage-style door opened on the side of the building. The car floated inside and came to a stop. Mommy and Daddy climbed out of the car, and Hannah found Daddy opening her door with a smile, undoing the straps, and lifting her into his arms. “Hi pumpkin, did you enjoy the ride? How are cartoons here compared to Earth?” he asked, nestling her in his arms. 

“The ride was super smooth.” Hannah admitted as Mommy worked to set Evan down on his feet, his thumb still in his mouth, “The cartoons were… captivating. They had some odd messaging, nothing like what we have at home.”

Daddy chuckled, his fingers finding her crotch and feeling her soggy padding, “It’s to help you become a good girl, and it feels like you are already well on your way.”

She had been about to say something, but once again, as Daddy said the magical words, Hannah felt a shudder of pleasure coursing through her, like heat radiating from a furnace. She could only nod weakly as he carried her inside the house. She did notice that this time, the feeling hadn’t been nearly as strong as the first time; she hoped it only lasted a while before fading, whatever it was.

As they stepped into Hannah’s new home, the doors sliding automatically and silently, Hannah’s eyes widened. Inside revealed a breathtaking expanse that felt more like an observation deck than a typical living space. The first thing that caught her attention was the view, an unobstructed panorama of the sprawling city below, with the clouds drifting lazily around the building’s towering height. Massive, floor-to-ceiling windows lined the entire far wall, making it feel like the apartment was suspended in the sky. The skyline stretched before her like a shimmering sea of glass and steel, the skyscrapers rising and falling in the distance, their tips vanishing into the thick clouds. The sun, now lower in the sky, cast a warm, golden hue across the city, turning the metallic surfaces of the building into radiant beacons of light.

The living room was vast, sleepy, and open, with every inch designed to blend luxury with futuristic technology. The floors were made of polished, dark material that gleamed under the soft glow of the recessed lighting in the ceiling, which was arranged in geometric patterns that shifted subtly to create a calming, almost hypnotic ambiance. A large sectional sofa, minimalist in design but plus in comfort, stretched across one side of the room, facing a floating entertainment system embedded directly into the wall. The system’s holographic interface shimmered as it awaited commands, ready to display anything for new updates to immersive virtual environments. A baby gate, built with the same sleep metallic design as the rest of the apartment, seamlessly integrated into the living room’s architecture, ensuring the area remained secure without detracting from the room’s modern aesthetic.

Ian, in the corner of the living room, a large, cushioned armchair perfect for rocking a Little one to sleep sat near a futuristic-looking toy chest. The chest itself was designed to fit the room’s aesthetic, its smooth surface able to illuminate at night with soft, colorful lights that would pulse gently to soothe any anxious Little one.

The furniture was minimal but stylish, with smooth, metallic surfaces and sharp lines that reflected the apartment’s advanced aesthetic. In the center of the room, a low, transparent table seemed to hover just above the floor, its surface displaying a soft, pulsing light that responded to touch. Beyond the living area, the kitchen is seamlessly integrated into the open floor plan, and its design is clean and ultramodern. A long, sleek countertop of pristine white curved along the far wall, embedded with invisible controls that would light up with the brush of a hand, activating everything from the induction stovetop to the hidden fridge. The cabinets, faced with a reflective black material, opened with a whisper at the touch of a finger, revealing neatly organized, advanced appliances; everything here was built for efficiency, elegance, and ease. 

The dining area was also adjusted for family life, with a few additional high chairs around the table. These chairs were designed with the same floating technology but with added straps and cushions for safety. Despite the apartment's futuristic vibe, the space still felt warm, thanks to the soft light emanating from the pendant orbs above the table, which could adjust to a calming glow during mealtime. 

“Welcome home, baby girl,” Daddy said as Hannah took everything in.

Daddy carried Hannah to the massive panorama window to allow her to see out. From her perspective, everything outside the window was overwhelming, like gazing out into a world meant for giants. Daddy held her securely in his strong hands, the warmth of his embrace grounding her as she stared wide-eyed at the expanse before them. The city stretched endlessly beneath her, a vast sea of towering skyscrapers that made her feel even smaller than she already was. From this height, the streets below looked like narrow rivers winding through canyons of steel and glass, and the people down there were nothing more than tiny specs moving in synchronized chaos. 

The view was breathtaking and terrifying all at once. Skyscrapers rose like colossal sentinels, their sleek exteriors reflecting the glow of the setting sun in sharp, blinding bursts. Some of them disappeared into the clouds, their tops lost in the mist that swirled around their peaks, making it impossible to see where they ended. The city below was alive with movement; hovering vehicles whizzed through the air like insects, weaving effortlessly between the buildings, while massive bridges arched across the sky, connecting towers that seemed to defy gravity. Far below, she could faintly make out the crisscrossing stress and platforms, busy with life, but from her tiny perspective, it all felt so distant and surreal.

The wind outside gently stirred the clouds, creating an ever-shifting canvas of light and shadow that danced across the city. She could see towering cranes moving along the tops of some buildings, their size so immense that she had to remind herself they weren’t slow but simply massive. Everything looked impossibly large, even more so from this high vantage point. The scale was dizzying; Hannah’s heart fluttered as she realized how far above the world they were, nestled in this immense skyscraper like birds perched on a ledge.

Despite its splendor, Hannah felt dread, a realization that sickened and frightened her. Even if she wanted to get back home, she couldn’t, not without the help of her Mommy and Daddy or some other adult. She had no clue where the station was or even how she could get down, and then she went all the way there without being picked up by some stranger, who was reported as a lost child. 

“Who is hungry?” Mommy asked in a sing-song voice as she stepped into the kitchen. 

“Ohh! Me! Me!” Evan reported with glee as he followed her into the kitchen just as another figure appeared from further down the hall.

A young woman dressed in a blouse and skirt smiled warmly as she saw them. “Oh, Mr. and Mrs. Ashford, you are back. I was just getting Emily up from her nap; she’s playing now.”

Hannah realized she would barely reach Mommy's chest while this woman was an adult or dressed like one. She cocked her head at the woman, studying her curiously, just as the woman stepped up to her with a smile. Being in Daddy’s arms, she had to look down to meet her gaze. “Who is this little cutie?” she asked, shaking Hannah’s foot.

“This here is the newest family member, Hannah,” Daddy said with a grin, holding Hannah out to the woman.

It all happened so fast that Hannah didn’t have time to react. She was plopped into the woman's arms, and despite being more significant than Hannah, she still felt a little more ridiculous being held like this. The woman seemed to realize this as she shifted Hannah to her hip; the ridiculously thick diaper provided a convenient cushion for her to sit upon. “Gosh, you are just the cutest little thing!” the woman said, having still not offered a name for herself before returning to Daddy and continuing their conversation as if Hannah weren’t there. “Emily was good today; she did throw a fit twice. I already punished her once, but you wanted to take care of her if there was a second time. She was trying to get into the cabinet again, so he’s in time-out mittens. On top of that, she’s having an enjoyable time trying to play in there.” The woman chuckled, shaking her head.

“Thank you, Ash; I’ll take care of her,” Daddy sighed.

The woman, Ash, turned back to Hannah. “And if you need me to watch her two, I’m more than happy to!” She pinched Hannah with her free hand as Hannah tried to pull away. 

Ash deposited Hannah on her feet before leaving the house. Where did that front door lead? All she could see were windows beyond, perhaps a hallway. The conversation had so much information that it took her several moments to process what she heard. There was another Little here, likely the source of the third car seat, and they were punishing her. What had she done? 

“Want to meet your new sister?” Daddy asked, beginning down the hallway Ash had just come from. 

With little else she could do, Hannah reluctantly followed. She knew her diaper was thick, but she hadn’t realized how thick it was until she began walking. She almost immediately tripped and fell, realizing it would be waddling or crawling if she wanted to get anywhere. Daddy smiled back at her as she struggled to comprehend her predicament, trying to walk again, half toddle, half waddle. She managed it, although she could only imagine how much more difficult it would be as her diaper swelled even more. A floor-to-ceiling window at the end of the hall let in the warm afternoon sun. The last door on the right was where Daddy was heading, pushing it open. The door had a bright pink sign stating “Princess Pampers Nursery.” Hannah approached the door as Daddy opened it, leaving her to explore the room.

When Hannah crossed the room's threshold, she was enveloped in an atmosphere of comfort and warmth, where every detail seemed designed just for her. The walls were clad in soft pastel pink, their hue soothing and gentle, a perfect contrast to the high-tech sheen of the rest of the apartment. The room was softly lit by recessed lighting curved along the ceiling in delicate arcs, casting a gentle glow over everything. Though modern and streamlined, the furniture had an inviting softness, with rounded edges and plush upholstery that made the space feel warm and safe. 

A pristine white toy chest stood to one side, its glossy surface catching the soft light. It was perfectly sized for her, and the thought of what treasures might be inside made her heart race. The chest was designed to open with the lightest touch, revealing a bounty of soft toys, blocks, and stuffed animals, all neatly arranged for the next play session, several of which already occupied the floor. A white rocking chair sat, its sleep curves modern yet inviting, with a plush cushion the color of fresh snow. It swayed gently with the slightest push, offering a smooth place for quiet moments, whether Mommy rocked a Little to sleep or simply enjoying the peaceful afternoon together.

Near the center of the room stood a white crib, its design minimal but elegant, adorned with high protective sides that gleamed in the soft light. The crib was lined with pink and white bedding, with little white clouds and stars decorating the sheets, perfectly coordinated with the rest of the room. Above the crib, a mobile spun lazily, its delicate shapes of crescent moons and twinkling stars moving in a gentle dace, casting soft shadows on the ceiling above.

Across from the crib, a sleepy white changing table was positioned against the wall. The op was padded with a plush pink mat and underneath were neatly organized compartments full of diapers, wipes, and lotion. Though modern, the changing table had a touch of whimsy, with tiny engraved hearts along the sides, adding a subtle sweetness. On the far wall, a bookshelf stood, packed full of colorful nursery stories, their spines neatly arranged in a rainbow of pastel hues. The books looked worn with love, their pages ready to be read and re-read for bedtime. Above the bookshelf, a series of framed pictures hung, each one showcasing soft watercolor illustrations of baby animals, fluffy lambs, wide-eyed kittens, and playful bunnies, all clad in thick diapers, adding to the room’s innocent charm.

The centerpiece of the room was the padded play area, an ample, cushioned space with mats in shades of pink and cream. Their surfaces were adorned with simple but sweet patterns of clouds and stars. The thick mats provided a perfect spot for crawling, tumbling, and exploring without worry. Inside the play area sat a Little girl, her brown hair braided, a pastel onesie covering her body with a purple pacifier clipped to the collar, her legs heavily splayed by the bulky diaper she wore. 

The girl glanced up at Hannah, standing on obviously wobbly legs. She offered a small smile, “You must be the new girl; I’m Emily.” her smile slipped as she grunted, “Curse that babysitter; she timed it well.” Hannah watched as Emily stuck her bum out, grunted again, and began filling the seat of her diaper.

End of Chapter 6