Crossing Worlds

A Diaper Dimension, original story by SolaraScott

Chapter 11: A New Friend

“Unfortunately for Emily, I think only Hannah will get a new furry friend!” Mommy said as she pushed the girls into the Build-A-Bear type store, helping Hannah down from the cart. “Aren’t you excited?” Mommy asked.

Hannah blushed and nodded, “Yes, Mommy, thank you.” This earned her a pat on the head as a worker approached.

The worker was a young man, posing as a teenager but his expression and face told Hannah he was likely 24 or 25. Yet he seemed to tower over Hannah but was shorter than Mommy. Was this what they called a Tweener? Hannah wasn't certain. He wore blue overalls with the store's logo emblazoned on the chest. “Hi there, are we looking to make a new friend?” he asked.

The question was designed for Hannah but aimed at Mommy, who smiled and nodded, “Just one for today.”

The man’s eyes flickered at Emily, but he said nothing. He offered a hand to Hannah, “Of course! Right this way.”

With few other choices, Hannah took the man's hand as he led her to the store's first stage: the decision of a stuffy body. She glanced across the many options, deciding on another teddy bear, this one white with a similar red bow and lashes—a friend for Teddy! The worker smiled, taking the unstuffed stuffy and offering her a small, cloth heart.

The heart was a beanbag of sorts, filled to the brim. “Now, put all your love, care, and promises into that heart that awakens your new friend. Close your eyes and pour all yourself into that heart,” he said with an upbeat tone.

Feeling silly, Hannah did so, closing her eyes and imagining just that, trying to slip into a bit of space to help. It did; she could imagine herself as a little girl, getting a bear for the first time, grinning as she opened her eyes and handed the man the heart, “All done!”

He smiled warmly as he took it, adding it to the stuffy before attaching it to a machine, filling it with filling and sewing up the back. “Perfect! Alright, let’s give your friend a name. Can you think of one?” he asked, holding the stuffed bear to her.

Hannah cocked her head to the side, studying the bear, imagining it with some clothes on before taking it with a smile, “Her name is Bella!” she announced proudly.

“That’s a lovely name! Let’s get Bella some clothes.” The worker said with a smile, guiding Hannah to the shelves of outfits. 

The overwhelming selection took Hannah back. Everything from princess dresses to space cowboys and accessories was here! She finally settled on a pink bow, similar to Teddy’s, apart from the color, a short yellow dress, and polka-dot bloomers. She eagerly dressed her new friend, hugging it as they returned to the front, where Mommy was waiting. 

Mommy gasped when she saw Hannah’s new friend getting down on one knee, “Oh my gosh, she’s so cute! Just like my baby girl, and who is this?” she asked Hannah.

Hannah, still in little space, giggled, “This is Bella, Mommy!” she exclaimed as the worker stepped up beside her. 

He chuckled, holding a pad of some sort, tapping in, “Alrighty, everything is set up and bound, comes with standard love connection, desire addiction starts at stage 2; anything else you’d like to add?”

The worker turned the tablet towards Mommy, whose eyes widened, scanning for several long seconds, “You guys can do that with just…” she glanced at Hannah, mouth agape, tapping a few buttons, “This will be fine.”

“Of course, ma’am, you can edit the settings at any time.” the worker said with a smile, waving to Hannah, “Bye, you two! Bye, Bella!”

Hannah already loved her new friend, holding the stuffed bear to her chest; it was nearly as big as she was! Mommy scooped both up, plopping Hannah back in the cart and pulling the straps over her shoulders and between her legs. 

Both girls strapped in, and Mommy pushed the cart from the store. Hannah glanced at Emily with a big smile, showing off her new friend. Emily’s face seemed to be back to normal, and she smiled at Bella with a hint of jealousy. Hannah missed this look completely, still feeling little. 

“Mind if I hold her?” Emily asked.

Hannah nodded, “Of course!” she said, handing over Bella.

Emily plopped Bella in her lap, and Hannah realized she was using the bear to help cover her diaper. Hannah blushed, realizing she hadn’t even thought about Emily; she should have offered.

“Her name is Bella?” Emily asked curiously.

Hannah nodded again, “Yeah, she’s going to be Teddy’s new best friend, " she giggled.

Emily looked at her curiously but said nothing as Mommy pushed the cart toward the mall's entrance. The girls realized they were likely heading home. Hannah didn’t mind; she was content to go with the flow and even stopped caring about her appearance. Heck, she nursed her thumb for the fun of it! She was a baby; no one cared! Yet, the longer Hannah didn’t hold Bella, the more that carefree nature seemed to wash off, her thoughts slowly returning to normal. Was it just her little space that was slipping away, or was there something more to it? The worker's words came to mind, but she had no clue what they meant. 

Mommy stopped the cart near the front, turning towards a restroom. She stooped down before Emily and Hannah, feeling both of their diapers. Hannah was still dry, but Emily was beyond needing a change. Mommy smiled, scooping Emily from the cart, holding her as she pushed the cart and Hannah into the bathroom, “Let’s get this stink butt changed!”

Hannah could see the conflict in Emily’s eyes, the same that had been in hers when she was going to be changed in public, the redness of Emily’s cheeks burning brightly. To her credit, Emily knew better than to argue with Mommy as she was strapped down. Hannah was positioned, almost as if on purpose, in a way that let her watch the entire changing process and see Emily in the mirror. It was as if Mommy wanted her to see that Emily was acting like and treated like a baby; she was nothing more and nothing less than Mommy’s little girl. 

Hannah was humiliated for Emily, seeing the poor girl's nethers completely caked in mess, her entire body red in shame. Hannah tried to distract herself, taking Bella back into her lap. The effects were almost too slow to notice. Still, after a minute or two, Hannah realized the shame and humilation she felt for Emily had dissipated entirely, as if such feelings were being suppressed. I was left with a sense of contentment as if nothing was wrong. Were these feelings due to the stuffed bear sitting in her lap? Or was Hannah just growing numb to everything? No, she had felt shame the moment she saw Emily lying there with her diaper open; the feeling had disappeared. 

As an experiment, Hannah returned Bella to the seat beside her and waited. Mommy finished cleaning up Emily, rolling her soiled diaper up and handing it to her, “Can you throw away your diaper for Mommy, baby?” she asked, having finished getting Emily dressed.

Mommy scooped Emily up and carried her to the trash, where Emily tossed it in, a blush on her cheeks. “There we go! Such a good girl! You did very well, Emily. Mommy is proud.” 

Hannah saw the briefest smile crossing Emily’s lips before turning to the sink. Mommy helped wash Emily’s hands before returning her to the cart and plopping the stuffed bear into Emily’s lap. 

With the girls strapped in, Mommy pushed the cart out of the bathroom and to the entrance. Outside, their car was just pulling up to the front. Fancy that! These cars would drive themselves, and that was incredible technology. Mommy pulled the cart up to the car, unloading her purchases before adding each girl to their respective car seats and strapping them tightly. 

Hannah’s head seemed to clear continuously, and by the time they were in the car, she had the presence of mind to feel ashamed at having watched her friend's poopy diaper being changed. As Mommy entered the front, Hannah leaned over to Emily, “Do you feel anything from Bella? Like, a relaxing sensation or something, like your worries don’t matter?” she asked curiously.

Emily's head cocked and then shook no, “Nothing, I’ve heard of these though, they can do all sorts of stuff to you, and it only works for the person who built them. You should be fine, though; I watched Mommy configure it; it’s set to help ease your tension and let you relax. I was curious if it’d work for me, but I wasn’t sure,” she reported, handing Bella back to Hannah.

Hannah was apprehensive about taking the bear, knowing it was doing something to her mind. However, if Emily was correct, it might not be wrong; if used correctly, it could help her acclimate to this new treatment.  

She took the bear, setting it in her lap. Mommy got into the front of the car, and they set off. Thankfully, the screens didn’t come on this time, leaving them to Mommy’s music selection. It was around now. Hannah felt her bladder beginning to ache again, but she didn’t mind; she was in a diaper! She grinned, popping her thumb in her mouth and soaking her diaper.

You are such a good girl! Soaking your diaper as soon as you feel the need, it’s what good girls do, you are a good girl, a good baby for your Mommy.’ Naomi said in her head.

With the feelings of the bear taking hold of her and feeling little, she found herself giggling, Naomi’s words creating a pleasant warmth radiating through her. ‘I am a good girl!’ she thought to herself and Naomi. Who beamed with pride, filling Hannah with warmth and acceptance. Hannah wallowed in it, relishing being a good girl; her Mommy would be so proud!

Hannah was nearly excited; she couldn’t wait to show Mommy what she had done! Naomi’s voice echoed in her head, urging her on. The bear clutched in one arm, the thumb from her other hand in her mouth. Hannah glanced out the window excitedly as the car rose towards their home.  

The car pulled into the garage, the door closing behind them as Mommy got out. She came over to Hannah’s door and opened it. Hannah giggled, grinning. “Mommy! I went potty!” she exclaimed with a giant giggle.

Naomi giggled at the back of her head, equally proud and happy about her accomplishment. Mommy gasped, smiling, her fingers instantly feeling Hannah’s diaper. “You did?! Such a good girl! Mommy's perfect baby!” she said, scooping Hannah from the car seat and setting her on her hip as she got Emily.

Hannah’s eyes rolled back as a wave of euphoria washed through her; Mommy’s praise was just too much for her with her guard down like this. She found herself limp in Mommy’s arms, her thumb back in her mouth as they entered the house again. She didn’t even feel Emily’s concerned eyes on her as they were set down in the living room. Mommy pulled closed the baby gate to keep them in.

Hannah lay back, giggling, nursing her thumb. Emily gently but firmly pulled the bear from her fingers. Hannah was too relaxed and too regressed even to nurse, squealing with delight as Mommy returned, handing both girls a bottle of yellowish juice, most likely apple juice. Hannah eagerly took it in both hands, immediately beginning to nurse it. Either through the bear's effects or just the sheer amount of liquid Hannah had ingested, she felt her bladder getting full again. She lay on her back, resting the bottle on her chest as she slipped a hand to her diaper, relishing the feeling as she soaked her diaper, her bum growing warm as her diaper absorbed her latest accident. 

She hadn’t even seen Mommy until her hand was gently but firmly pulled away, “Babies don’t touch their diapers, honey; that’s what Mommy and Daddy are for.” she said, her hand now feeling Hannah’s diaper as she began to praise Hannah. 

Hannah was in euphoric bliss, feeling her wet diaper, Mommy’s touch, and the praise both Mommy and Naomi were pounding on her. She was defenseless against this continuous bombardment. She hadn’t even realized Mommy was gone or that her bottle was dry, nursing on air for 10 minutes before Hannah’s thoughts finally started to return.

Hannah let the bottle drop with a groan, her eyes fluttering as she tried to regain complete control of her faculties. Looking down at her with concern, Emily appeared above her, “I wonder if this is what I look like the first time, too.”  

“The first time for what?” Hannah asked, rubbing her forehead and sitting up. 

“Mommy began praising me the first time I slipped into little space.” Emily said immediately before pausing, “Do… you hear a voice?” 

Hannah glanced at her, eyes wide, “You hear Naomi too?” 

Emily nodded weakly, “Ever since I watched the show for the first time, the more I watch it, the more she’s there.” she grimaced, “The longer I go, the harder it is to resist her thinking, to separate her thoughts from mine.”

Hannah grimaced; it made sense; it made her glad to hear she wasn’t the only one who had a cartoon character’s thoughts in her head. But it also raised more concerning questions, like what kind of stuff was she telling Emily? Why did they have a cartoon that did that to people? There had to be some moral line that was being crossed here. Then again, these Amazons seemed to be operating from a different moral structure than she was accustomed to. “Have you found a way to keep Naomi quiet?” 

Emily shrugged, “The longer I go, the more difficult it is to distinguish my thoughts from hers. I want to give in and do as she says to longer she’s there speaking to me.” 

“Wonderful,” Hannah said, glancing at the stuffed bear beside her. “Thanks, by the way.” 

Emily followed her gaze and nodded, “I don’t think that helped you. It looks like it suppressed your ability to resist Naomi or even your little side. I’ve never had one, but that’s what I’ve heard from other Littles.”

Hannah nodded, casting another glance at Bella. Bella sat there, smiling at her through glassy eyes, yet Hannah felt she could feel Bella’s presence, watching and waiting.

End of Chapter 11