Logan Scott Logan Scott

Crossing Realms, Chapter 4: Mommy’s Milk

Between Realms, a Crossing Worlds, diaper dimension novella by SolaraScott

Ash cried out as the fleshy orb was forced into her face, the leaking tit pressed into her lips, her instincts taking over and latching on. She wanted to cry; she tried to show frustration and anger but could do neither as whatever programming they had forced into her head took control. Her mouth filled with sweet, warm, thick milk. Sarah stroked her hair and came down at Ash as she helplessly nursed. 

Ash wanted to scream, her anger building inside her as she was forced to drink. Yet, the more she drank, the more her body relaxed, the more her thoughts slowed, her vision fading. Before she knew it, Ash's body had gone limp, her muscles completely relaxed; she wasn't even aware of the fact her diaper was swelling as she wet and pooped herself. She was vaguely aware of Sarah praising her, swapping breasts, and finally burping Ash, but she was too out of it to notice. 

Sarah cradled Ash, holding her to her chest, Ash's tummy bursting with the quantity of milk she had consumed. Sarah moved about the apartment, holding Ash as she did chores and tidied up. It took Ash several long minutes, perhaps half an hour before she began to come to. She groaned; her thoughts felt as if they were molasses, slow of mind and unresponsive. 

Sarah cooed down at her, tickling her, saying something that Ash couldn't comprehend yet. Mercifully, with a lot of concentration, Ash was able to decipher the words. 

“How's my baby doing? Did you enjoy your first feeding?” Sarah asked. 

Ash grunted in response, her tongue sluggish; she had to speak slowly in order not to babble, “What did you do to me?” She asked. 

Sarah giggled, “I fed you, silly!” Making Ash roll her eyes. “Nu-uh, none of that; you’re a baby now, no eye rolling at Mommy.” Said, flipping Ash over and delivering several firm spankings to Ash’s rear.

The spanking didn't hurt; it was more humiliating than anything as she was returned to Sarah's arm. “What did you do to me?” Ash asked again, trying to clear the fog. 

“You mean Mommy's milk?” Sarah giggled, “I bounded you; you’re my baby now. With your implant, nursing will help you assume your natural place, a perfect baby girl for me.” She leaned in, grinning, “One that can never run away, that can never escape, or even complain, the perfect baby.” 

Ash felt a shiver coursing through her body, tears leaking from her eyes, “Please, don't do this.” She cried. 

“Do what, silly?” Sarah asked, “I already punished you for being naughty, and you are enrolled for daycare tomorrow! Aren't you excited? You got your step-down program and everything!”

Ash began to cry in earnest, especially as she felt the contents of her tummy shift and her body pushed off its own accord, filling the seat of her diaper even more. Sarah grinned, pressing a pacifier into Ash’s mouth and holding it with a finger. 

Ash's body immediately began to nurse the pacifier, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't force her body to remove it. The pacifier tasted sweet and coated in something. She felt her body going limp, her tears drying. Sarah grinned, “There we go, much better. I don't even need a locking pacifier with you!” She teased, returning Ash to the crook of her arm as she continued working around the house. 

Ash saw everything; she could still feel and think clearly now that the effects of the milk had lifted, but she was helpless to do anything. She could move her arms and legs somewhat, a sort of squirming, but Sarah easily held onto her, shifting her arm to arm or to her hip as if she were a genuine baby. Eventually, Sarah slowed her work, stepping into the bathroom and stripping Ash nude. 

Sarah pulled Ash’s pacifier as she filled the tube. Ash felt an immense sense of shame laying there on the changing table, fully nude, her hands begrudgingly obeying her commands to cover herself. 

Having filled the tub, Sarah turned back to Ash with a grin. “Playing with yourself, baby girl?” She asked, knowing full well that wasn't what Ash was doing, “Here, let Mommy help.”

To Ash’s utter shock and embarrassment, Sarah swatted her hands away, and Ash suddenly felt Sarah's fingers atop her sex. She swiftly parted Ash’s lips, her fingers playing with her clit and pushing deeply into her, curling and enticing her g-spot. Ash gasped, more in surprise than anything and as a guttural reaction to such an intrusion. 

Ash's face flushed deeply, but what was far, far more concerning was what she felt. She felt no arousal whatsoever; it was as if Sarah were touching her arm or leg; there was no pleasure, no desire, and the hormones that should be flooding Ash’s system simply were not there. Ash felt absolutely no sexual arousal or pleasure, confusion clouding her face. Sarah watched Ash’s expression, grinning as the girl came to the realization and understanding.

“You aren't even wet, not excited, baby girl? Of course, you aren't! You are far, far too young for such feelings, so Mommy made certain you wouldn't be distracted by such stuff. You aren't a young woman anymore, just Mommy's baby.” Sarah said, her fingers plunging deeply into Ash, making her squirm. 

No matter what Sarah did, even fingering Ash’s rear, playing with her tits, there was nothing, an empty void that Ash knew should contain something, some feeling, but there wasn't any. She found herself crying as Sarah stopped her teasing, adding the crying girl to the warm waters of the tub, washing her. How could Sarah do this to her? She was a grown woman! Not a baby! 

“Isn't it great? No distractions from the big girl you pretended to be; you can focus full-time on being a baby now.” Sarah was saying nothing. She comforted Ash. 

Ash continued to weep as Sarah washed her hair, rinsed her, and dried her off. She didn't even bother taking Ash to the nursery, dressing her in a thick diaper there in the bathroom and carrying her into her bedroom. She plopped a pacifier in Ash's mouth, “It's Nini time, baby; you get to sleep with Mommy tonight.” She said, stripping herself nude and climbing under the covers with Ash held to her breast. 

Ash squirmed, feeling herself growing weak, her head pressed against Sarah's chest; she could hear the girl's breathing and heartbeat. That, combined with the events of the day and whatever coated the stupid pacifier, had Ash drifting off to sleep as she felt her diaper growing warm yet again. 

Ash groaned as she came too; she was still pressed to Sarah's chest, the pacifier in her mouth, and her limbs felt weak. Squirming, she could tell her diaper had swollen during the night, and from what she could feel, she had pooped herself as well. Ash sighed, trying to force herself to a seated position, but it just wasn't possible to do so in this position with Sarah's arms holding her. 

Apparently, her squirming woke Sarah, and she felt her pacifier being removed and her head positioned. Ash only had a moment to comprehend what was happening before a milk-laden bottle was forced into her mouth, and she began nursing. 

“There we go, such a good girl.” Sarah praised her, resting back and half drifting off as Ash suckled. 

As it had before, Ash felt her mind going numb, her muscles weak and jelly-like as her body nursed thoroughly against Ash’s desires. She was vaguely aware of the fact she was filling her diaper again, Sarah's hand beneath her bum, patting it lovingly. 

Ash drained both breasts, her tummy achingly full as Sarah stood and got her changed into a fresh diaper. Ash's eyes were still glazed over, her thoughts slow and sluggish as Sarah carried her to the kitchen, depositing her in a pack-and-play as she served herself breakfast and coffee. 

Ash lay there, staring at the ceiling as the smells of breakfast washed across her. They seemed almost too intense and too strong, leaving a soft, bitter taste in her mouth. The thought of eating some of Sarah's breakfast was churning her stomach. Had they done something to Ash’s senses, too? She groaned at the thought. 

Sarah, apparently having read Ash’s mind, leaned over the pack and played, grinning down at her, “Want to try?” She asked, pressing the end of a piece of bacon into Ash’s mouth. 

It was as Ash feared; the taste was beyond anything she had tried before, as if a salt bomb had gone off in her mouth, flavor scalding her mouth; she spits, coughing and desperately trying to clear her mouth of the awful flavor, Sarah chuckling. “That was more effective than I thought… it's only Mommy's milk or formula for you, baby girl.” She informed Ash. 

Ash wanted to cry, sniffling, silent tears rolling down her cheeks. She felt her tummy gurgle, her face scrunching, still too weak to roll over as her legs lifted and she pooped herself. 

“Poopy face!” Sarah exclaimed, “Such a good girl! Mommy is proud of you.” 

Ash groaned; her mess was growing softer and filling her diapers quickly, likely a product of a liquid diet. She feared how much worse it would get if she didn't get back to normal soon. 

Finishing breakfast, Sarah scooped Ash up, her hand cupping Ash’s bum, mushing the mess around as she carried Ash into the nursery. Ash was dressed in a short, ruffled dress that came down to her tummy; simple ruffled bloomers pulled up and over her diaper. 

Ash began to whine, realizing she wasn't going to be changed, “Come on, Sarah, please don't leave me like this.” 

Sarah shot Ash a harsh look, turning the girl over and spanking her exposed upper thighs. “That's Mommy to you, baby, and you need to get used to being in a poopy diaper. I was going to change you at the school, but now you'll have to wait. Babies do not ask to be changed. Say, Yes, Mommy, and apologize.”

Ash groaned; Sarah's swats hurt more than they had yesterday, and when she didn't respond quickly enough, she yelped as she was smacked again. “Yes, Mommy, sorry, Mommy.” She muttered. 

This only earned her another few smacks, Ash’s skin starting to turn pink, her discomfort proliferating, “Now, like you mean it, and why are you sorry.” Sarah ordered. 

Ash whimpered, “I'm sorry, Mommy, for whining about being changed.”

“Better,” Sarah responded, turning Ash back over and scooping her into her arms. 

Ash was carried into Sarah's room and deposited on the bed, a pacifier shoved in her mouth. This one didn't have any effects on Ash apart from silencing her as Sarah changed. She did so right there in front of Ash; watching her, she grinned widely as she pulled her panties into place, letting the waistband snap back against her skin. 

Ash's stomach groaned, and she felt her bladder give way, the soft hiss filling the room. Sarah laughed, “Ohh yes, you are right where you belong.” 

Dressed, Sarah scooped Ash up, slinging a diaper bag over her shoulder and leaving the room. As she got up to the front door, the caregiver of the facility stepped up, glancing over Ash, “How was her first night?” She asked Sarah. 

“Good. She only asked to be changed twice. She was punished both times, and she's latching on, no problem.” Sarah responded with a grin. 

“Good.” The caregiver said it was an older Amazon woman.

The woman's hands went to Sarah's pants, pulling them down and earning her a yelp in surprise as her panties were inspected. ‘At Least that was a commonality between Tweener homes, ’ Ash thought to herself. 

“Only a little wet; I can't let you go out in panties, especially if you are going to the school; you know the risks; give me the baby and get a pull-up on.” The caregiver said, hoisting Ash from Sarah's arms.

Sarah seemed mortified but knew better than to argue, pulling her pants and undies off, taking the pro-offered pull, and pulling it into place. The caregiver bounced Ash, playing with her hair before inspecting Sarah's new undergarments and offering Ash back. “You'll be inspected when you get back; IF you are dry, I'll give your panties back.”

Sarah nodded, embarrassed, “Yes, Miss Smith.” She responded before stepping out into the hallway.

Ash couldn't help but giggle; seeing Sarah knocked down a peg was good for her mental health. Sarah shot Ash a glance and grinned, “Oh, was that funny, huh? You forget who's in charge here. Ashley, make poopies for Mommy, now.”

Ash's grin immediately faded as she was chastised, and even more so as she heard the command and felt her body push. There was nothing she could do to fight back as she helplessly pooped herself in Sarah's arms, the girl's hand caressing Ash’s bum, “See? This is what you are, just a baby, nothing more; never forget that.” She said, carrying Ash to the taxi stations. 

Ash grimaced, trying to stay still in Sarah's arms; she was mortified to have done that right there for all to see. Even more so at being forced to. Luckily, the trip to the school was quick, Sarah having strapped Ash into the car seat tightly, spreading the mess.

They arrived at the school, students flowing from cars as they stopped, being checked in by school workers who then took them inside to their respective classes. Sarah stepped up to one, holding Ash lovingly. The worker smiled at them, “Why hello there, cutie! Let's see, Ashley, is it? Hi Ashley, my name's Miss Lilly; let's get you settled.”

End of Chapter 3

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