Crossing Worlds

A Diaper Dimension, original story by SolaraScott

Chapter 7: A Bad Baby

Hannah immediately began blushing as Emily’s face contorted, scrunching up and grunting, her mittened hands going to the bars of the play area to support her. Hannah quickly glanced away, entirely embarrassed for having caught Emily in such an intimate moment, yet her eyes kept darting back to her.

“You might as well watch.” Emily grumbled, “Something you’ll learn very quickly about being a baby is having no privacy.” 

Hannah’s eyes returned to the squirming girl, and she tried to keep her eyes on Emily’s face this time. “I… I’m sorry, I’m Hannah.” She finally mumbled, still blushing.

Emily grinned, which turned into a grimace as she pushed, “Nice to meet you, Hannah; I wish it were under better circumstances. That stupid babysitter decided I was acting too mature and wanted to knock me down a few pegs. She must have added something to my bottle.” She shook her head, starting to return to standing. Her bum had swollen considerably, and yet Hannah couldn’t smell anything. “I assume from your reaction you haven’t been here before.” 

Hannah shook her head, earning her a chuckle, the corners of Emily’s mouth turning up in a grin as she gestured to herself, her hand cupping her ass as she turned it towards Hannah, “Welcome to your new life. Hope you enjoy.”

Before Hannah could react, she heard footsteps approaching behind her, stopping at the doorway. Hannah glanced over to see Mommy, who smiled, gasping, her hands gripping her knees as she gazed at Emily. “Where are you trying to be a big girl?” she asked singly. Emily whimpered, backing away as Mommy approached her, holding out her arms, “Were you trying to be a big girl? A bad girl?” she asked again, scooping Emily into her arms.

“I-I-I wasn’t trying to, Mommy, but she was picking on me! She kept forcing me to my tummy and-” Emily began, but Mommy cut her off.

“Are you allowed to talk back to an adult, honey? Even a Tweener?” 

Emily gulped and shook her head, tears glistening, “Please, Mommy, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.”

Mommy just shook her head, glancing at Hannah and pointing to the side of the changing table, “Hannah, dear, would you grab Mommy your bad girl paddle?” she asked, turning back to Emily, who was whimpering in her arms. “You didn’t think your babysitter would tell us all about how you were backtalking her? Telling her what an adult you were? How unfair her treatment of you was? Those are not nice things to say to an adult. You are a bad baby girl,”  Mommy scolded.

Hannah stood frozen as Emily let out a pitiful whimper, shuttering in Mommy’s arms. Still, Hannah saw the shock on Emily’s face and wondered if the inverse of the good girl was what Emily was feeling, “No! I didn’t! I’m good-” She was again cut off as Mommy flipped her over onto her tummy, pulling the squirming girl across her lap so her bum was angled up.

“Are you calling Mommy a liar?” Mommy said, her voice stern and commanding before the first of many spankings began to land on Emily’s exposed rear. Hannah could tell the woman was purposely aiming for Emily’s messy bum, squishing it about and making the girl as uncomfortable as possible, periodically smacking her upper thighs with a sounding Smack!

Mommy glanced over at Hannah, still standing stock, her eyes as wide as saucers. The woman smiled; she freaking smiled at Hannah! “Hannah dear, do you want to be next? Get. Mommy. The paddle.” she said firmly, her voice like ice.

Hannah yelped, “Yes, Mommy.” She hurried over to the changing table where the woman had indicated. She immediately found the paddle hanging on the side of the table; it was white with teddy bears across it. The paddle itself had a series of holes, and etched into the wood, it said, “Naughty Baby.”

Hannah’s fingers trembled, the sound of Emily’s spanking ringing in her ears as she gingerly took the paddle, knowing she was delivering a weapon to the woman that would make her new sister's life even worse. She felt terrible but also felt as if she had little choice. With downcast eyes, she offered the paddle to Mommy, who took it with a smile, “That’s a good girl, such a good baby girl.” she praised, “Now stand there and watch what happens to naughty babies.”

Hannah felt that shiver traveling through her, her eyes glazing over for just a moment, yet again, weaker than last time but still enough to make her shudder at the words, her knees quivering. Emily’s pathetic whimpering had turned to tears as she sobbed over the woman's lap; Mommy rubbed the paddle against her rear before snapping it down, a whistle and then a CRACK! As the paddle made contact. Emily yelped, squirming, but Mommy pinned her down quickly, “Please, Mommy! I’ll be a good girl!” she begged as Mommy brought down the paddle again.

“Ohh, sweetheart, I know you will. But Mommy has to chase away all the naughty girl thoughts first!” Mommy said, landing ten successive blows, Emily laying limp over her lap and bawling her eyes out. 

Hannah had taken a few steps back, her eyes wide in fear. Mommy stood, holding Emily, rocking her, soothing her as she stepped over to the changing table. She added a sticker from the shelf to one of the two calendars hanging above the changing table. Hannah hadn’t noticed these before; both calendars were cute and covered in cartoon characters, and one read “Emily’s Baby Chart.” And the other one, “Hannah’s Baby Chart.” Hannah felt a shiver go through her as Mommy stuck a frowny face on the next available day for Emily, the stickers filling the rest of the month; it was still early, so she only had a few. Mommy pursed her lips, shaking her head as Emily cried in her arms, “Gosh, we were doing so well on your training too; it’s okay, pumpkin; you are still on track for your one-month step-down program! Isn’t that good news?” She glanced at Hannah and smiled, “Keep up the good behavior, and you’ll get a smiley face for today, hun; how does that sound? I would give you one already since you used it for your diaper, but you asked for the potty beforehand, which is a no-no. Now, why don’t we get you two some num-nums?” she asked, walking towards the door.

Emily’s crying had turned to gentle sobs as they left the nursery, Hannah trailing behind. What had she gotten herself into? The first few hours here in this world were of wonder for Hannah; the occasional concern flickered to her mind, the cartoons, the Little’s being spanked, but nothing like what she had just witnessed. The others had seemed tame compared to this, and for what good reason? Hannah had pieced together the likelihood that the babysitter was gaslighting poor Emily; what had Emily done to her that would invoke such wrath? Or did the babysitter just genuinely enjoy punishing Little because she could? Mommy didn’t seem any different, but Hannah had felt that heat of her gaze; that intensity could melt steel. She wore a comforting, kind face that lured you in, but make no mistake; Mommy had a dark, sadistic side that hid just below the surface.

Furthermore, what was that thing about the step-down program? What did that mean? Would Hannah apply to the same program?

Hannah wrung her hands nervously as they entered the dining room. Daddy had just finished setting the table, Evan was sitting in a booster seat, and Mommy was fitting Emily into one of the high chairs; Emily winced as her rear made contact. Daddy saw Hannah and stooped down, scooping her into his arms, “Ohh, you poor thing, did Mommy scare you?” he asked, “I’m sorry, baby.” 

“But, she has to learn what naughty girls get; she has to understand that she needs to be a good girl,” Mommy said, strapping Emily in.

Daddy smiled softly, meeting Hannah’s eyes and not offering anything further; it was clear he didn’t entirely agree with the woman as he sat Hannah into her highchair, pulling the shoulder straps into place. The high chairs table clicked into place around Hannah, and portions of the table were sectioned off, containing several piles of food, including a baby bottle, a cute yellow one with cartoons on the side. She was initially taken aback at the scale of the bottle, but it did fit with the size of everything so far in this world. Before Hannah, there were chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese, apple slices, and baby carrots. Of course, baby carrots here were practically the size of regular carrots back home. There were no dipping sauces nor silverware of any kind, which puzzled her. She glanced at Mommy questioningly, “Mommy? Can I get a spoon?” she asked.

Mommy smiled, “You have everything you need, dear.”

Hannah sat back, surprised, glancing at her plate again, “But-” Mommy cut off any further argument with a sharp stare, daring her to continue. Hannah gulped nervously and picked up a chicken nugget, biting into it. To her surprise, the nugget was perfect! It was succulent, juicy, and flavorful despite being plain. The fruit was ripe, fresh, and sweet, the carrots had a sharp, delightful snap, and even the macaroni and cheese were savory, cheesy, and delicious! Hannah found she could use her fingers as a makeshift spoon, although it did get over her bottle as she tried to nurse it. The bottle was massive, and it took both hands for her to tilt it back far enough to drink, sweet apple juice filling her mouth.

Evan had been explaining Earth to Mommy and Daddy, who kept shooting looks at Hannah, making her squirm and offering several “Oh, really now?” that made her nervous. Halfway through her meal, Hannah felt a sudden cramp, her tummy groaning. Her hand went to it, wincing as she realized she would need to use the bathroom soon. She glanced at Mommy, who smiled, “How’s your food, sweetheart?” she asked innocently.

“It’s good, but I think there’s something that my tummy doesn’t agree with,” Hannah said, blushing.

“Oh honey, that’s okay; Mommy just wants to help ensure you are a good girl; you want to be one, right? Go ahead and go potty; bathtime is after dinner.” Mommy said.

Emily cast her a comforting glance as Hannah fought back the impending mess. As she did, she heard Naomi suddenly invading her head, asking why she bothered holding it. ‘Because I’m a big girl!’ Hannah thought defiantly, earning her a giggle.

‘You aren’t, silly baby!’ Naomi thought, ‘Don’t hold it, good girls. Don’t hold it; your diaper will keep you safe. Mommy will change you and clean you up! Just let it go!’

Hannah gritted her teeth, Mommy and Daddy studying her as she battled her internal mental battle. Finally, the food mixed with her turmoil; Hannah gave in, lifting her bum off the high chair seat and giving a gentle but firm push. Hannah immediately felt the warm, wet mush pressing into the confines of her tight-fitting diaper, ballooning outward as much as it could before squishing against the seat and forcing its way between her legs and up the back of her diaper. Hannah groaned, her hand going to her tummy as she grunted, her cheeks blazing red in shame as the family sat there, pausing to watch the show. 

“Such a good girl, Hannah, you are such a good baby girl for your Mommy,” Mommy said suddenly, that wave of nostalgia washing across Hannah, her eyes rolling back as she felt more mush rushing to fill the remaining room in her diaper. “Doesn’t that feel so much better? This is what good girls do, Hannah; they fill their diapers for their Mommy and Daddy; we are so proud of you.” she continued praising Hannah, the euphoria of praise mixing with her internal shame that left Hannah confused and unsure how to react as her tummy emptied it’s contents. 

Mercifully, she finished; Hannah was left squatting in the high chair, the straps holding her so she couldn’t go far, but she refused to sit. “Hannah, baby, sit like a good girl.” Mommy ordered.

Hannah couldn’t; she stayed in that position, her ass just off the seat, tears leaking from her eyes. She hadn’t even seen Mommy stand and step over to her, taking the shoulder straps and suddenly tightening them, forcing Hannah to sit in her filth, squishing further between her legs. Hannah felt utter shame, humiliation flushing her face as tears dripped down her cheeks. The rest of the table resumed their conversation and dinner as if nothing had happened; Hannah wasn’t even sure if Evan had stopped his story during her ordeal as if this were just another day. She couldn’t bring herself to move; she had never pooped herself before, and being forced to in front of her new family was mortifying. Given what it may do to her tummy, Hannah had no desire to finish her food.

“Hannah, good girls finish their food.” Mommy piped up as she realized Hannah wasn’t eating. 

Hannah couldn’t meet the woman's eyes, still beyond humiliated. “I’m not hungry anymore, Mommy, " she said softly, Emily glancing at her with panic.

Mommy shook her head, “Hannah, finish your food.” Her voice was cold, and her fork was set down as she prepared to stand.

Hesitantly, Hannah continued to eat despite her twisting guts, which told her not to. Mommy relaxed, resuming eating but watching her closely. There wasn’t much left of her food anything, thankfully. The juice bottle had to be well over a liter; it was massive! Hannah’s tummy swelled uncomfortable as she finally got the last drops of juice, groaning. Her hands, face, bottle, and tray were covered in cheese despite her best attempts to stay clean. She felt a twinge in her bladder; Naomi appeared again and smiled; ‘just let it go, silly! There is no reason to hold; good girls don’t hold it.’ She giggled, and Hannah could picture the girl wetting herself. Hannah sighed; she didn’t have a good reason to hold it anyway, so she relaxed, letting her bladder soak into her padding again. As it had before, she could feel it swirling between her legs, running between them, mixing before being soaked up by her thirsty diaper. ‘Such a good baby.’ Naomi thought, giggling.

Having finished dinner, Mommy stood, smiling down at Hannah. “It looks like someone enjoyed her food! You got more of it on you than in you!” She giggled, taking wet wipes and cleaning Hannah’s face and hands. 

Hannah wanted to point out to her that it was Mommy’s fault that she was this messy, but didn’t think it best to torment the woman further as Mommy turned and repeated the process with Emily. “I’m going to get the girls a bath if you want to watch some cartoons with Evan,” Mommy said to Daddy, who nodded, Evan squealing with joy. 

Mommy undid the straps and lifted Hannah into her arm, purposely supporting her with her now full diaper and squishing the mess. She made Hannah squirm as Emily joined her in Mommy’s other arm. Mommy hummed softly as she carried the two girls down the hall, pushing open a door nearly halfway down and entering the bathroom.

As Mommy carried Hannah and Emily into the bathroom, the door slid open with a soft switch, revealing a room just as sleepy and polished as the rest of the apartment yet thoughtfully designed. The soft, warm lighting reflected off the smooth, glossy surfaces, giving the space a calming glow. The walls were a silky, creamy white, their polished texture reflecting the light in a subtle, soothing fashion, while the floor was made of cool, smooth stone tiles, their pale gray surface offering a soft contrast to the rest of the room.

To the left, the large tub immediately caught Hannah’s attention. It was deep and wide; its curved edges sleep and modern, with a control panel embedded into the side to regular temperature and water flow. Above the tub, a frosted window let in diffused natural light, its surface casting soft shadows across the room, bathing everything in a serene, dreamlike glow. Though obscured for privacy, the window hinted at the towering cityscape outside, making the room feel like a peaceful oasis in the sky. The tub had a few adorable touches: a soft pastel-colored bath mat sat beside it, and a row of colorful, floating bath toys hung from the side. 

On the opposite wall, a sleep vanity stretched along the side, its surface pristine and minimalist. A wide mirror was framed with soft, glowing light, making the space feel expansive. The countertop was smooth and seamless, with only a few baby-sized essentials neatly arranged in one corner. A white stool, perfectly placed at the vanity, was big enough for a tall little to sit at the sink or reach the potty without assistance from Mommy or Daddy. Beneath the vanity, drawers glided smoothly, storing everything from lotions and creams to towels and bath toys.

To the side of the vanity, the toilet sat in its sleep, compact design, but what made it special was the small, pastel potty seat attached on top. The seat was soft, with gentle padding for comfort, and its cute, simple design felt ideally suited to Hannah’s tiny form. It made the otherwise modern, futuristic room feel warm and personal. Next to the toilet was the changing table, its design matching the rest of the apartment, sleek, efficient, and elegant. The table was padded with a soft, pastel-colored mat, and just beneath it were neatly organized drawers filled with diapers, wipes, and baby essentials. Everything was within easy reach, and the layout was designed for easy access. Above the changing table, a soft nightlight glowed gently. It was a warm, comforting light that cut off as the overhead lights came on.

Hannah found herself neatly deposited on the changing table, sitting against the wall as Mommy laid Emily down, strapping her in place and immediately tending to her diaper, pulling it open, and setting it to work with wet wipes. Hannah blushed and turned away, but Mommy once again said, “It’s okay, baby girl. Take a look. This is what a good girl looks like.” 

Hannah felt shame and a mild curiosity and desire as she glanced back at Emily, staring up at the ceiling with a thumb in her mouth. Hannah felt a stirring within her, seeing the girl like this, her diaper open for all to see, for Hannah to see just how much it had been filled, her ABDL side stirring and turning her on despite her desire to stay in control. Mommy had expert fingers and quickly had Emily cleaned up, removing the soiled diaper before stripping her completely naked, her tiny tits coming into view as she was sat up, there on the table. Hannah squirmed, trying to contain herself and forcing her eyes away in shame as she felt Mommy lifting her and laying her in Emily’s spot.

At this point, Hannah realized that Mommy had meant to bathe both simultaneously. She felt a flush fill her face, amplified by the shame that filled her as her wet and messy diaper was pulled open. Mommy grinned, “Such a big present you made for Mommy! I’m very proud of you, baby. You were a good girl.” 

Hannah shuttered, her eyes fogging before refocusing. She felt Mommy begin to work her clean with the wet wipes. She kept her eyes staring at the ceiling as she thought the mess was being cleaned away. Mommy was an expert, getting every nook and cranny to ensure Hannah didn’t get a rash, double-checking her work. Hannah felt a finger sliding between her lips, making sure there was nothing left of her accident. Despite having been humiliated, she was still a bit turned on at the whole ordeal, seeing Emily change, her naked form just above her, watching Hannah have herself changed, Mommy’s fingers working her clean. As her fingers passed through her slit, she heard a gasp, “Baby girl!” Mommy stated, bringing forth her fingers, which were slick with Hannah’s juices.

Mommy shook her head, glaring, “Babies do NOT have naughty thoughts, bad baby! I was already going to spank you for not listening to Mommy earlier, but now you earned even more spankings.”

Before Hannah could even process this, she felt Mommy flip her over onto her tummy, the strap now going across her back, pinning her down, and suddenly Mommy’s hand began spanking her exposed rear. Hannah yelped in surprise, squirming and jumping from the first few smacks; it hurt! The woman’s hands were so big, and it stung! She targeted Hannah’s rear and upper thighs, alternating in rapid succession. It didn’t take long for Hannah to begin crying out, begging for mercy, tears leaking from her eyes. It wasn’t a long spanking, not for a first-time offense, but it left Hannah drained and crying from both shame and pain as she was turned back over onto her back, her outfit stripped, and leaving her naked.

“Now, what do you say to Mommy?” Mommy asked, leaving Hannah to buck naked on the table.

“I’m sorry, Mommy,” Hannah said between sobs.

“You’re sorry, and thank me for correcting your behavior.” Mommy added.

Hannah was too numb and shocked to say otherwise. “I’m sorry, Mommy. Thank you for correcting me.” 

Mommy smiled, her thumb wiping Hannah’s tears away, “You are very welcome, pumpkin; Mommy will teach you to be the best baby you can be.”

Mommy pressed a button on a panel behind Hannah, and the tub began filling immediately, warm water gushing like a waterfall. “Now, would you two like some bubbles?” she asked.

Emily nodded, allowing Hannah to regain her senses again. She sniffled, “Yes, please, Mommy!”

A second button was pressed, and suds formed on the tub's surface as it filled. It rapidly reached the target fill level, allowing both girls to sit comfortably without worrying about slipping underneath. Mommy scooped them up, one at a time, depositing both girls into the sudsy water.

Hannah was still sniffling but had to admit that the water felt fantastic; a warm, soothing embrace enveloped and relaxed her. The suds tingled, almost tickling her, making her want to squirm and giggle as Emily had the moment she was added to the water. Mommy put a few bath toys into the water: a bucket, a mill, a few ducks, and a boat, all in cute pastel colors. Emily giggled, took a toy, and began playing in the suds; she glanced at Hannah, a pointed look, and looked at the toys. It was clear what she was trying to tell Hannah, and she could feel Mommy looming overhead, staring her down. Hannah reluctantly scooped up the boat and began to play. The suds did feel good, and playing only amplified this, making her want to play more. The tension in Mommy relaxed as she set to work sudsing Emily’s hair, working the baby-safe shampoo into it, and rinsing it before repeating the process with Hannah.

The warm waters, combined with the playful nature of the bubbles, let Hannah relax a bit, trying desperately to forget the redness of her rear. The bath didn’t take long; Mommy finished with their hair and scrubbed both girls clean with a wash rag, the shame of which burned Hannah’s cheeks significantly as Mommy plunged the rag between Hannah’s legs. With that, Mommy hit a button, and the bath began to drain; she took Emily’s hands and helped her stand, letting the girl lean against her arm as she took a handheld nozzle and washed the suds from Emily’s body. She stood, leaving Hannah in a now nearly empty bath. She wrapped Emily in a towel and set her on the floor before turning to Hannah.

Hannah felt Mommy stand her up, letting her lean against her arm as Emily had done and felt the warm waters washing the suds away. As much as the bubbles had been lovely, it felt good to feel their ticklish fingers drain away. Moments later, she was nestled in Mommy’s arm, wrapped in a thick cloth towel. In Mommy’s other arm, the two girls were carried back to the nursery; Emily sat down in the play area as Hannah was laid on the changing table, the towel removed, and the strap pulled across her chest. 

“Normally, I would give you a frowny face sticker for the day, but it was your first day, and you did very well in training, baby girl,” Mommy said, holding up a sticker and handing it to Hannah. It wasn’t a frowny face or a smiley, a neutral expression. “Add it to your chart, hun.” Even from this perspective, Hannah could reach up and press it into place, mimicking the day Mommy had put for Emily. “Don’t worry, honey; Mommy has special diapers for you to keep those naughty thoughts away,” Mommy said, holding up a diaper she had removed from the shelves below.

This diaper was pale purple. Small locks ran down the center that served as wetness indicators but were otherwise blank. Hannah studied the garment curiously but only had moments to ponder as Mommy pinned her ankles together, lifted her bum, and slid the diaper underneath. Hannah did NOT want any diaper that would effectively serve as a chastity device if that was what Mommy intended. “Please, Mommy, I’ll be good; I don’t need that diaper,” she whined.

Mommy smiled, “I know you’ll be good, baby, because this diaper will make certain of it!” she pinched Hannah’s cheek playfully, adding a healthy layer of baby powder before pinning the diaper over Hannah’s crotch.

As the diaper came up between her legs, Hannah felt it was somehow even thicker than the one she had been wearing before. The warmth of her spanking radiated within the diaper, reminding her of her punishment. The most curious part was that as Mommy pinned the tapes, she felt the diaper harden. What in the world? Mommy stood there like a proud parent, letting Hannah explore this new sensation. As she squirmed, the diaper followed suit, just as you would expect, but when Hannah ran her fingers across its surface, all she could feel was a hard plastic, her skin below utterly oblivious to her touch. Even the hem of the diaper around her legs and over her tummy seemed to mold to her form, completely cutting off access for Hannah to get a hand inside. Hannah realized that no matter how hard she tried, she would never be able to get off in this thing, and the shame burned her cheeks.

Having let Hannah explore, Mommy unclipped the strap holding Hannah and sat the girl up, working a onesie over her head and into place. The onesie was blue, with little moons and sheep dancing across its surface. Mommy laid Hannah back, connecting the buttons between her legs before pulling the girl into her lap. “Don’t worry, Mommy’s got you!” she chirped, her fingers going to Hannah’s nipples, to her surprise.

But, as Mommy tried to play with them, she felt the onesie rebuff her advances, that same hard plastic forming around Hannah’s breasts, protecting her from any pleasure she may feel. Hannah felt a shard of panic as she realized just how much control this woman had over her; that knowing grin chased Hannah as she was deposited in the crib, and she returned to dress Emily for the night.

The crib mattress was softer than she expected, molding to her form and cradling her with the perfect firmness. The crib blankets were also incredibly smooth, and Hannah had to resist the urge to wrap herself in one immediately. Hannah continued to explore the crib, feeling its surface, enjoying the feeling as Emily was deposited next to her, Mommy holding something towards Hannah.

She glanced up to see her Teddy being held towards her. Its friendly face instantly brought her comfort, a sort of anchor back to reality. Teddy seemed to have grown a bit, or instead, Hannah shrunk as she grabbed the stuffed bear, pulling it into a long hug, “Teddy!” she exclaimed, burrowing her face into its fur, enjoying the familiar scent of home. 

Mommy smiled warmly, “I think you two have some chatting to do before bed; why don’t you catch Hannah up on what it means to be a good girl, Em?” 

“Okay, Mommy,” Emily replied, but the woman was already leaving the room.

Hannah glanced up from her bear to see Emily in a similar outfit to hers: a purple onesie, a purple diaper bulging around her crotch, and her hands no longer encased in mittens. “Was it everything you dreamed of?” Emily asked, sarcasm dripping from her words.

Hannah shook her head, sitting up, “I knew it was going to be a lot, but I hoped, I dreamed, it would be easier, less intense, I didn’t know…” Hannah trailed off.

“Just how far they would go?” Emily gently added, earning her a nod, “I didn’t either; I thought it was going to be fun, you know? Live out my wildest dreams; the first time I wet and pooped, I freaking orgasmed and then ended up in those diapers for over a week. She didn’t even spank me; she just put me on a liquid diet until I just became numb to both and didn’t associate pleasure anymore with either.” she glanced away, seemingly ashamed.

“How long have you been here?” Hannah asked.

Emily glanced at the calendar, squinting, “Just over three weeks now; it feels like a lifetime.” 

Three whole weeks?! Hannah could see it in Emily’s eyes, just how long those weeks had been to her, “Why did you come here?” Hannah asked curiously.

Emily chuckled, “Judging from your reaction, same as you, I was, err, am, an ABDL, thought this place was going to be a dream come true, and now I’m freaking trapped here.”

“Trapped, what do you mean?” Hannah asked curiously.

It had been as if Mommy was listening, for as soon as she voiced the question, the woman came in. “Alrighty, my babies, time for nini time!” she cooed, leaning over the railing and pulling back the blankets, ushering both girls under them as she tucked Hannah and Emily in for the night. She produced a pacifier for each girl, deftly placing it between her lips as Hannah was forced to nurse it.

The pacifier’s bulb was more significant than anything she had back home, comfortably filling her mouth; she felt a tingling as she nursed. She wanted to spit it out but waited until Mommy left the room. Mommy leaned down, tucking Teddy into Hannah’s arms before kissing her goodnight and Emily. “You two sleep well, okay?” she said, leaving and turning out the lights and shutting the door behind her, a nightlight’s soft glow illuminating the room.

Hannah lay there momentarily, listening to the woman's footsteps retreat before pulling the pacifier out and letting it drop to the crib. “What do you mean?” she tried to ask again. Still, it was as if her tongue had gone numb, uncoordinated, as if she had been filled with novocaine. All that came out was a mumbled mess, sounding like babble more than anything. 

Hannah yelped, her fingers going to her mouth in a panic. She felt Emily behind her, patting her back and mumbling words herself, saying, ‘It’s okay.’ But Hannah could have been just guessing. 

Hannah began to cry softly, “I don’t want this! I don’t want to become a genuine baby!” she whimpered, her words wholly unrecognizable and mumbled as she turned, holding Teddy and curling into Emily.

Emily wrapped an arm around Hannah, holding and patting her back as the two girls drifted asleep. The day's events finally caught up to her and knocked Hannah out, nestled in Emily’s arms.

End of Chapter 7