Crossing Worlds

A Diaper Dimension, original story by SolaraScott

Chapter 10: A short Nap

Hannah felt goosebumps forming, Emily’s words striking fear through her. She still didn’t know what she thought about the Amazon world. On one hand, many of her dreams had come true. She was standing in the middle of a busy mall, dressed in a thick diaper and cute baby clothes. Everyone who saw her expected her to be a baby, and Mommy and Daddy would treat her as one. She even HAD a Mommy and Daddy! She had only ever been able to dream of such a dynamic back home. Yet here, it was expected for her; it hadn’t just been handed on a silver platter but forced upon her. Yet, something about Emily’s words struck a chord with her; even if Hannah wanted to be here, Emily wanted to leave. It only made Hannah’s resolve double, her eyes growing more fierce; she would not let her new sister be forced to stay if she didn’t want to, “No, screw that, we are going to get you back home.” Hannah said, her back straight and her words firm.

To anyone looking, it would have been cute to see such an intense expression on a Little, but to Emily, it made her smile. “Thanks, Hannah, genuinely; I just wish I could get the same commitment from Mommy or Daddy.” 

Emily glanced out the makeshift window of their playhouse. Her brow furrowed, looking around further before heading to the other side of the house and looking there, “Where’s Mommy?” she asked hesitantly.

Confused, Hannah approached the door, looking out to the waiting area where Mommy seemed to have disappeared entirely. “I don’t know… I thought she was there, waiting for us.”

The two girls left the house, looking for her, a growing concern building within them. Had they been left alone in the middle of a busy shopping mall? Hannah smiled at Emily, saying, “Perhaps we could get you home sooner rather than later.” Of course, Hannah knew deep down that was an impossibility. 

They were in the center of a bustling city, and neither girl knew the first thing about returning to the portal and getting home. Regardless, it did bring a grin to Emily’s face as Hannah stepped to the edge of the padded play area. However, as soon as she did, a holographic screen appeared before her face. Hannah yelped, backing away; the screen had a camera pointed at her face from a seemingly impossible angle, along with the message, ‘Your Mommy has not returned to collect you yet, Hannah. Would you like me to contact her?’ 

Below the message was another camera of Mommy, seemingly in the food court, ordering something for them. Hannah stepped to the side as if to walk around the screen, and the screen seemed to follow her, blocking her path. Hannah stared at the screen, slack-jawed. This place had far more to it than met the eye; everyone tracked and monitored it. The mall seemed to have realized not only that Mommy was hers, but she had been left in the play area and couldn’t leave. Having still not answered the question on screen, unsure how she would, a voice sounded from the screen, “Hannah, hun, do you need me to call your Mommy?”

Hannah, startled, took another step back, shaking her head, “Uhh, no, no, I’m fine.” she said.

The on-screen message disappeared, replaced with a smiley face, “Have fun then!” the voice said before the screen winked.

“Just fucking great.” Emily grumbled, “We can’t even leave this freaking kids' play area, how would we even get back to the portal?”

Before Hannah could answer, the screen alighted again in front of Emily, “Naughty words dedicated and noted for Mommy.” it stated, making Emily yelp in surprise and jump away from the screen.

“Wait, what? No! Please! I didn’t mean it! Don’t tell her!” Emily squealed, but the screen didn’t change; no further words were produced. Emily threw her hands in the air, “Just great! Just wonderful! They got a tattletale security system to get us in trouble! No matter where we go or what we do, we can’t escape their insistent need to control us!”

“Tantrum detected and noted.” The voice said.

Through the camera showing Mommy, Hannah saw the woman checking her phone, shaking her head, and turning in their direction. The screen disappeared again, Emily’s face flushing madly, “Tantrum?!” she squeaked, “I did not… GAH!”.

Emily turned back to the play area, retreating to their play house. Hannah followed, “Em, it’ll be okay! It’s just some stupid system; it was a glitch. Mommy will understand,” Hannah said, trying to soothe Emily.

Emily wasn’t having any of it, her face scrunched in anger, grumbling as she plopped down in the house, crossing her arms over her chest. Hannah wanted to comfort her but wasn’t sure what she could do, and before she knew it, there was a knock at the door, “Girls? Mommy’s back!” Mommy said, popping her head in the door, immediately seeing Emily, “Is someone grumpy? It is nearly nap time. Was someone saying bad words?”

Hannah immediately noticed the trap in the woman's language. She already knew about Emily; it was probably recorded just for her. Mommy was trying to get Emily to admit fault. Emily, however, didn’t seem to realize that. “No, it was their security system; it scared me. I didn’t say anything naughty,” she said, her face flushing.

Mommy shook her head, presenting her phone, which replayed Emily’s cursing and tantrum. “Oh baby girl.” she said, pulling Emily towards her, “Mommy tried to give you a chance. It’s okay; it’s nap time anyway.”

Having released her mistake, Emily tried apologizing and backing up, but Mommy was too quick. She pulled Emily to her and forced a pacifier into her mouth. Emily was crying out, trying desperately to stop what was coming. Still, Mommy was having none of it as she stood, holding the squirming child over her shoulder and offering several firm spankings, making the girl squirm. “Hannah, Mommy will be right back; Emily needs a nap and some time to think about her actions,” she said, standing and turning to leave the play area.

Hannah watched, stepping up to the door as Emily was hauled away, crying in earnest now, trying to get free but unable to. Mommy stepped up to the Little’s Care Center; the receptionist, a young woman, shook her head, took from Mommy’s arms, and disappeared through a set of swinging doors. 

The last thing Hannah saw was Emily’s fearful expression. She met Hannah’s eyes, and the doors swung shut behind them. Mommy was already returning to her, shaking her head and opening her arms for Hannah to pick her up, “Is Emily going to be okay?” Hannah asked nervously as Mommy scooped her up.

“She’s going to be okay, honey, she’s just tired; speaking of it, it’s your nap time too; afterward, I got a special treat for you since you’ve been such a good girl!” Mommy said her tone as if speaking to a baby.

Hannah flushed; she wasn’t tired, but Mommy didn’t seem to be having any of it, and she didn’t think it wise to challenge the woman. With a button push, the push cart’s seat reclined, entering a near-laying position. Mommy set Hannah inside, strapping her in with a smile. 

There’s a saying on Earth: never drink a drink you didn’t see made. The same idiom is relevant in the Amazon world, especially regarding bottles, sippies, or pacifiers. Hannah was unaware of such a saying, and crucially, even if she was, she lacked one crucial ability to execute such a saying. She could not exercise her free will. With that, Hannah found Mommy forcing a pacifier between Hannah’s lips, doing something Hannah couldn’t see, and feeling the pacifier swell to fill Hannah’s mouth, locking itself in place. 

Hannah squealed, the pacifier nearly completely muting her as Mommy smiled and kissed her forehead, pulling a fleece blanket over Hannah. “Sleep well, honey; we’ll continue shopping when you wake up.”

Hannah gazed up at the woman in shock and fear as she felt the first pangs of sleep creeping into her vision, her eyes taking on a glassy appearance. Hannah felt a powerful sense of tiredness wash through her, filling every fiber of her being as she fought to stay awake. Mommy kneeled there, stroking her hair, “It’s okay, baby. It’s nap time. Let it happen. Go to sleep. Babies need their rest.” 

Hannah fought against the drugs, but she was no match as her eyes finally drifted close, refusing to open, as she fell into a deep sleep. 

Hannah first noticed the sound of feet on hard tile and the gentle rocking of the pushcart. She groaned, forcing her eyes open, realizing the pacifier had returned to normal, letting her spit it out. Hannah realized they were on the move, walking through the crowded mall, the seat next to her empty, the fleece blanket still tucked in around her. It was warm and comforting, and Hannah almost found herself drifting back off until Mommy stopped the cart and knelt beside her, returning the cart to its normal position. “There’s my cutie pie; how was your nap?” she asked, removing and folding the blanket.

Hannah opened her mouth to respond, but her eyes darted to the empty seat next to her, and that spike of fear for her sister quickly returned. “Where’s Emily?” she found herself asking.

Mommy patted her head, “Remember? Your sister was having a tantrum; she needed naptime and punishment for her naughty words. However, since you were good, I got you a treat!” she said, suddenly forcing a large bottle into Hannah’s hands. 

The bottle was warm to the touch and filled with a peach-colored liquid. Hannah, however, wanted nothing this woman offered. Mommy's stern, steady gaze told her it was not an option. Hannah sighed, going to suckle the bottle, needing both hands to maneuver it. The bottle's silicon teat filled Hannah’s mouth comfortably, and she found it easy to nurse. Her mouth instantly filled with a sweet, creamy liquid that tasted like a flavored milkshake.

“What do you have to say to Mommy?” Mommy asked.

Hannah fought back an eye roll as she pulled the nipple from her mouth long enough to say, “Thank you, Mommy.” before she returned to nursing. 

Somehow, Hannah knew Mommy wouldn’t let her have any remaining liquid. It was dense, much like the formula Daddy fed her last night, and she quickly started to feel its effects the more she drank. Hannah found herself squirming, her bladder and bowels seeming to awaken and call for release out of nowhere.

Mommy had returned to pushing the cart, leaving Hannah to her thoughts as she sat there, nursing the bottle. Hannah closed her eyes, pretending she was back home; she wasn’t in the diaper dimension and was safe and sound at home. She felt the need to grow, and while she didn’t usually poop herself, she felt a sort of thrill at the prospect of it. What adult wore and used diapers? None that Hannah knew of. She grew increasingly excited at the prospect, giggling as she slipped into Little Space. Hannah lifted her legs and gave a soft push, relaxing her bladder simultaneously.

Hannah moaned around the bottle, feeling the warm mush pressing into the seat of her diaper, the diaper swelling to accomidate her accident. The thrill of using her diaper excited Hannah further as she nursed the bottle more urgently, her eyes fluttering in bliss as she felt the muck squishing between her legs, the cart seat offering little refuge as it furthered the feeling. Hannah had nearly felt her hand drifting south, wanting to play, relishing the sense of the squishy diaper.

That was until a voice pipped up from her subconscious, sending her reeling back to reality. ‘Such a good girl! You barely even held it!’  Naomi said, giggling and clapping her hands. ‘Good girls use their diapers; you are a good girl; Mommy will be so proud of you when she finds out!’ 

In any other circumstance back home, these words would have been enough to push her over the edge, especially having not been able to relieve herself the day prior. But, the fact that it wasn’t a natural person speaking to her was the voice of some stupid cartoon, and it had forced its way into her thoughts; it was enough to bring Hannah back from the edge as her consciousness came crashing down. She groaned, shifting in the seat of the cart, feeling the mess mush beneath her bum, not even aware of having finished the bottle until she was sucking on air.

Mommy stopped the cart, came around, and smiled as she saw the empty bottle. “You were a hungry baby, such a good girl!” she said, undoing the straps and pulling Hannah into her arms, gasping. And you made a present for Mommy? Mommy is so proud of you, pumpkin!” 

Hannah’s face blushed madly, especially as the woman put Hannah over her shoulder, Mommy’s hands patting her bum first and then her back. What was she doing? Was she trying to burp Hannah? She was an adult, not a freaking baby! Her internal monolog was cut short as she let out a healthy belch, formula dribbling down Hannah’s chin and making her blush madly.

Mommy chuckled, took a burp cloth, and cleaned her up, returning Hannah to her arm and slinging a bag over her other shoulder. “Come on, baby. Let’s get you cleaned up, and then we can get your sister.” 

What did Mommy mean by cleaning her up? She had just wiped Hannah’s face clean from burping! Hannah could feel the woman's hand massaging the mess in her diaper, making her squirm, and it wasn’t until she saw the woman's restroom that she realized what was happening. Immediately, Hannah discovered she was being taken to be changed. More importantly, if she were being changed, it would most likely be on a changing table, as one saw in malls and stores, which would be out in the open for all to see and watch.

Hannah’s mind waged war with itself. On the one hand, she wanted to be changed, but on the other, she did not want it to be visible to everyone. Hannah’s face contorted in concentration as she fought; it wasn’t until she saw the folding changing table along the wall, with countless women milling about, that she decided.

Hannah squirmed in Mommy’s arms, glancing up at her. “I don’t think I need to change yet,” she said, “but I may still need to go.”

Mommy giggled, kissing her forehead as she laid Hannah down, pulling the strap across her tummy. “Then you can use your fresh diaper, baby girl! But Mommy doesn’t want you getting a rash.”

Hannah blushed madly as Mommy pulled her shorts off, revealing her soggy diaper for all to see. Hannah felt an immense shame washing through her as the tabs of her messy diaper were popped and the front pulled down, revealing its contents for all to see.

Hannah felt panic rising, her pulse pounding in her ears, and her breathing erratically. A woman stepped over and saw Hannah. “Aww, poor thing, first time?” she asked Mommy.

Mommy chuckled and nodded, “First time in public, it’s always a special occasion, but maybe just this once…” Hannah felt Mommy taking her hand, sticking her thumb into something extraordinary, a liquid of some kind, before gently but firmly pushing Hannah’s thumb into her mouth.

Hannah had been too focused on her humiliation to realize what was even happening until her thumb entered her mouth. She nursed it, whether by reflex or desire for comfort, nearly immediately feeling a relaxing sensation flood her body, and her adrenaline left her. She felt her body relax at the table as Mommy cleaned her up, her gaze hazing just slightly as the two women chatted, but Hannah didn’t care; she wasn’t focused on their words anymore. Why had Hannah been so worried? She could feel Mommy finish cleaning her and working her into a fresh diaper. 

Whatever narcotic Mommy had soaked Hannah’s thumb in seemed to be short-acting as she felt the fog begin to lift, her thoughts slowly returning to normal. It was about now she noticed the mirror directly above the changing table, reflecting Hannah’s image. She lay there, watching herself change, Mommy’s fingers clean her, the diaper swapped and replaced, the fresh one pulled up between her legs and pinned closed. Hannah didn’t see herself being changed; she saw a baby being changed. This wasn’t adult Hannah lying in the middle of the women's restroom; no, this was a different person entirely. Despite the medicine wearing off, Hannah was far more at ease with the situation than before.

“There we go.” Standing beside Mommy, the woman said, “They just need to see themselves how we see them! That’s all it takes.” She glared at the mirror and smiled at Hannah. 

Hannah felt Mommy pulling her shorts back into place and helping her sit up. She felt Mommy’s lip upon her forehead: “You did so well, pumpkin; you’ll do even better next time.” She glanced at the mirror, smiling: “You just need to remember how the rest of the world sees you. You are Mommy’s perfect little angel, nothing more, nothing less.”

With that, Mommy scooped Hannah back into her arms and carried her from the bathroom, biding the woman farewell. As they headed towards the Little’s Care Center, Hannah was strapped into the cart. Hannah’s mind had nearly fully returned to normal; her shame at having been changed in public was still there, a blossoming bloom of humilation, but she could handle it now that it was over. She let her thumb drop from her mouth, realizing she was still nursing it, as she asked Mommy, “What was that stuff you gave me?”

“Just a relaxing agent, honey; the closer you are to a panic attack or anything like that, the more effective it is. It cancels out those negative feelings but can leave you feeling loopy.” Mommy explained.

Hannah was slightly surprised; the woman wasn’t usually coming with information and pocketed it for later. She felt loopy, but even that feeling faded as they arrived at the care center. Having seen them approach, the woman behind the counter turned and entered the back, returning moments later with Emily in her arms. Hannah immediately noticed Emily’s pants were gone, hanging from the worker's fingers as she handed both over to Mommy. “We washed out all those nasty words!” the worker informed Mommy, “She needed a little spanking to help with her attitude as well; you can find a full report on your phone. You two have a great day, bye bye cutie pie!” she said the last part to Emily, waving. 

Mommy thanked her, put Emily’s shorts in the cubby below where the blanket had gone, and pushed them away from the counter. Hannah realized that Emily was now going around with nothing covering her diaper, blushing at the sight. “Are you okay?” she asked Emily.

Emily seemed entirely out of it, her eyes glazed over, her mouth's pacifier bobbing gently. What the heck had they done to her? After a few moments, though, she gave Hannah a week's thumbs up before flopping back with a groan. Her nap was nowhere near as restful as Hannah’s. She felt bad for her sister; she hadn’t done anything truly wrong, had been spanked, and had the words washed away. Hannah grimaced as she realized it likely meant the girl's mouth had been cleaned with soap, but it may have been far more, judging from Emily's diaper. Emily finally murmured four words Hannah barely heard: "I’m a bad baby.” she said, a tear dripping down her cheek.

End of Chapter 10